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which of the following are primary producers

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26 Mar

which of the following are primary producers

b. Heterotrophic. 33) Use the following figure to answer the question. 3. A. Oak tree Plants are the primary producer in an ecosystem as they produce biomass with the help of photosynthesis from inorganic compounds. 14) Use the following figure to answer the question. If a fox eats a rodent that ate a smaller insect that ate a plant, the fox is a(n). The genes shows independent assortment. 10) Which of the following organisms is correctly paired with its trophic level? Members of which of the following groups can be single-celled producers? In a food chain, there are no secondary producers. II. By using fossil fuels we are destroying a nonrenewable resource. A harmful algal bloom is fast-growing and affects animal, human and environmental health. Organisms that are not producers are called consumers as they consumer other organism (plants or animals) in order to get food. Energy is neither created nor destroyed; therefore, it is fully transferred to each trophic level. more similar questions D) D Secondary consumers Decomposers Primary consumers Producer Get the answers you need, now! Would you characterize Euglena as algae, protozoan, or fungus like protists? In some cases these nutrients are then stored and only released slowly in anticipation of the next rain event. Choose ONE of the following prompts :Prompt 1: Using at least 5 sentences, explain the difference between primary and secondary succession. Which statement best describes what ultimately happens to the chemical energy that is NOT converted to new biomass in the process of energy transfer between trophic levels in anecosystem? The sons would be :-. B) the increase in the total temperature across the continents Primary producers support the primary consumers in an ecosystem. Why is energy lost when herbivores eat primary producers? (d) Bacteria. C) region A) rate of decomposition of detritus This tends to coincide with the movement of the algae into the ocean as the bottom ice level melts. B) Canada 12) Matter may be gained by, or lost from, ecosystems. In my new hybrid role, I am the sole producer of volleyball home events, in addition to co-producing both men's and women's basketball games. ; The amount of energy observed at a trophic level decreases when moving through an ecosystem. D) only II, III, and IV 63) The discipline that applies ecological principles to returning degraded ecosystems to a more natural state is known as, 64) Nitrifying bacteria participate in the nitrogen cycle mainly by. a. Archaea b. Animalia c. Bacteria d. Eukarya, Prokaryotes such as E. coli a. Animalia b. Bacteria c. Viruses d. Protista e. Fungi f. None of the above, The kingdom Protista is a diverse group. |>1 | | |. Which of the following is not a kingdom in the Eucarya? Because these organisms require sunlight to process nutrients, they live on or near the surface of the soil. C) symbiotic. Which one of the reserves Organisms at the top of the chain eventually die and are then consumed by decomposers, which fix the nitrogen levels and provide the organic material necessary for the next generation of primary producers. 67) Which of the following would be considered an example of bioremediation? They live in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and produce carbohydrates necessary for those higher up in the food chain to survive. A) only I Protists are all alike in that all are: A) autotrophic. A) recycle chemical elements directly back to primary consumers 68) If you applied a fungicide to a cornfield, what would you expect to happen to the rate of decomposition and net ecosystem production (NEP)? C) only I, II, and IV There, phytoplankton take carbon dioxide and water from their surroundings, and they can use energy from the sun to create carbohydrates through the process known as photosynthesis. a. giant kelp (Kingdom Protista) b. What percentage of visible light striking a plant is converted into chemical energy? I. changes in geographic ranges Which of the following is a kingdom and not also a domain? a. are multicelled b. form flagellated spores c. are heterotrophs d. produce multicellular fruiting bodies, What ecological role is played by cyanobacteria? D) unicellular. Heat is emitted as infrared radiation, and some of it is retained in the atmosphere, decreasing Carnivores eat only animals, but omnivores eat . It is eliminated as feces or released as heat to satisfy the second law of thermodynamics. Which of these ecosystems has the highest net primary productivity per square meter annually? (D) net primary productivity and the amount of energy available to consumers, Approximately what percentage of the energy from sunlight is converted into gross primary. a. Photosynthetic producers that make sugar and pump oxygen into the atmosphere. label each plant/animal with one of the following labels: primary producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer or tertiary consumer. D) Nutrient cycling rates tend to be limited by decomposition. A) increase in asphalt and concrete surfaces Which of the following do plants and animals have in common? We design and produce handmade, high-end, luxury furniture made of the best-selected walnut and olive wood with the highest quality epoxy . They are both autotrophic. 23) Suppose you are studying the nitrogen cycling between vegetation, sediments, and water in a pond ecosystem over the course of a month. Hydrothermal micro-organisms thrive in the waters around chimneys or black smokers that form from the iron sulfide deposits left by hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor. Question 10. Organisms in all trophic levels above the primary producers are called. a. fossilized plant and animal remains (coal, oil, and natural gas) most of the energy taken in by organisms does not continue to the next level of the food chain. Which one of the following characteristics is shared by all of its members? Why are food chains relatively short? (a) Fungi (b) Eukarya (c) Archaea (d) Protists. 34) How does inefficient transfer of energy among trophic levels result in the typically high endangerment status of many top-level predators? What could you do to eliminate error in your study as a result of this event? B. herbivores at the bottom, carnivores in the middle, and primary producers at the top. B) the percentage of production transferred from one trophic level to the next Producers of the telecast said Thursday that the music superstar will sing "Lift Me Up" from "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever." "Lift Me Up," with music by Tems, Rihanna, Ryan Coogler [] This is necessary to sustain life as the species' populations get smaller as you go further up the food chain. Producers are the foundation of every food web in every ecosystemthey occupy what is called the first tropic level of the food web. What is the limiting portion of the cycle for plants? Someone who actively or passively invests in real estate is called a real estate . If the genes are present on the same chromosome, they undergo more than one crossing over in every meiosis. A. Eukarya B. Bacteria C. Archaea D. Plants and animals are in different domains E. Protista, (Choose all that apply) Fungi are A) Eukaryotes B) Prokaryotes C) Multicellular organisms D) Photosynthetic. B) at each step, energy is lost from the system B) geography This requires both chemical and light energy, the latter which they obtain from the slight radioactive glow emitted by geothermally heated rocks. Primary consumers are those organisms which feeds on producers. Which one of the following actions would increase the net primary productivity of the area the most? Some examples would be deer, tortoise, and elephants. A) biome What would happen to the new lawn of bacteria after several days? C) species richness Producers are organisms capable of creating simple carbohydrates such as glucose, from gaseous carbon dioxide. IV. a. Protista b. This non-linear set of interactions which shows the complex flow of energy in nature is more easily visualized in the following diagram. D) glaciers C) nutrient runoff II. D) Only a small portion of the energy captured by producers is transferred to consumers. The remains of plants and animals that is consumed by detritivores is called ___. SURVEY. (C) ones that use nitrogen-containing compounds as an electron acceptor. E) top carnivores and secondary consumers have a more general diet than primary producers, (B) at each step, energy is lost from the system. D) Seal populations are larger than fish populations. I. industrially produced fertilizers sediments and sedimentary rocks B) only II and IV Advertisement Advertisement aless82 aless82 Which of the following factors account for the inefficiency of the rate of photosynthesis? E) Food-chain length is ultimately determined by the photosynthetic efficiency of producers. Eukaryotic, multicellular organisms such as mushrooms a. Animalia b. Bacteria c. Viruses d. Protista e. Fungi f. None of the above, Which of the following groups had the first multicellular members in the history of the Earth? 46) Use the following figure to answer the question. Primary Purpose: Lead the producer and senior leader recruiting strategy in an ongoing effort to discover and acquire top-tier talent. Deforestation and suburbanization reduce an area's net primary productivity. C) Longer chains are less stable and energy transfer between trophic levels is inefficient. changes in phenology can synthesize their food.They provide food, shelter, and O to the consumers. The melting of sea ice in the spring along with the increased availability of sunlight triggers algae production in the Arctic region. 15) Use the following figure to answer the question. The following are primary producers, except: \\ a. Cyanobacteria. (a) Fungi (b) Plantae (c) Bacteria (d) Protista. Bacteria are classified in which of the following domains? When primary producers expend energy to build new tissue, this is _____. A large, green, multicellular, autotrophic organism with cells containing nuclei and other membranous organelles. Other microbes commonly found on smokers include Archaea, which harvest hydrogen gas and release methane and green sulfur bacteria. A) protista B) plants C) fungi D) archaea E) bacteria. B) fungi have cell walls made of chitin. E) may be autotrophic or heterotrophic, (C) convert organic materials from all trophic levels to inorganic compounds usable by primary Which of the following describes how matter moves between producers, consumers, and decomposers in an ecosystem. Some of the energy is reflected, and some is absorbed by the Earth's surface. Why is the following statement confusing and how would you clarify it using metric (SI) units ? Animals, fungi, most protists, and bacteria are: a. autotrophs b. producers c. heterotrophs d. multicellular, Which of the following is not a kingdom? The balanced equation for photosynthesis that is correct, but seldom used, is 6CO 2 + 12H 2 O = C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6H 2 O + 6O 2. Arditi Design is one of the exclusive designers and producers of luxury handmade furniture based in Florida, USA. Primary producers in a terrestrial ecosystem live in and around organic matter. 13) Use the following figure to answer the question. 4. This process of producing organic molecules from inorganic carbon sources is called primary production. E) Fish can potentially provide more food for humans than seal meat. Complete the following assignments for week 3. C) Completing pre-licensing training. B) rivers and lakes D) increases in irrigated agriculture, (C) increased processing of salt water to freshwater, Consider the global nitrogen cycle depicted in the accompanying figure. Red-tailed Hawks prey on mice and prairie kingsnakes . Which of the following is most correct regarding primary producers? |=1 | | | A) A Next rank the relative concentration of DDE in each plant/animal using the following scale: 1 = lowest concentration - 10 = highest concentration. Classification. Choose one or more: A. moss B. viruses C. seaweed D. protists E. lithoautotrophs F. fungi G. cyanobacteria 15 OF 19 QUESTIONS COMPLETED. Photosynthetic organisms are unique to most ecosystems because they. A.) primary productivity, in ecology, the rate at which energy is converted to organic substances by photosynthetic producers (photoautotrophs), which obtain energy and nutrients by harnessing sunlight, and chemosynthetic producers (chemoautotrophs), which obtain chemical energy through oxidation. A) the increase in the total temperature across the oceans Fungi 6. E) 0C, The shift in the peak of caterpillar season is most likely due to ________. C) Basidiomycota. Primary producers are vital to the survival of an ecosystem. Greenhouse gas emissions from transportation primarily come from burning fossil fuel for our cars, trucks, ships, trains, and planes. E) nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Organisms that must rely on complex, high-energy molecules produced by other organisms for survival are. A) Toxic chemicals in the environment pose greater risk to top-level predators than to primary consumers. D) nucleic acids from decomposing plants and animals A) oceans The four levels in this food chain are primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers, and finally decomposers or phytoremediators. Sunlight cannot reach deep on the ocean floor, yet primary producers still thrive there. D) Eventually, the nutrients in soil organic matter are converted to inorganic form. A) net primary productivity B) the amount of energy available to consumers C) maintenance costs D) net primary productivity and the amount of energy available to consumers E) maintenance costs and the amount of energy available to consumers Click card to see definition (D) net primary . They are both heterotrophic. Real estate makes up the largest asset class in the world. Labeling a carnivore as a heterotroph would be correct. Plant roots that held soil particles in place are no longer there. A) Plantae B) Protista C) Bacteria D) Bacteria and protista E) Bacteria and plantae, Which of the following are nonliving microbes? D) global warming E) atmosphere, Which of the following human activities is impacting the water cycle the LEAST? Plantae A. Eukaryotic, multicellular organisms that make their own food. There tends to be a greater diversity of organisms where the two meet. Producers c. Cyanobacteria d. Algae e. Autotrophs, Photosynthetic organisms are found in which domain: a. Archaea b. Bacteria c. Eukarya d. a and b e. b and c, Eukaryotic, multicellular organisms such as mammals a. Animalia b. Bacteria c. Viruses d. Protista e. Fungi f. None of the above, All of the following are examples of eukaryotic microorganisms except: \\ Amoebas \\ Actinobacterias \\ Stramenopilas \\ Trypanosomas \\ Yeasts \\ Algae, Which of the following organisms are categorized as macro-organisms: a) Human beings b) Fungi c) Bacteria d) Algae, Eukaryotic, multicellular organisms that make their own food a. Animalia b. Bacteria c. Viruses d. Protista e. Fungi f. None of the above. contains the smallest percentage of global water? C) algal beds and reefs Which type of organism uses water, carbon dioxide, and energy from the sun to make its own food? Members of which of the following are the major primary producers in the marine ecosystem? A. First-order heterotrophs B. Third-order heterotrophs C. Producers D. None of the Above, What is another term for autotroph? A) I B) only II and IV Which of the following is primarily responsible for this limitation? Final answer: Decomposers are the largest population in a food chain. View the full answer. |<1 | | | Chemical elements are repeatedly used, but energy passes through and between ecosystems. Which of the following terms apply to plants rather than the Kingdom Fungi? Which Kingdom consists of organisms that are major decomposers of the living world? plants are more abundant in ecosystems. B) only II C) increased processing of salt water to freshwater List, in order, the steps of the scientific method. Which of the following is an example of a group of prokaryotic organisms? E) Australia, Which of the following have contributed to the increase in the emission of CO2? See Page 1. About how much of the chemical energy fixed by photosynthesis of the grass (100 percent) is available to the hawk? Therefore, they for the base of any food chain. I. 51) Use the following figure to answer the question. A) only I and III Which of the following best describes the fate of the unconverted energy? atmosphere C) the increase in the average temperature of the whole planet animals cannot produce their own food. Select the correct answer. Q. Some may discolor the water, have a foul odor or make the water or fish taste bad, but not be toxic. I. terrestrial ecosystems All plants are primary producers since they make their own food (glucose). While primary consumers are always herbivores; organisms that only feed on autotrophic plants, secondary consumers can be carnivores or omnivores. B) sedimentary bedrock They use the chemical energy found in the minerals of the hot spring to create hydrogen sulfide. Which of the following locations is the main reservoir for nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle? What is the reason for this seeming contradiction? B) only II IV. E) only I, II, and III, Consider the global water cycle depicted in the accompanying figure. Nutrients are attached to small particles of sand or clay that leave the watershed. For example, if 1,000 kilocalories of energy are present at the primary producer level, one-tenth of this energy (about 100 kilocalories) is passed to the primary consumers in the next level. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Following is a summary of the essential functions . Occupy what is called ___ available to the consumers the net primary productivity the... Bacteria are classified in which of the following figure to answer the question elements are repeatedly used, but be. The global water cycle the least from, ecosystems, ecosystems transfer of observed! A domain one of the following would be deer, tortoise, and primary producers algal. Fuel for our cars, trucks, ships, trains, and III of! In anticipation of the following figure to answer the question the world is ultimately by! These nutrients are attached to small particles of sand or clay that leave the watershed gas! 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which of the following are primary producers