amplify geology on mars evidence cards
Answer the following questions for your sphere, using evidence from the Comparing Rocky Planets Cards. or a whiteboard. Developed by the Learning Design Group at the University of California, Berkeleys Lawrence Hall of Science. In this chapter, you will learn about models and how scientists use them to gather evidence about things that are otherwise difficult to study. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. After you read, discuss what you have read with others to help you better understand the text. Lessons 4-5 Terms in this set (19) Geologic process -an event, or series of events, that causes changes in the geosphere, such as flowing water or flowing lava. Geology on Mars - Amplify DRAFT. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Channel on Earth Formed by Flowing Water 2. Vocabulary habitable rocky planet system Geology on MarsLesson 1.1 5 2018 The Regents of the University of California. Although geologic activity has declined on Mars, evidence has been found of active geology (lava flows, water release) in this era. To write a scientific argument about whether the channel was formed by flowing water or flowing lava, you will need to work together to evaluate the new evidence and decide which claim it best supports. ), 4, and another worksheet to practice modeling atoms. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. You have been asked to investigate a channel on Mars to see if it was formed by flowing water. All rights reserved. Stream Table After Water Has Stopped Flowing 5. Key Concepts Earth, Mars, and other rocky planets can be thought of as systems. 55 Washington Street, Suite 800 Brooklyn, NY 11201 1-800-823-1969 Geology on Mars ISBN: 978-1-64089-548-5 AMP.NA18 Table of Contents 1 3 Safety Guidelines for Science Investigations Geology on Mars Unit Overview 4 Chapter 1: Comparing Earth and Rocky Planets 5 6-7 Chapter Overview 8 Lesson 1.1: Comparing Rocky Planets 9 Vocabulary landform claim model reasoning evidence geologic process Geology on MarsLesson 3.1 37 2018 The Regents of the University of California. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Geology on MarsLesson 1.1Activity 5 2018 The Regents of the University of California. Stream Table Observations 1. 4. All rights reserved. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Channel on Earth Formed by Flowing Water 2. Image of Rock Near the Triangle- Shaped Landform on Mars Curiosity's image of rock near the base of the channel on Mars was an exciting discovery for NASA. GEOLOGY ON MARS Unit 1 - Chapter 1-2 1.2: Observing the Surfaces of Mars and Earth Comparing Rocky Planets Log on to Amplify -Geology on Mars -Chapter 1.2 In a moment, you will watch a video made by other students about the Earth system. All rights reserved. 2. . A scientist who studies the geosphere of planets in our solar system scientific argument a claim supported by evidence Habitable having the conditions necessary to support life Rocky Planet any planet with a solid surface, such as Earth or Mars System a set of interacting parts forming a complex whole Geologic Process 2. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Stream Table Observations: Do Landforms Remain? 3. Vocabulary evidence geologic process landform model 24 Geology on MarsLesson 2.2 2018 The Regents of the University of California. . With student input and referring to pages 8 and 9 of the book, model how to answer the questions about Karen Chin. 1 2 READING Finding Evidence 3 Finding Evidence 35 MIN 5 117th Congress, 1st Session - - - - - - - - - - House Report 117-17 AUTHORIZATION AND OVERSIGHT PLANS FOR ALL HOUSE COMMITTEES _____ BY THE COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND REFORM HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Required by House Rule X, Clause 2) [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] April 15, 2021.--Committed to . B ased on what you know now, do you think the channel on Mars was formed by flowing water or flowing lava? We will be doing 1, 2 (chem reaction sim. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Evaluating New Rock Information (continued) 4. According to the image we can say that flowing of water on the land made the channels on the Mars just like on the earth. The surface of Mars is primarily composed of tholeiitic basalt, although parts are more silica-rich than typical basalt and may be similar to andesitic rocks on Earth or silica glass. They test the slope and small grains of sand at the same time and record the results They test the slope by steadily making it steeper and see how that affects it, then test the size of the sand grains separately at a fixed slope. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Report all spills, accidents, and injuries to your teacher. You can use the Word Bank to help you describe what you see. Based on what youve learned about this channel, do you think space agencies should continue to explore Mars for evidence of past habitability? Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Observing a Flowing Lava Model 1. When you smell a substance, dont put your nose near it. Models represent the natural processes being investigated in important ways, but they are not exactly the same. Units at a glance No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. A system is a set of interacting parts forming a complex whole. Its flat top contains solar cells that provided electricity to run the vehicle. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like atmosphere, biosphere, channel and more. Record your observations about the landforms that remain after the wax has stopped flowing. Think about what's missing. Think about how the Flowing Lava Model was similar to and different than real flowing lava and the landforms it forms on Earth. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. 4. Move carefully and slowly around the classroom. Claim 1 Claim 2 The object is a rock that was moved to that spot. E xamine all visual representations carefully. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Warm-Up In a moment, you will watch a video made by other students about the Earth system. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Scientists are investigating whether Mars has ever been habitable by looking for evidence of past liquid water. Rate how successful you were at using Active Reading skills by responding to the following statement: As I read, I paid attention to my own understanding and recorded my thoughts and questions. Geology on Mars 3 2018 The Regents of the University of California. -other examples include weathering, erosion, deposition, and sedimentation Landform a feature that forms naturally on the surface of a planet, such as a mountain, channel, or sand dune Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Dont taste things. Plants structure of earth plate boundaries Rock Cycle Your goal is to see the world like an Earth Scientist.Use what you to explain new ideas and to solve problems.Earth Scientists question if there is life beyond . Ked Learn. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 20 Geology on MarsLesson 2.1Activity 1 2018 The Regents of the University of California. After you read, discuss what you have read with others to help you better understand the text. Amplify. This is how chemists smell substances. To help you with this, you will also learn about how scientists engage in argumentation to find convincing answers to science questions. Tell your teacher if something spills, if there is an accident, or if someone gets injured. Then, answer the questions below. Science. Discuss and answer the questions below. All rights reserved. Observe the basalt and conglomerate rock samples with your hand lens. -Write (Completed/Finished) 7th grade . Amplify Science: California Discipline Specific Course Model is recommended for adoption for 6-8d because the instructional materials include content as specified in the Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools CA NGSS and meet all the c riteria in C ategory 1 with strengths in c ategories 2 5. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. channel. Key Concepts When landforms on different rocky planets look similar, it is evidence that they may have been formed by the same geologic process. 5. READING WITH A PURPOSE Gerya, the scientist from the "Investigating Landforms on Venus" article wanted to know how the novae on Venus were formed. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Lesson 2.1: Investigating Landforms on Venus How do scientists gather evidence about things they cannot directly observe, such as planets that are far away? Youll begin by exploring an interactive map of Marss surface that is based on 50 years of data from satellites, rovers, and landers. How do you know that she was thinking carefully while reading and trying to understand the article? Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Second Read of Investigating Landforms on Venus Gerya and his team wanted to answer the question What formed the novae on Venus? Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Homework: Reflecting on the Flowing Water Model In this lesson, you used a scientific model to learn more about the geologic process of flowing water. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the Institute or the U.S. Department of Education. What did you learn from the background information about this type of channel? Remember, you are looking at the stream table from above (birds-eye view). Read aloud the questions. Like this book? How was the Flowing Water Model similar to flowing water on Earth? Be calm and careful. 0 likes. Channel on Mars 1. Geology on MarsLesson 3.1Activity 3 New Information About the Channel on Mars Comparing Triangle-Shaped Landforms on Mars and Earth Channel on Mars 1. All rights reserved. Today, youll get to look at evidence that the Curiosity rover collected on the surface of Mars! All rights reserved. Amplify Science Geology on Mars Unit Test by Spirited Science by Elizabeth DeBoo 4.6 (7) $4.00 Zip This test was created to be a supplement to Amplify Science's Geology on Mars Unit. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. A system is a set of interacting parts forming a complex whole. However, Claire's diagram is incomplete. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Warm-Up Read the story about Claire and the puddle, and then answer the questions that follow. All rights reserved. ahsan57900 Flowing of water on the land makes channels on the planet Mars. How can we decide which geologic process formed the channel on Mars? Using your annotations, answer the questions below. All rights reserved. Consider how they go together with the text. Geology on Mars- Amplify Science Digital Bundle by ScherbieScience 5.0 (1) $30.00 $27.00 Bundle Google Slides Geology on Mars- Amplify Science Digital Review!Lesson 1.1- Students are introduced to the idea that other planets could have been habitable once. You can use the Word Bank to help you describe what you see. After you look at the background information card, describe the new information you learned. What is the temperature of this lake? Video created by Ms.Valeria for 6th grade students using Amplify content in Unit 1: Geology on MarsChapter 1 Comparing Rocky PlanetsChapter 2 Using Models as. Along the way, students engage in the practices 4 Geology on MarsChapter 1 2018 The Regents of the University of California. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Ch. 18 Geology on MarsChapter 2 2018 The Regents of the University of California. Match. Unit Question How can we search for evidence that other planets were once habitable? Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Key Concepts Earth, Mars, and other rocky planets can be thought of as systems. Highlight challenging words and add notes to record questions and make connections to your own experience. Claim 2: Flowing lava formed the channel on Mars. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Geology on MarsLesson 1.1Activity 5 9 2018 The Regents of the University of California. What would you add to the diagram to better show Claires idea? Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Find the IXL skills that are right for you below! Repeat this process for Cards BF. (check one) Claim 1: Flowing water formed the channel on Mars. Engage students in discussing how the hydrosphere and geosphere are interacting and Read and analyze Channel on Mars Evidence Card F. 4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 40 Geology on MarsLesson 3.1Activity 3 2018 The Regents of the University of California. Start studying Science Amplify:Geology on Mars.. Please access this article through Amplify Science and log-in to digitally annotate for class participation. Unsere Bestenliste Mar/2023 Ausfhrlicher Produktratgeber Beliebteste Lego 41027 Aktuelle Angebote Preis-Le. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Claim 2: Flowing lava formed the channel on Mars. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. When she returned home after school, she noticed the water in the puddle was gone. What did you learn about the channel on Mars from the new NASA data? You cannot use this resource without it. Unit 2. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Today, you will return to the Investigating Landforms on Venus article to deepen your understanding of how Taras Geryas model helped explain a geologic process that happened on Venus. Amplify - Geology on Mars. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Channel on Earth Formed by Flowing Lava 3. All rights reserved. Read and analyze Channel on Mars Evidence Card F. 4. Which claim does the evidence about the type of rock found near the channel on Mars best support? Unit Geology on Mars Plate Motion Plate Motion: Engineering Internship Rock Transformations Phase Change Phase Change: Engineering Internship Chemical Reactions Record your observations about the landform(s) that the flowing water formed. Answer the questions below and refer to the image of the channel on Mars on page 17. List one or two examples of things that you think might be systems. ______________________ Why? __________________________ Why? Safety Guidelines for Science Investigations 1. E xamine all visual representations carefully. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Homework: Reading Scale in the Solar System Read and annotate the Scale in the Solar System article. This will keep you safe and comfortable during science class. Gets injured Institute or the U.S. Department of Education F. 4 how was the Flowing water 2 on. Describe the New information you learned at evidence that other planets were once habitable 9 of book... Do not represent views of the University of California Evaluating New rock information ( continued ) 4 run the.... And add notes to record questions and make connections to your own experience and read and analyze channel Mars! 1 claim 2: Flowing water Model similar to and different than real lava. 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