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bma bible memory association

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bma bible memory association

If youd like to be on my Prayer Request Email List if/as more urgent needs arise from time to time, simply enter and confirm your email address in those two boxes below then click the red Sign up for FREE button! You can even memorize and review verses while reading and studying your Bible, all in one app! Box 73, Waxahachie, TX 75168. In fact, just the opposite of their notion is true, because the more of the Bible I memorize, the more I realize how utterly and entirely sinful I am in and of myself, in my flesh. Please see the Side or Bottom Panel for several ways YOU can be part of this historic event! Psalm 19:7-8 has long been one of my all-time favorite passages (and chapters) of Scripture (along with John 3, Colossians 3, and Matthew 5-7 among many others but these would have to top the list). Literally. It hits me virtually every day how good the Lord has been to mankind in general since the beginning of creation and to all His children in specific. BT Bible Truth Music Bird Birdwing Music/BMG Songs BJUP Bob Jones University Press, Greenville, SC 29614 BLP BLP Choral Music BMA Bible Memory Association, Inc., Ringgold, LA 71068 BMC Boston Music Co., 116 Boylston St., Boston, MA 02116 BMG BMG Songs Bou Bourne, Inc., 136 West 52nd St., New York, NY 10019 Entire Books of the Bible memorized and then recited on Video, A complete list of videos reciting entire books from memory is located on the. Supporting this history-making undertaking could well end up being one of the most important things you do in your entire life. Years ago when I was in college, I was memorizing 6-8 verses a week from Collegiate 1, The Everlasting God, published by BMA (Bible Memory Association. c1950s LOS ANGELES California Postcard "MIRACLE MILE" Wilshire Blvd. Im willing to make YOUR happiness MY responsibility. VSP was developed to provide longer term voluntary service opportunities to youth and adults, 2021-22 Biblical Mennonite Alliance | All Rights Reserved. You see, when I first set out to memorize an entire book of the Bible, the New Testament book of James (because of how practical and easily-applied it is, so given to daily application, almost like a shorter version of the Old Testament book of Proverbs), well, to say that it was a daunting task would likely earn me an Oscar nomination for Biggest Understatement in a Supporting Role. Not less. I thought for sure Id find several people who had done this before, surely at least ONE person in the past 2,000 years who verifiably has memorized and recited the entire Bible. How, you might ask? Audio recordings from the 24th annual MEW held at EBI February 2-5, 2023 are now available. So also, I think that this would bring a depth of pleasure to the Lord like nothing else, since I sense that He will then use this platform to Educate, Encourage, and Empower people all around the world to memorize and recite Scripture (thus greatly multiplying and compounding His pleasure) and to bring countless souls to salvation, which will multiply His pleasure all over again because we know fromLuke 15:10that even the angels of God rejoice over even just ONE sinner who repents, so how much more must the Holy Creator receive joy over hundreds or thousands or even millions? To their utter missing out yet few if any are even aware of this because nobody has trumpeted it from the proverbial mountaintops but with your help I intend to change this, too, and do just that! Before that we were the Southwest Chapter of the Bible Memory Association (BMA). The WorldGod created all things for His own pleasure and glory, as revealed in the biblical account of creation (Gen. 1; Rev. And not just spiritually, but humanly not just in the spiritual realm, but in the human realm, not just in the life to come but also this present life (1 Timothy 4:8). You can water this historic effort and outflowing ministries by clicking on this image! Thanks so much for helping out in whatever ways youre able! I'm DJ Bible and I'll be your host. May God bless you as you deepen your love for our Lord Jesus Christ through His Word. Find the businesses in YOUR area that are owned and/or managed by fellow Christians who love the Lord and His Word and realize the importance of and support Bible memory. Along the X axis is time, and on the y axis is the count of editions published. Adirectory and map of BMA congregations along with a limited amount of contact information. (Like Georges Foreman and Zimmer say in those Meineke and Mens Wearhouse TV ads, I guarantee it!) The mission agency of BMA. function() I was homeschooled from the 5th grade through the 12th grade, my family had . So you can do likewise in the lives of others, and so on, and so on, and so on. Spreading the Word by spreading the word! I remember thinking, No way would THAT domain be available, no way would it NOT already be taken like twenty years ago! Political candidates? (He didnt need to, but He did.). Free and open company data on Missouri (US) company BIBLE MEMORY ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED (company number E00000067), 1298 PENNSYLVANIA, ST. LOUIS, MO, 63130 Right? And for the future ministry which will flow forth from this that the Lord would develop, direct, protect, and use it however HE may desire, to bring HIM maximum glory, and to be a means through which He brings many people to a saving knowledge of His glorious and wonderful Person through the work and wonder of His Word. Upon rolling it out, I am fully convinced that everyone who takes me up on that challenge to start memorizing and reciting Scripture on a regular, systematic, verse-by-verse, book-by-book basis (dont faint, this is utterly doable, just watch!) Or more accurately in this case, history in the making. Go to Memory Courses (Gulp! . Literally for the rest of your life and indeed all eternity. And just in case you dont think the Bible extends or has relevance to the physical realm of human existence, I humbly give you Proverbs 4:22 which, referring to the Bible, the my words of verse 20, clearly states that His words are LIFE to those who find them, and HEALTH to ALL their WHOLE BODY. Is that an amazing verse or what?! Because, amazingly, the more of it I memorize, the EASIER it gets! What would that say, no,demonstrateabout how much that person truly loves you, and how much they care about and respect your thoughts and emotions and expressed views? 22:29 . The Family series books apply to multiple ages. We exist to see the salvation of, and growth in Christ, of men, women, and children. The Commission contact information is: The Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, 10 Summit Park Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275 USA, Telephone: 412.788.6505, Fax: 412-788-6510, Website: His utter love and kindness and compassion. The administration had the dual function of . Scripture Memory Fellowship (once known as Bible Memory Association, or BMA), exists to help Christians plant the Word deep in their hearts. Its exponential. It wont happen overnight but I have no doubt that change is indeed coming. Its important to have people cheering in the stands. And I cant think of anything grander than that! By the way, this would be a great time to let you know that as Ive been memorizing Scripture, a very specific METHOD of doing so is coming into focus, which, as noted above, I can testify firsthand is making it MUCH EASIER for me to memorize and retain not just the Bible but EVERYTHING: to-do lists, schedule and meetings, various events that occur, etc., a true sponge effect! For instance, some of our books are collections of verses relating to a single subject which pull verses from the entire Bible. . Without reservation, and without judgment. Wrong! }); Which exists to serve and help and bless and pray for and minister and listen to you in any way possible, and for the next month or two to find like-minded Bible-loving believers who would like to sponsor this monumental and historic effort. People who participated in the scripture memory program by BMA and/or went to any of the BMA camps including Louisiana, Georgia, Michigan, New York, California or others. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. The conversation (which occurred entirely in my soul, not ears, not audibly youll be glad to know ) which immediately followed on that occasion, when this thought first hit my head and heart, went something like this: Me: But, Lord, Im the LEAST likely and logical and capable person to pull off such a historic task, which nobody else in known human history has been able to do and I dont have an overly great mind to begin with, Im no genius, so how on earth can this be?, God (again, not audibly but in my spirit exactly as referenced in Proverbs 20:27): Fear not, just start doing it, just memorize the first few verses of the first selected book and I through My Word will take care of the rest and make it happen., Me: But, Lord, Im still just a human vessel and a very flawed one at that, even if You make it happen it would take years and Ive got bills to pay so have to spend most of my time working my job as You know. We offer a variety of memory programs for all ages, from 3 to 103. Each has a unique directive, but all have the same Great Commission purpose. Share this post on your social media by clicking on one or more of these platforms: NOTE: This website works best with Google Chrome and a desktop computer, as many of our fellow Christians as you can. And to the nature of man. will find that the benefits specifically stated inPsalm 19:7-8will become maximally prevalent in your daily life: that youll become more and moreWise,Intelligent,Spiritual, andHappy. To help fulfill the Great Commission, the people of the BMA have created a family of ministries. Encourage as many of our fellow Christians as you can to pray for this historic event by having them go to BibleMemory.ORG/pray (please make sure they understand that its .org, not .com) doing so by word-of-mouth is great, and to do so with a single click on your social media simply click here then scroll down to just below the Form and select your platforms, its that quick and easy! I thought of something I just KNOW Hell absolutely LOVE! A. They're linked. Our fallacy. And His friendship, the fact that just as He wasnt ashamed at all to associate with and minister to sinners during His human life, so also Hes not ashamed at all to call a dirty rotten sinner like me not just friend but brother (Hebrews 2:11). Ill delve into all of that in great depth in future posts but for now it will suffice to say that I started out memorizing various Bible verses in a sporadic manner based on the curriculum of those various programs but now I do so on a regular, systematic basis, i.e., verse-by-verse, book-by-book and what a difference that has made! I am utterly convinced that another worldwide spiritual revival will occur, but Im even more certain that it will only occur as people start ingesting the living Word of God by memorizing and reciting it regularly all the day (Psalm 119:97) and even day AND night (Psalm 1:2-3). To the truth and existence and nature and will of God. I went to chapel, I was able to participate in BMA (Bible Memory Association) where I earned a trip to LA. Indeed, one of the reasons that I started this ministry was so like-minded people could have a great, fun, and unique way to multiply the funds the Lord has entrusted to them and convert those into spiritual and everlasting treasure and reward. Because its just as clear that the Bible also restores the soul and makes wise the simple and rejoices the heart! : We believe that all men, by nature and choice, are sinful and lost; that man is the direct creation of God, made in His image and likeness. In the early 1990s BMA went through financial turmoil and had to dissolve the organization as a result. A is for "All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way." (Isaiah 53:6) B is for "But He was wounded for our transgressions." by clicking on this image! Phone: (630) 213-0045. Families for Bible Memory Association (FBMA) is a faith-based ministry organized in 1993 in California. The fear, or respect, of the LORD (Psalm 19:9) is the beginning of wisdom. Bible Memory Association (BMA) Alumni NO I AINT! And the combination of the two is more powerful than any and indeed ALL of the chemicals we combined in those countless science-class experiments. Testimony, Would you like help spreading Gods Word in your area or around the world? Memorizethe holy scriptures. Encouraging, Educating, then Empowering OTHERS to memorize and recite Scripture is a close second, but giving such a unique and historic love/thank You gift back to Him is the main reason for this effort and resultant ministry. Southland Christian Ministrieswas formally known as the Miracle Camp under the ministry of BMA (Bible Memory Association). Using Bible Memory Association, Inc. filed as a Statement & Designation By Foreign Corporation in the State of California and is no longer active.This corporate entity was filed approximately sixty years ago on Wednesday, March 21, 1962 , according to public records filed with California Secretary of State.It is important to note that this is a foreign filing. After reading and commenting on a friend's blog entry about memorizing poetry and songs and Bible verses, I took a stroll down memory lane. Find. / Chrome . VIDEO: Reciting the entire book of 1 PETER from memory For instance, some of our books are collections of verses relating to a single subject which pull verses from the entire Bible. Many people will (mistakenly) think that anyone who memorizes a huge amount of Scripture must be some sort of super saint. And I find that my heart remains filled with and focused on the things above, not on the things that are on earth (Colossians 3:2), not on the things which are seen, but unseen, not the things which are temporal but eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18) what a wonderful way to go through life! Welcome to Bible Memory Ministries! Box 1881, Newport News, VA 23601. You think enough people will actually donate to the cause of Bible memory? And below are some additional ways to support this effort that dont cost a dime andfor those who arent able to be a Monthly Partnerat this time. I dont think the two are unrelated or that this remarkable health history is mere coincidence or the result of good genes; no, Im certain its that verse at work. We provide high quality, Christ-centered education at an affordable price. $("#youtube_video")[0].src += "&autoplay=1"; Thanks so much for stopping by and supporting this effort any way you can! A verse that BMA (Bible Memory Association, now had me memorize when I was involved in the program, was Job 28:28. This is one reason I appreciate my years in AWANA and BMA (Bible Memory Association) when I was a kid. It not only sustains me but also produces enormous tangible benefits in my day-to-day life spiritual, emotional, relational, and even physical (Proverbs 4:20-23; verse 22 highlights the physical aspect/benefits) totally life-transforming and amazing and I can hardly wait to demonstrate all of this for you, it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE, guaranteed. So also, you might not be able to memorize the entire Bible but CAN do the next closest thing and donate (one-time or, most beneficially for planning purposes, monthly) to someone who IS able, willing, and ready and indeed in the process of doing just that, and thus literally share in all of the fruit borne of this historic effort and resulting ministry and unlike those other two very pertinent parallels, inthiscasethe fruit and rewards are of an ETERNAL nature, in addition to tremendous blessing in this life (Proverbs 11:25; Luke 6:38; 1 Timothy 4:8, 6:6; 3 John 8). Feel free to contact us thanks so much for helping out in whatever youre! Faith-Based ministry organized in 1993 in California respect, of the BMA have created a of! All eternity testimony, would you like help spreading Gods Word in your entire life that who! Alumni no I AINT in one app a family of ministries He need... People cheering in the lives of others, and so on spreading Gods Word in your entire.... 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bma bible memory association