lady death and evil ernie
Ernie's life started in a tragedy: he was set to be born to a loving family of three consisting of his birth parents and elder brother, but his father was taken over by a demon and crashed the car with his pregnant mother and sibling in it. How this will effect his abilities or his place in story of the Chaos!/Dynamite universe has yet to be seen. Ernie has completely regenerated from scratch after being disintegrated (by a modified arcane energy weapon) but this took many hours to complete, where as when he fell in acid he was able to climb out continue his attack immediately while still regenerating. Being blown apart he has been able to reform within minutes and when destroyed the first time he was able to exist in spirit inside the mind of a susceptible victim whose actions he controlled and lead to his murder so he could be reborn through his corpse. Matthias narrowly escaped death at the hands of the rebels by summoning a demon, but Hope was captured by the rebels and accused of witchcraft. WebInside Ernie's mind, Lady Death is furious. During the final battle, Lucifer cursed her never to return to Earth while the living walked. WebErnie's most recent appearance was in Evil Ernie Returns, which Chaos! Others he physically dispatched with uncanny brute force hideously mutilating them in gory fashions, while others he let free due to seeing their inherent goodness, soon after he is approached by one of the news castors who'd been present for his execution; looking to get an exclusive interview. Ernie survived the ordeal only to grow up into a horrible childhood haunted by the ability to see peoples true characteristics. Only after final punches the veil of truth is lifted and Ernie learns that Cremator serves Lady Death and looks for her himself. Summoning his reanimated legions to stall them, Evil Ernie would continue his volley of self-destruction just as the newly empowered Mistress Hel would take the body of then living Sera to praise his success. evil ernie is a great character that had a great story yet died (pretty much, he had a short lived stint in Smiley comforts him as he realizes who let the dead men out of their cages, Ernest surmises his episode came about due to a psychic backlash he had when he sensed their minds. Thus stopping Ernie from driving the whole world to fatal self harm and reeling back from true oblivion; only for the traitorous Purgatori to usurp the Dream Probe device and use it to broaden her own telepathic range to enslave every contingent mind on earth. Lady Death finally ended Lucifer's control over her by casting him through Heaven's Gate (a place where evil cannot go), and in doing so became the new ruler of Hell. WebEvil Ernie is an undead, psychotic killer with his own series, published by Chaos! Ernie understands that, as he has promised himself to Lady Death anyway. Lady Death first appears as a hallucination by the character Evil Ernie. Stone has gone into hiding while Mary's siblings fight for their survival against the zombies. Getting second chances of killing people he stuck to the plan, again gathering as many dead as he could, he moved towards Washington. [3], After creating enough death and destruction, Evil Ernie sought Lady Death in his dream netherworld, but as he was about to claim his long-awaited reward, he was interruped by Dr. Mary Young. After a year of being in limbo Dynamite Entertainment obtained the rights to Evil Ernie. Evil drives to his location and uses the dead mind to influence Billy to kill himself. Jul 31, 2012, 11:40:22 AM Price grabs the burning ghoul and slams him against the ground, giving Mary one last chance to shoot at point blank and this time, Evil Ernie is blown to pieces. C $487.78 + C $58.47 shipping. Working their way towards the death row block of the prison, Ernie suffers a panic attack as a hoard of horrible memories of his time spent with the other inmate their come flooding back into his mind. In the city of Asuwa, Lady Death recovers the sword Deathbringer, which was specially made for her by Satasha and The Silent One. Evil Ernie and Smiley have a disagreement, and Smiley bails to travel alone. Chastity comes to the rescue and distracts Autopsy, just enough for Evil Ernie to get free. It wasn't until night fell on the happy town that Ernie took an axe to his uncaring parents. Armageddon. Cursing god while questioning a reassessment Smiley if he knew anything about a nuclear bombing headed their way, in the end taking King's hat as his own Ernie set out on the road for parts unknown. With all the force the oppressors are unable to stop Ernie from launching every nuke America had. Then he turns his attentions to Buford who immediately senses he's in it deep soon turning tail and running for his life, while the mobs and local media sat outside the facilities along with Straw, who was perplexed to see what all the fuss was about as one of his inmates came running, Ernie made his grand entrance on the scene shocking everyone who was present at the sight of the otherworldly effigy he had become. Avatar Press now publishes Lady Death. Web1994 EVIL ERNIE LADY DEATH CHROMIUM BOX CARD SET 55 CARDS NEW. Alias Ernie exits the man's home then spins the top and returns to kill him. Evil Ernie and Autopsy have the battle of minds, Evil in the end succumbs. In the beginning, she had no real purpose or personal story except to be the eye-candy for Evil Ernie's comic book, and she was just seen as the evil sadistic woman who would always give Ernie the incentive to kill. With his transformation complete, he took up the new moniker of Evil Ernie and led a war against the living in a world war that was meant to extinguish all life on the planet. At times of powerful connection with his arcane energy a circle with spikes, at the compass points, appears on his forehead. He also brought the government satellite down, which crashed directly into New York causing major damage and death. A Comic There she encounters Wargoth, who observes her uncontrolled and instinctive use of magic, and agrees to help her destroy Sagos and rescue her mother. After the schism between his good living self from his evil undead being had further altered Ernest's psychic abilities, for now even while undead he could effect the thought processes of the living once again; having used this regained capacity to scan the minds of three teen hooligans who brought him out of his vegetative state. Ramsey's soldiers come after Ernie again, having killed them he finds first piece of information about the nukes; In Atlanta there is man who knows launch codes. Ernie managed to fight his way through the illusion with the help of Lady Death, and escaped. He was sent to a psychiatrist Dr. Leonard Price. Comic Vine users. When the duo are reunited they are nearly invulnerable as Ernie has powerful regenerative powers and Smiley has never been physically damaged while animated, despite being shot clean off at least once. The school requested he be taken to a psychiatrist. The officials realize the seriousness of the situation and they are willing to blame Mary for the outcome, but her family won't take that lightly. WebIn the dream netherworld, Ernie has found Lady Death, who is awaiting for him in her private chambers. Next, Ernie is discovered in Sata Fe, New Mexico. Making it to the destination point, a dead one reveals himself to be on board and plows up the chopper, right in front of Dr. Price. However, Seeing his potential for destruction, Lady Death told Ernie that in exchange for killing everyone on the planet she would love him forever. A request from my sister. She however doesn't want anything to do with him, and Ernie goes on a killing spree. Ernest Fairchild is a telepathic serial killer who suffered abuse from his parents. Matthias was outwardly pious, but secretly dabbled in black magic and demonology. Returning to home in New Jersey for a while, he meets Chastity again there, who was at his house. Lady Death and Evil Ernie Published: Aug 2, 2012. Date Taken. As he explains the plan, a guard shoots at Ernie and the bullet travels through him harmlessly. Evil Ernie last edited by The Effects of the Energy Arcane remain the same as well. Lady Death Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. [5], Evil Ernie: Youth Gone Wild # 1-5 (1991-1992). Culminating on Jan 1st 2000 with the destruction of the Chaos universe and the demise of Evil Ernie's Megadeath Quest. While the two fight they fail to notice Mary Young planting a nuclear warhead into the base and setting it on timer. WebSteven Hughes was an artist and creator for Chaos! Mary Young is on the other side, knocking on a bar door, unaware that it was Ernie's hiding place to enter his dreamworld. In an effort to gain Cassie's love, Ernie breaks into Clearview Mental Institution maximum security ward and begins killing the murderers there. After leaving Clearview Mental Institution he moved on randomly killing every person he saw. By contrast, Hope's mother was a woman so pure and innocent that her bloodline reached Heaven. Deathbringer is able to withstand her energies without being destroyed, and allows her to channel her magic through it. At that place, she comes across Dr. Price, who survived the zombie attack from earlier and has found the means to stop Evil Ernie. Lady Death Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. After creating enough death and destruction, Evil Ernie sought Lady Death in his dream netherworld, but as he was about to claim his long-awaited reward, he was In exchange for this, Ernest had but one task to perform on behalf of Lady Death - kill every single person on the planet Earth. Price finds the stash of weapons and arms himself, but he is unaware that they are surrounded by zombies. Through a potent expenditure of his energies Ernest can even bring a person back to life or save a person who is close to death, usually at the cost of his own life. This angered the survivors. The years that followed the boy who'd come to be known as Evil Ernie, would grow up in an abusive and neglectful foster home to a cruel man named Buford King and his sleazy Girlfriend Eunice. After Purgatori's mind attack, Ernie has some questions of his past, he returns home and raises his parents asking them to talk of his past. Some of the undead have reached Mary's house, where her family, Commissioner Stone and other city officials are holding up against the invasion. Ernie's basic task stayed the same throughout his run, he simply had to end all life on earth. With the change, her personality changed dramatically from the sexual villain to a full blown hero. Full Name Making his way to the heart of the prison he is beset by a host of criminals gathered together by his estranged guardian whose also holding Ernie's psychiatrist hostage. Mass murderAttempted genocide Just as Evil Ernie gets close enough to be on top of Lady Death, someone knocks on their door. Occupation While stalking a selected victim, Ernie finds that the man is part of a satanic cult that kills children. Layna blocks him, only allowing him through if he rescues the little girl. When he awoke, he seemed like an ordinary little boy and the operation was considered a success. Unfortunately, Ernie stopped listening to Lady Death and got himself killed, leaving her mourning the death of a dream.[5]. 96. Evil Ernie is disturbed as the knocking becomes increasingly louder and Lady Death tells him to open the door. She'd be the first of many to die by his hand, bifurcated at the waist and left to rot in the sun, Ernie would then visit his foster father at the Widmark Maximum Security Prison, having walked 20 miles from his former home with intent of killing him to complete a ritualistic sacrifice to the devil. Another distraction is his undead parents, who now have captured the living Ernest Fairchild. When it seemed like Smiley had sold Ernie out to Bufford when the criminal shoves his hand into the ghouls innards to reach his heart, but he realizes too late that it was a trick. These two wolves become her companions. EVIL ERNIE (Adventure comics 1992) #1(limited edition)(origin, RARE), Evil Ernie REVENGE #1(premium edition limited to 10,000 WebEvil Ernie is the name of a comic book franchise, as well as the eponymous antagonist of the series "Evil" Ernie Fairchild. Due to his weakened state Ernie is incapable of putting up a decent fight agaisnt his now demonized former guardian, eventually dying right then and there for good. As Gallows lay dying from a fatal blow to the heart at the hand of Chastity, Vex revealed herself in her true identity as another Asir godess whom, as Purgatori held off Hel made her way to Fairchild in order to stop his rampage by showing him visions of what it was he truly desired. Ernesto All like new! Defeating Purgatori, Ernie has rescued Chastity who has had a change of heart and breaks up with Ernie. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Exclusively via Gunn's Mastodon account. Lady Death first appeared in 1991's Evil Ernie #1 from comics publisher Eternity, created by Brian Pulido and Steven Hughes . Having disposed of the doctor, Evil got what he came for: the head of Garris, the guy with the nuke codes. His father was in a coma for a while and mother lost a baby. Lady Death originated as the sexy and violent villain that was perceived as a hallucination by the boy Ernest Fairchild. Evil holds as many ghouls under his influence as he can. Later in the run some Dead-onez are created via an act of mass destruction without the direct hand of Ernie. On their way there Ernie makes pit stops in carnival and amusement park, of course killing everyone there. But Ernie is not listening to her anymore and she soon vanishes back to the netherworld, while Ernie approaches Mary's home. He wakes just as Billy Young is about to shoot him. When celebrating his victory of creating World War III, Purgatori arrives and kidnaps Chastity. But fun times were over, Ernie couldn't get in contact with Lady Death anymore, this bummed him out. Soon after the evil one runs out of arcane mojo just as he charges up to unload on the inmates, this is due to having not yet completed the ritual he enacted five years ago by killing Buford King as told by Smiley beforehand; leaving him vulnerable to the oncoming mob. But Smiley is soon incapacitated by a stray bullet fired by familiar face headed by some of the prisoners Ernie had spared, as a result Ernie begins to lose his powers as Mac; now possessed by Uriel, had incapacitated his demonic benefactor. 534. Mary tries to call home, but the lines are down. I Hope you enjoy my version of Lady Death and Evil Ernie. The wraiths agree to transport her through the portal, if she forsakes her humanity and pledges her soul to The Labyrinth. Waiting eons to met another divine similar to herself, He wished to return to the world from the outer dimension that she pulled him into so he could resume killing sinners. That in casting Lucifer aside and aiding her in this venture, he would take her as his bride. Unfortunately, the cops are outnumbered by Ernie and his army and are slaughtered. Ernie's family died at that time while he was still in the womb. Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Not of human genocide and a new world order as the goddess of death had envisioned, but of a loving family who would care for him for and protect him no matter what he did. This is Thesecret1070. The demon spots Evil and starts to mock him, infuriating Ernie. He can exist as a disembodied consciousness, as well as transfer himself into other people's minds after his body is destroyed. The battle between the two is ended by the stake through the heart, Evil leaves, but Chastity survives wanting more. During Ernie's final walk both his compatriots Thena and the Priest attended to read him his final rights, all the while the corrupt and reviled Warden Straw came by to gloat as he invited Ernie's surrogate parent Buford King to the festivities. After the disappointing return to Hell, he seeks out and kills a few of the satanic cult members. After his parents were in a car crash they feared him even more, and life grew worse for Ernie. One time Ernest secret friend, a mouse named smiley dropped down into his mothers coffee cup, his father killed smiley. Created by Brian Pulido, Lady Death first appeared in Evil Ernie #1 in December 1991. Two years before January 1st 2000 Chaos! They succeed but a plot point from 5 years previously triggers an even larger, universal extinction event and all characters current story arcs started to intertwine with this central one. Hi. Over the coarse of his childhood Ernest would prey to god every night for the next 11 years while living with them. At that place, she comes across Dr. Price, who survived the zombie attack from earlier and has found the means to stop Evil Ernie. First he attacks Cassie, then disables Vlad. An event similar to Pandora Effect happened and Ernie was transformed into Evil Ernie. She is seeking revenge on Evil for the death of her father, who in this world is Dr.Price. One doctor manages to board a helicopter with the sample of the virus, and fly away. Chastity is still making attempts to like Evil Ernie, as she has a crush on him. Rick uses the dead mind to get control over Ramsey, Ernie fights back. His parents didn't understand him and feared him. Lady Death lies in bed, barely covered by her silken sheets and Evil Though severely wounded in his attempts, Ernie failed to kill his father and was imprisoned himself as a death row inmate for the next five years, due being too young for an execution. Crimes 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. He killed 12 people and his parents and was sent to mental institute. Evil is left catatonic after the separation; some living ones who worship the Evil One have come to help their dark messiah to regain power by showing death, annihilation and genocide on television. That loyalty was to kill everyone on Earth. At the same time Mary and Dr. Price are fighting their way towards Evil Ernie. Ramsey notices it, but fails to disarm it. This arcane force entered into the corpse of the recently deceased Ernest Faichild and violated it, turning his body into a reanimated mockery of the life it once had, thus on that day 5 years since his mass murder and recent death penalization, the nightmare was revived. After a few moments the prisoners roommate falls very ill, but it doesn't matter to him as he is taken to the electric chair for execution. SorceryNecromancyImmortalitySwordsmanshipSuperhuman strengthSuperhuman speedSuperhuman staminaLevitationFlightTeleportationTelekinesis Eventually, a new dream probe called Neurotech was developed and Ernie became the first test subject. After regaining his strength, Evil questioned the living who wanted to join him as his elites. [4] As a result, Ernie abandoned his mission of murdering thousands of people, which caused Lady Death's anger. Chaos Comics TPB BRAND NEW Lady Death Hughes & Pulido at the best online prices at eBay! Refresh your browser window to try again. Ernie holds Mary's younger siblings as hostages, but thanks to their older brother, Evil Ernie releases them, allowing Mary to shoot the weapon. Hope was devastated when she learned that the ambitious sorcerer challenging Lucifer for the control of Hell was her own father. Ernie then killed every one in the building, except Mary Young who was in a coma; and Leonard Price, who he left behind; both arms torn off and legs broken. Smiley can operate without Ernie for longer periods of time after a power boost Lady Death imbues him with after a narrow escape when Smiley only just made it back to Ernie in time. Evil Ernie is undoubtedly the brainchild of Brian Pulido, the founder of Chaos! Her father was a local nobleman namedMatthiaswho was forcibly conscripting peasants into military service as feudal levies. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. You can search for Evil-doer Ernie is distraught, but Lady Death appears in the real world for a brief moment, using one of Ernie's victims as a threshold between realities. WebTier: High 3-A | Low 2-C | 2-C, possibly higher | 2-C, possibly higher Name: Lady Death, Hope Origin: Chaos Comics Gender: Female Age: Hundreds of years old Classification: Former Human, Avatar of He Who Reaps, Evil Ernie's lover (formerly) Powers and Abilities: Attack Potency: High Universe level (Even while weakened, she was capable of harming Evil Ernie: Youth Gone Wild - Encore Presentation Vol 1 4, General Albert Rickenbocker (only appearance; dies). His abusive parents and lack of any friends made him a very lonely child. Refueled and fully charged with enough juice to temporarily revitalize him. A dimensional rift opens up inside of Widmark Prison in Oklahoma, from it falls a seemingly harmless smiley face pin. Instead of offing her he offers her amnesty, looking for an assist in helping him burning the sinful and morally degenerate off the face of the earth. [4] Enraged, Evil Ernie decided to kill Mary's family, going against Lady Death's wishes. Saying he has to step out in order to greet the masses of friend's and family of the people Ernie killed, satanists who admire his work, religious fanatics and local anchor buffs who came to witness the penalizing of his penitentiary's youngest inmate but promised that King would share every detail of his favorite inmates grizzled demise with him. With massive force Ernie brings down the wall. The two fought and for a time she had gotten the best of him until Ernest summoned his Dead Onez who incapacitated her long enough for him to deal a critical blow, he pursues her as she escapes just in time to catch Chastity let go of an embittered and sorrowful wino all while lamenting how someone close to her ended up in her current owner's clutches to begin with. While hunting down members of the cult, Ernie ponders his free will, asking himself and Smiley "Am I controlled by God? He goes to his deam netherworld, where he hopes to find Lady Death. [2] Lady Death used Evil Ernie to murder hundreds of people who he then transformed into undead zombies, thanks to his new powers. But the deity cooed to him about Lucifer's treachery, using him only to swell his ranks of condemned souls eventually culminating in claiming him as his bound and damned general to lead his hellish legions. 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