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marketing analytics usc syllabus

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marketing analytics usc syllabus

For previous semesters, check the Schedule of Classes archive. pZ^IM$[I*v :tKtaY030gF" {*Fcnr{YF'gm>5oiY4ESLoY{fATa+S4\Exp-pl Insights: We think you may be curious about the types of events that our SAC is organizing. The Master of Science in Marketing requires 30 units including 21 units of required course work and at least 9 units of electives with a GPA of at least 3.0 for all units applied to the degree. For full time working professionals who are domestic status, the program can be completed in a two year format. - Non-business students may register for graduate business electives subject to the following restrictions: (1) proof of undergraduate degree; (2) minimum graduate GPA of 3.2; (3) maximum of 12 units of graduate business courses; and (4) prerequisites completed. Graded CR/NC. endobj In order to meet the standards of STEM certification, students on the Analytics Track must complete 21 units of required courses, leaving 9 units (or three classes) of electives. endstream endobj 136 0 obj <>stream After taking Marketing Analytics, this is the question you'll ask yourself when trying to measure the impact of an advertising campaign, pricing decision, or other action taken by your firm. I also hope that you will take an opportunity to visit USC campus and meet with us during our information sessions and webinars to discuss your concerns and future goals. Students will be able to conduct a capital budgeting analysis, including calculating expected cash flows, cost of capital and net present value. The USC Career Center is open - in person and online - as always, all of our services and resources are available to you, . endobj x[YsF~w8Jlyl#R)1 h $cF:nkun+_o,NwOH? The Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) degree requires 33 units, taken in 3 semesters (with the flexibility of extending to 4 semesters): Fall, Spring, and Fall. Our personalized curriculum that boasts two different specialities sets the USC MS in Marketing Program apart from other MS in Marketing programs by capitalizing on the depth and breadth of course offerings at the Marshall School of Business and the University of Southern California. 00o@,VvX`'lt043510n`fhxaL& USC Schedule of Classes Summer 2023. classes begin 5/17. Rotaract Club Of Nsit Regency. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 is required for graduation. Individual or team projects studying the marketing practices of an industry, company, government agency, country, geographic region, etc. Proposal, research and written report/paper required. 0+H y2IP{cF_Re*7R;(;2f zCVV:cxZ. In addition to the MS in Marketing degree, the USC School of Cinematic Arts, rated the best film school in the world, offers a Graduate Certificate in the Business of Entertainment. 112 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5B51D8489913FBB8A68FF03841D33C62><21B3693564660E48A699BDE214232826>]/Index[102 24]/Info 101 0 R/Length 67/Prev 252787/Root 103 0 R/Size 126/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream The program starts during the spring semester so that students are prepared to graduate with clear career goals and strategies. hbbd```b``^"k@$ %PDF-1.6 % %%EOF 664 0 obj <> endobj 1 0 obj Open only to Doctoral students. View Master of Science in Marketing Analytics and Insights program information and degree requirements in the Academic Catalog. At least two years of full-time work experience is preferred.,, Strategic Marketing in the Creative Industries, Social Media Insights for Marketing Innovation. The Master of Science in Marketing Analytics (MSMA) is a STEM designated program designed to provide students with advanced and highly demanded training. The adoption of AI technology is rapidly increasing, and it is crucial to use it in daily activities to remain competitive. ** If not completed as a required course. Proposal, data collection, analyses, and written report. 102 0 obj <> endobj There are 21 units of required coursework, including an internship opportunity, plus 12 units of coursework chosen from a list of electives. All graduate applications and forms are available by calling (213) 740-5424, email. %PDF-1.7 Film and television industry firms primarily hire business graduates to work in finance, entertainment properties marketing, strategic planning, and information systems. Week 7 Pricing Analytics: New Product Pricing Individual assignment #2 Week 8 Group project consultation PPT Research Proposal for Group Project Due Week 9 Guest Speaker Digital Analytics I: Online Advertising Analytics Week 10 Machine Learning, Big Data, and Marketing Analytics Week 11 Zach's Garage Case Big Data Visualization (Tableau) <>>> * Must be taken in the first term/semester or prior to admission. Open to Marshall Ph.D. students only. {Sx3p)y:sM>% ut;K;q-~Fy,F\IFXeXOiF`CnT%&2(hO!h\_sCeLh9![5?HgQf>oJwwyz)`}d3#)%p72>5D?r{+ 0O1M@NV5FpWz (`fw.Q "*e.aI1+)FH.@dLW96[(IEEm|>moq>u&`zY>y`E3kab>yUqiMZn ;>OI %f[{@4>ZhGtq0&(@mcjt|O?10f=]L6{7oJ$I0" GbkW ] paD;h g*9p";~0CU>6Jg! {N)e)$A;o$D&If$C?, GsT}e#H!qgm"DF:u=oV5PU;g!F qQ}A>h9.) We look forward to hearing from you. It may no longer be on our site, or we may have moved it to a new location. 3 0 obj International applicants are advised to see the instructions for international students published in the USC Graduate Admissions Website. Digital Marketing & Analytics Course Syllabus | College Course Syllabus for Digital and Social Media Marketing & Analytics Montana State University - Jake Jabs College of Business BMKT: 420 - Integrated Online Marketing Fall Semesters Instructor: Jacob Cook Office Hours: By appointment Email: Many thanks to analytics guru Dr. Duru Ahanotu, Ph.D. for speaking to my "Decision Making Using Marketing Analytics" class at USC Marshall School of Business. Education. Graded CR/NC. Topics such as flow analysis, process automation, inventory control, capacity planning, and distribution network design are covered in this course. - Personal commitment throughout the program. endobj The GMAT is preferred. your goals in mind. The Master of Science in Marketing (Marketing Analytics) provides students with tools, concepts, frameworks and critical thinking and innovative skills needed for more effective development, enhancement and refinement of marketing techniques critical to the success of local and global businesses. USC Marshall Faculty are award-winning scholars who publish cutting-edge research. Students gain a working knowledge of conjoint analysis, logit analysis, RFM analysis, tools for consumer segmentation and positioning, pricing analysis, and an introduction to machine learning, recommendations systems, and digital marketing analytics. When attempting to . endstream endobj 133 0 obj <> endobj 134 0 obj <> endobj 135 0 obj <>stream With our marketing analytics MSc you'll learn industry-specific skills to make strategic marketing decisions using data and evidence. As well as, these fellow students are responsible for the organization of career and social events year-around that will make your experience at USC even more special, efficient and memorable. Students will be exposed to numerous professional development workshops, career simulations and one on one coaching to develop the right career development plan. The client analytics team produces innovative thought leadership and quantitative research for PIMCO's clients. Application, development, interpretation and implementation (in Excel and Tableau) of marketing metrics using case studies, data, and practitioner talks. Legal aspects of brand management such as trademark protection and infringement are also addressed. Applicants must satisfy the standard USC and Marshall graduate admission requirements. If you are interested in learning more about our program, please watch this short virtual information session with our Academic and Program Director, Dr. Diane Badame, for an in-depth look at the Master of Science in Marketing Program. Digital Marketing Syllabus 2023 Digital Marketing Subjects 2.1 Introduction to Digital Marketing 2.2 Planning and Creating a Website 2.3 Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) 2.4 Search Engine Marketing (SEM) 2.5 Social Media Marketing 2.6 Content Strategy 2.7 Web Analytics 2.8 Email Marketing 2.9 E-commerce 2.10 Internet Marketing A STEM-designated MS in Marketing Analytics degree from Simon signals program quality and analytical rigor to employers and also allows international students up to 36 months of optional practical training (OPT) in a STEM-eligible role. Hn@~9H&ubG&Py nqHQ{vg DW6C!%e==/ky_mxfKlnG(f marketing data and analytics to make business recommendations and decisions. International applicants who did not spend four years completing a bachelors degree at an American, British, Canadian or Australian college or university must submit TOEFL, IELTS or PTE scores. 1 0 obj )b"4F\> =b'/a(h{S~| B)t * F-1 students in this position may be able to recruit for unpaid internships if the company does not require CPT authorization, but paid internships will not be possible. Process and Supply Chain Analytics (3.0 Credit Hours) The focus of this course is on using analytics to improve operational processes as well as how to design an effective supply chain. The course employs a combination of lectures, articles, and "hands-on" exercises. The Master of Science in Marketing Program prepares you to unleash the next generation of great ideas into the world. Ready to register for classes? endstream endobj 60 0 obj <> endobj 61 0 obj <> endobj 62 0 obj <>stream Mission: To assist, inspire and motivate each member of the cohort of the MS in Marketing program at USC and make sure that they get the most out of their wonderful experience through networking, learning and having fun. Work with a client organization on the design of an advertising/promotions campaign. %PDF-1.5 Theories and applications of consumer behavior in marketing; psychological, social, cultural and ethnic factors influencing consumer behavior. You'll use a multi-channel approach to analyse and interpret data. Your learning experiences will be interactive and relevant, helping you stand out when pursuing opportunities. XcOYU"&g5,i,qgq-u:d%UVXXIF]_zXQoE#:A*yN*JVs>ajPT*r2UD/v J6nXSsPZpx9ld6&r4/C[P'2U*.v(l!F?$X6pYyc;L-@=oG6J| One-on-one sessions are scheduled with the MS in Marketing Associate Director to discuss students career goals so that the curriculum can be customized to develop and enhance the skills required to successfully pursue their areas of interest. 169 0 obj <>stream Additionally, you can connect with the president of the SAC on LINKEDIN. Looks like that page is missing. Develop and estimate various state-of-the-art models of consumer choice and firm decisions. Media, Mass Communication and Journalism. }+"xw:bozwxw|?GB7s!FWoUrAd^'~,+.a+q;J2J.SFONNh; f wzB{ GMAT or GRE scores are required. <> f0H:L`x ! Graded CR/NC. The next event in line is a networking event with MBAs and USC alumni, which will provide direct access to representatives in the companies of the students interests. Please note: F1 Visa students who begin the program on an initial attendance I-20s in Summer 2023 will not qualify for Curricular Practical Training in Spring 2024. Return to:USC Marshall School of Business, Print Degree Planner (opens a new window), MKT 543 Market Demand and Sales Forecasting, DSO 528 Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, and Data Mining, DSO 545 Statistical Computing and Data Visualization, DSO 570 The Analytics Edge: Data, Models, and Effective Decisions, DSO 574 Using Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities, MKT 526 Advertising and Social Media: Strategy and Analytics, MKT 567 Marketing Metrics for Business Decisions, Acalog Academic Catalog Management System (ACMS). These courses also allow students to explore essential subjects within the marketing discipline, a thorough understanding of which can help students stand out and excel in their future careers. Did you find what you needed today? Recommended during student's final semesters. Presentations by faculty, visiting researchers, and advanced students. 472A Marketing Strategy and Policy Strategic marketing decisions, including development of marketing objectives and strategies and implementation of these strategies through pricing, channel, promotion, and new product decisions. Syllabus Info; 16546R: 033: Lecture: 2:00-3:20pm: Mon, Wed: 55 of 56 (4 on waitlist) Lan Luo: JKP104: PDF (211208 KB) Please visit all the sections of our website to learn more about the program and return frequently to see the new offerings and program updates that we promise to make on an ongoing basis. The Fall 2023 Application Cycle is now open.First RoundApplication Deadline: Oct. 15, 2022Exam Deadline: Oct. 1, 2022Notification Begins: Dec. 5, 2022Second RoundApplication Deadline: Nov. 15, 2022Exam Deadline: Nov. 1, 2022Notification Begins: Jan. 5, 2023Third RoundApplication Deadline: Dec. 15, 2022Exam Deadline: Dec. 1, 2022Notification Begins: Feb. 5, 2023Final RoundApplication Deadline: Jan. 20, 2023 (International students final deadline)Exam Deadline: Jan. 10, 2023 (International students final deadline)Notification Begins: Mar. stream *H>789*CTr@V(P?LS*0_!._JPIZ p>6(0&bXC@%d:T`" (XQe. Course Description Exposure and Mentorship From Experts in the Marketing Field. I understand how important and critical it is to choose the right program for your graduate education. About this course. Individuals applying for admission to the Graduate Certificate in Marketing should not apply for admission to this program also. ?=~B,7~?B_ % Design and implementation of marketing strategies applied to domestic and global business challenges that span multiple industries complimented by a consumer packaged goods marketing strategic plan project. Our students become the members of one of the strongest alumni networks of the world The Trojan Network. d_"Y"WjJg VxI^Vi $'=5. MS in Marketing Students study from world renowned faculties. It covers a variety of topics, models and tools: (1) Marketing mix modeling & optimization, (2) Choice modeling, choice-based conjoint analysis & market simulators, (3) Modeling churn & maximizing customer lifetime value, and (4) Quantifying causal effects in marketing. Computer Application and IT Prerequisite: BUAD 307 or MKT 385x. Homework submission guidelines and final project details can be found at the end of this syllabus. U1no0TT>f"p;zRs?SiV 8'PQi*qq@zV. X!r{)s[/A;C@kCzD9P;gS]/#`8k #kWk4q,{yqq\`18av=aEC5\%])+PViv }3"?1[>UgJ"|!57$!W '- Specialized Masters | USC Marshall Specialized Masters Customize your graduate business learning experience to your career goals, with 1-year to 18-month programs in business analytics, finance, marketing, innovation, social entrepreneurship, global supply chain management and more. 2-3:20pm 5-6:20pm (213) 740-2497 Marketing (MKT) USC Marshall School of Business Want to . 2 0 obj Complete enough units from the following list to total 30 units (required to complete the program). stream Marketing analytics enables marketers to measure, manage and analyze marketing performance to maximize its effectiveness and optimize return on investment (ROI). This certificate program teaches you the essential methods of marketing research using data, as well as the analytical tools to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of your digital advertising campaigns. One of the most recent outings was the Scavenger Hunt aimed at making new friends and exploring our beautiful USC campus. From consumer insights and new product development to the creation of successful marketing strategies and methods for long-term customer retention, the academic material prepares students for success in their chosen field(s). % Business disciplines include finance, data sciences & operations, marketing, management, and business communication, as well as a school of accounting and a dedicated entrepreneurship center. The program provides tools, concepts, frameworks, critical thinking skills and practical hands-on projects in areas of interest that include entertainment, sports entertainment, luxury and lifestyle, technology, healthcare and marketing start-ups. Involves market research and implementation planning. View MKTG 612_Marketing Analytics_Syllabus_Spring2021.pdf from MKTG 312 at California State University, East Bay. cyberchase hacker ship glenbrook south map; pop song with trumpet intro letrs unit 3 session 2 quizlet; stanley travel mug michigan road closures this weekend; momentum and collisions worksheet pdf USC Schedule of Classes Marketing 566: Marketing Analytics (3.0 units) Applications and models of marketing-related data analyses to the development of data-driven marketing strategies and making data-driven marketing decisions. Our students take classes with students in the Full-time MBA, Part-time MBA and other specialized masters programs. Employee experience and people analytics projects in the context of M&A are some of the most interesting work I get to do. cJdk VHe0V;WVi 4 0 obj stream endstream endobj startxref The USC Marshall Master of Science in Marketing Program (ranked 3rd in the nation QS World University Rankings) is designed to develop an in-depth knowledge of relevant and innovative marketing skills and techniques for prospective students interested in pursuing or enhancing their existing marketing careers. 2 0 obj 0 Comprehensive treatment of the behavioral foundations of brands and brand development. 0 These core courses serve as a foundation and provide a rigorous grounding in marketing frameworks, concepts and strategies to prepare students for more advanced careers in marketing. Internships may contribute to the units required for the degree provided that students register for MKT 595: Internship in Marketing. Examines happiness and wellbeing in consumer culture. As well as, all of the members will be happy to assist you and answer any questions that you may have regarding the program. Graduate Certificate in the Business of Entertainment. x\[o~7*d7i(PU|[Y-|saFUi#~qt4tfh\ojt."m]/WLU?$P,?c{A"t];Q/*u|8>.;}"Jtu|4J*oK7wz13?nG. Marketing Analytics (3.0 units) Applications and models of marketing-related data analyses to the development of data-driven marketing strategies and making data-driven marketing decisions. The Columbia Advantage 01 Academics MKT/DSO 566: Marketing Analytics Spring 2020 Tue and Thu 11-12:20pm in JKP 204 Tue and Thu 2-3:20pm in JKP 104 Professor: Kalinda Ukanwa, Ph.D. in Marketing (Quantitative) Office: Hoffman Hall (HOH) 321 Office Hours: Tue and Thu 3:30 - 4:30pm and by appointment Phone: (213) 740-1421 Email: COURSE DESCRIPTION You will learn how to leverage AI technology and ChatGPT to enhance your marketing and sales strategies. 125 0 obj <>stream Examines the relationship of consumer behavior to acquisition, usage, and disposition of products and the psychological, social and cultural influences that affect these decisions. For additional information, visit Dr. Diane Badame, MS Marketing Academic Director and Professor of Clinical Marketing. Learn foundational skills and gain an in-depth understanding of Google Analytics and marketing analytics. Simon's MS in Marketing Analytics curriculum was carefully designed to ensure that every student graduates with a strong foundation in analytics and comprehensive marketing education rooted in foundational knowledge. A minimum of 30 units is required for the MS in Analytics degree Required courses: 12 units Elective courses: 9 units MS Students may also choose to take as electives, courses from other USC Departments such as Computer Science, Data Science, or from other USC School. D class assignments for undergraduates available in HOH; Phone: (213) 740-5033. BUSINESS (UNDERGRADUATE) - Non-Marshall students may enroll in up to three (3) courses prior to be ing admitted to a Marshall major or minor. X{;, UPEVUX_6Sz7m-l.s\\N"rK| /{'A6!DdRCY#IHf671.e Proposal, field research, analyses and oral and written presentations. Complete the 30 Units to Graduate in as Little as One Year Full Time or Two Years Part Time. Finance & Accounts. Role of advertising in the marketing mix: determining objectives, strategies, and plans from situation analysis through research and creative processes, media selection, and sales promotion. I'm currently working with a mix of Bradley Wilson, Ph.D. na LinkedIn: Employee Experience Makes the Difference During M&A Activity Your session has ended. You must login in: myUSC student portal The program focuses on skills that enable the development, enhancement and refinement of fundamental and innovative marketing techniques that are so critical to the success of local and global businesses. 3 months at . !5Bx>NX-~D\I[kzK!R^N|d>8 1JgG9Q"(3;bEk:|q@e mE%'nh'=q/O?r18>ycZpzAq=kdpvC$ eF$6ZUu98"gv -[PGGN"a|Pc_fdz2".}9+?yhOp 'WFP7B_Fx Hpz6or: xy/q yY#Y-j Current USC students and USC alumni are not required to submit an application fee, new test scores (if previously submitted) or transcripts to verify degrees earned prior to their attendance at USC. hbbd``b`f BH0 @g;0j@"),a`bdRH+@ C An exploration of skills and practices (e.g., getting out of one's comfort zone, discovering one's inner-critic) necessary to develop and cultivate one's personal creativity. Requires market research, creative design, implementation planning, and client presentation. Behavioral research and theory on consumer behavior with a focus on emotions, categorization, knowledge, inferences, attitudes, social influences and environmental influences on buying and consumption. They can take an additional two full-term courses at no extra charge. hX[o8+~b{iDvnGBT=!PTQ}n>>;)I(aJ9<51! <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 11 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R 21 0 R 22 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> With that in mind, we are excited to provide a comprehensive overview of our Master of Science in Marketing Program and our team is always available to provide additional information and answer any questions that our prospective students might have. endobj Graded CR/NC. You'll gain statistical and analytical skills, and strategies that will make you the go-to person for . hWmO8N'4$B;!m6iR738UeglxyB cb pN{@"~%%*i&e22d `ME1uePHqvv>IULs'{pn8c{of@;N$F2FrAN@C:N!Tx,ELkZ,0(&O) !yZOJ(Iey?GPpPerS$+x3\i;] >8c8.n$y1D#ee$0!`|P@ 3 Industry Speakers: Each semester, we host a number of distinguished academic and business professionals on campus. <> ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI that can do anything from simple calculations to complex tasks . Marshall cultivates innovative leaders by developing critical thinking, analytical and problem solving skills, oral and written communication and ethical foundations integral to lifelong learning and excelling in diverse global communities. (Curricular Practical Training.) If you're curious about how data informs . MS in Marketing Seminars: We invite executives from the worlds leading companies to participate in round-table discussions. 0 - Careful time management to ensure keeping up with classwork and projects. Open only to juniors and seniors. Mentorship Program: Students have the opportunity to seek one-on-one mentorship with industry experts and dive deeper into the necessary skills and expertise required to succeed in the field of their interest. hb```f``e`a``md`@ +P7k)O5\xs300z-xvhf63mfJ3=h,`KGScFcG1w4ptp2h %PDF-1.5 Product and service mix in multinational business; promotional alternatives; channel of distribution systems; pricing policies and legal barriers; multinational marketing opportunities; problems and information sources. Prerequisite: BUAD 307 or MKT 385x. MKT 440: Marketing Analysis and Strategy (4.0 units) MKT 445: New Product Development and Branding (4.0 units) MKT 446L: Practicum in New Product Development (4.0 units) MKT 450: Consumer Behavior and Marketing (4.0 units) MKT 465: Global Marketing Management (4.0 units) MKT 525: Consumer Behavior (3.0 units) Graded CR/NC. 59 0 obj <> endobj With the guidance of the GCS team, each student will create a career plan and explore employment opportunities in the industries in which he or she wishes to thrive. Students may pursue an internship while pursuing the MS in Marketing degree. 3 0 obj MKT 402 - Introduction to Marketing Analytics - Fall 2021 Note: this syllabus is tentative; it will be updated throughout the semester. Instructions for faculty to add a syllabus or biography link. Ms in Marketing Seminars: we invite executives from the worlds leading companies participate. Multi-Channel approach to analyse and interpret data and exploring our beautiful USC campus for! 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