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milwaukee aau basketball teams

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26 Mar

milwaukee aau basketball teams

They can teach kids the very skills that made them great players, virtually ensuring that your child will be a better basketball player under their guidance. } margin-top: 15px; Milwaukee Rebels - located in Milwaukee. Before we get into the recap of the Metro East Classic by Threat Hoops Check out our promo for the IndiWorld3 FINAL. .custom-logo:hover { We use basketball as a bridge to form relations with players, provide them with a platform to develop their skills and expose student athletes to higher academics and career opportunities. A consistent message throughout the program will engrain the core beliefs of RAS Milwaukee that have proven to be a winning combination. Unlike other programs, we blend the city and suburban styles of basketball (from 9U to 17U) so your child can be masterful and comfortable to the speed and challenges of the modern game. .span_1_of_3 { width: 32%; } ", IndiWorld3 North Qualifier Metro East Classic by Threat Hoops Recap. /* View: Player Child View - start */ Other programs emphasize scoring. .widget-link:hover { Hard Work /* GO FULL WIDTH BELOW 480 PIXELS */ margin-top: 15px; BallTown31_old Junior Varsity 33 posts . All of our athletes will engage in high intensity skill development workouts with experienced basketball trainers. Milwaukee Basketball 4. margin: 0px; We also have teams with flexibility for kids who play other sports. The discipline, mental toughness, and focus it takes to accomplish your goals on the court are the same characteristics you will need to be successful off the court. @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) { background-color: #e34444; div.mpc-tabs__content.mpc-transition { /* ----------------------------------------- */, /* ----------------------------------------- */ padding: 12px 20px !important; This eliminates the bias that plagues other programs that rely exclusively on parent volunteers. .fusion-tabs .tab-pane { color: #fff !important; display: inline-block; } "Basketball, like all sports, is predicated on the execution of fundamentals. } .fusion-tabs .tab-pane { } They won the 14U Division with a 3-0 record, winning by margins of 28, 21, and 18 against some really tough competition. /* COLUMN SETUP */ phone: (865) 789-2431email: div.mpc-tabs__content.mpc-transition { All facilities are conducive to an exciting and competitive border-style: solid; .fusion-tabs .tab-pane { .group:after { clear:both;} We are both, which is a major advantage in developing well-rounded players well adjusted to the modern game. text-decoration: none !important; Select the players you wish to trade from the rosters below. The discipline, mental toughness, and focus it takes to accomplish your goals on the court are the same characteristics you will need to be successful off the court. /* ----------------------------------------- */ } text-decoration: none !important; border-bottom: 10px; .wpb_text_column.wpb_content_element { Use tab to navigate through the menu items. /* SECTIONS */ p.cred-links { /* ----------------------------------------- */ 17/16 (Pool E-H) Division . Wisconsin Dynasty exposes high school athletes to the essential educational disciplines necessary to become productive student athletes. } Integrity Are you struggling to be consistent with your in-game performances? } We believe that the skills that our players learn on the court will help them off the court as well. .fusion-tabs .tab-pane { /* GO FULL WIDTH BELOW 1130 PIXELS */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------- */. /* ----------------------------------------- */. phone: (865) 438-4456email: Stay tuned,. Our primary coaches played high school and college basketball at a high level. REBELS BASKETBALL 14U/8TH CHAMPIONS: 2021 ARC SUMMER LEAGUE CHAMPIONS. font-size: 15px; Grades: 4th-11th. These tournaments are hosted border-top: 10px; border-color: #ffffff; .section { .col { We will have the official press release February 15th with more details. Taking WI Girls Basketball To THe Next Level. Basketball is a game that reveals character. .fusion-tabs .tab-pane { border-top: 10px; } .span_3_of_3, .span_2_of_3, .span_1_of_3 { width: 48%; } font-size: 15px; .widget-button:hover { font-weight: 700; The D Zone Basketball Teams Milwaukee Spartans. Milwaukee Spartans - Rebels Elite (17U) Milwaukee Spartans (17U) Milwaukee Spartans (16U) Milwaukee Spartans (15U) Milwaukee Spartans (14U) Milwaukee Spartans (13U) Milwaukee Spartans (12U) line-height: 17px; /* View: Player Child View - end */ 1on1 Milwaukee AAU Teams AAU A platform for high level basketball players to be seen by college coaches. Wisconsin Force Quote 0 0 0 0. Team-leading averages of 11.2 rebounds per game, 4.2 blocks per game and a second-best 19.6 points per game are evidence this season to that end, but Bell sees more than just statistical impact. /* View: Player Child View - start */ } } All content 2000-2023 RealGM, L.L.C. Location: Pius XI High School. The goal is to field extremely competitive teams to help increase the visibility of Wisconsin basketball and it's players at the regional and national levels. /* GO FULL WIDTH BELOW 1130 PIXELS */ margin-bottom: 15px; text-decoration: none !important; Use tab to navigate through the menu items. .section { /* GO FULL WIDTH BELOW 1130 PIXELS */ border-bottom: 10px; } The 2022 St. Louis Eagles set the bar with a 5-0 run defeating St. Louis Clippers in the final. TRAINING CBA offers 1v1 training as well as group training. padding-left: 40px !important; Jonathan Shultz .group { zoom:1; /* For IE 6/7 */ } opacity: 1; border-width: 0px; display: inline-block; LA SHAKE 3RD/4TH GRADE CHAMPIONS! } border-left: 10px; In August of 2018, the program decided to disband boys teams and move forward only offering teams for girls. .fusion-tabs .tab-pane { /* Content Template: Content Template for Clubs Layout - start */ Wisconsin Playground Elite - The Blue Star League - Travel Team Web Page Wisconsin Playground Elite Smith U15 (bottom) and U17 (top) girls teams at Ballin In The Ballroom 2022 in Las Vegas Wisconsin Playground Elite Girls Promo Video: Wisconsin Playground Elite Boys Promo Video: Welcome to the Playground Elite website! display: block; .wpb_text_column.wpb_content_element { padding: 30px; Welcome to Pigeon Forge Hoops! Home | U11 | U12 | U13 | U14 | U15 | U16 | U17 | Contact, Wisconsin Swish 2014-18 -- All Rights Reserved. MAR VISTA SHARKS 5TH/6TH GRADE CHAMPIONS! } Sports teams, organizations, coaches, parents and athletes can join leagues, camps and a variety of other events here. text-transform: uppercase; } p.cred-links { font-size: 24px; .span_3_of_3 { width: 32%; } } } For the 2023 season, we will attempt to field teams at the16u, 15u, 14u, 13u, 12u, 11u divisions. Finding The Players 2.2. To continue with adding that child, click the Add Player button below. /* ----------------------------------------- */, /* ----------------------------------------- */ } We are committed to creating an uncompromising experience for every. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2023 Silver Team; 2024 Navy Team; 2025 Grey Team; 2026 Blue Team; 2026/27 Indigo Team; 2027 Purple Team; 2028 Green Team; 2028 Gold Team; 2029 Bronze Team; 2029 Fuschia Team; 2030 Mint Team; The Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) is one of the largest, non-profit, volunteer, sports organizations in the United States. Our younger teams stay local and play in competitive tournaments. } .col:first-child { margin-left: 0; } padding-left: 40px !important; Are you sure you want to decline s pending request? display: inline-block; Onto The Paperwork 3.1. border-style: solid; .span_3_of_3, .span_2_of_3, .span_1_of_3 { width: 100%; } Do not jeopardize your future goals by making bad choices. We will have the official press release February 15th with more details. Our mission is to encourage and promote children of all ages to become active and positive role models in life. RAS Milwaukee is a 501-3c Non Profit youth basketball program built to provide both young boys and girls with the necessary skills to excel on the floor and in life. } .group:before, /* ----------------------------------------- */ .col { margin: 1% 0 1% 0%; } border-top: 10px; .span_3_of_3, .span_2_of_3, .span_1_of_3 { width: 48%; } border: 1px solid #ccc; .widget-button:hover { background-color: #333; Milwaukee Sharks Basketball (Milwaukee Sharks AAU Basketball) is a Basketball team/club based in Milwaukee , Wisconsin, United States. .span_3_of_3, .span_2_of_3, .span_1_of_3 { width: 48%; } text-decoration: none !important; Learn More CLUB TEAMS CBA has boys and girls club teams ranging from u9-u17. .section { needs throughout the day. 138 teams representing Bahamas, California, Florida, Georgia, and Puerto Rico traveled to ESPN's Wide World of Sports Complex for the 2022 AAU Basketball Easter Classic 04/12/2022 PREVIEW: 2022 AAU Basketball Easter Classic The AAU Basketball Easter Classic is back at ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex. padding-left: 40px !important; How Much Does an AAU Team Cost? What's Next? transition: all .25s; /* Content Template: Content Template for Clubs Layout - start */ border-color: #e34444; 04/21/2023. AAU TEAMS. @media only screen and (max-width: 1130px) { Click tournament on the left for expected teams and tournament schedule. .col:first-child { margin-left: 0; } padding-left: 30px !important; Feel free to recommend any changes, etc. Select the third team from the drop down menu. position: relative; color: #fff !important; border-color: #ffffff; padding: 30px; /* ----------------------------------------- */ div.mpc-tabs__content.mpc-transition { Stay tuned,. } text-decoration: none !important; padding-left: 40px !important; } All games will be officiated by certified Our athletes have a proven track record of success at the HS and Collegiate levels. /* COLUMN SETUP */ } .span_3_of_3, .span_2_of_3, .span_1_of_3 { width: 100%; } padding-right: 30px !important; Terry Porter Elite . HOME. This can not be undone. /* ----------------------------------------- */, /* ----------------------------------------- */ We blend starting in fourth grade, so our players are very well adjusted to the speed of the blended game. Racine Heat (Boys - Racine) Northcott Hoyas (Boys - Milwaukee) Kenosha Storm (Boys - Southeast) Southern Swish (Boys - Southwest, 2011 only) } clear: both; letter-spacing: 0px; padding: 30px; for any of our tournaments, contact either one of us below. } } .group:after { clear:both;} Wisconsin Ballers - AAU Boys Basketball Clubs - Wisconsin Ballers - located in Milwaukee. .group:after { clear:both;} Our world class facility, staff, and programs ensure that you can reach your maximum potential, maintain your performance, and excel on the field of play. .widget-link { Our trainers work with young athletes seeking to build a solid foundation and seasoned professionals looking to get an edge at the highest levels of competition. margin-bottom: 0 !important; AAU Basketball Events. .fusion-tabs .tab-pane { padding: 12px 20px !important; Basketball Schedules - NBA, NCAA, G League, International, National, AAU, High School Schedules - RealGM in Pigeon Forge and Sevierville, Tennessee; the heart of the Great Smoky Mountains. . border-width: 0px; University Heat is Wisconsins premier AAU youth travel basketball club and athletic training provider. /* ----------------------------------------- */ In our first 14 years padding: 0px; transition: all .25s; border-color: #ffffff; Our high school level teams travel around the midwest to showcase our their talent. /* ----------------------------------------- */ Kevin Mattox } accept any age group between 9U and 17U. border-color: #333; We are collectively driven and responsible for making a difference in our student-athletes game, life and world. /* ----------------------------------------- */ display: block; Take care of your body and prepare yourself as best you can for success. margin-top: 22px; border-right: 10px; Things like seeing the court in real-time, maintaining proper spacing for read and react, choosing the right angles on offense and defense, mastering ball control, and learning proper footwork maximize the mastery of basketball IQ. position: relative; /* ----------------------------------------- */ .custom-logo:hover { and surrounding states. } border-width: 0px; Duality underpins practically everything about the brief existence of the KD, Harden and Kyrie Nets. z-index: 1; DH Dynasty (Boys - Milwaukee) -See Milwaukee Spartans as their 2012 team merged under Spartan Name. The 2022 St. Louis Eagles set the bar with a 5-0 run defeating St. Louis Clippers in the final. border-color: #333; We provide quality opportunities to compete and grow through athletic competition and development. border-radius: 2px; They have also made use of our Free Online . color: #fff !important; margin-top: 15px; In future years, the program may elect to form additional teams on either the boys and girls side. } The coach is a teacher, and his subject? /* ----------------------------------------- */ } } margin: 0px; Won in the championship 45-40. Our main objectives are to provide a fun, high level basketball experience for girls and assist our players with going through the recruitment process that have aspirations of playing basketball at the collegiate level. p.cred-links { } This can not be undone. For more information and to register. border-left: 10px; Our program blends the city and suburban-style of basketball. background-color: #e34444; background: #f8f8f8; /* ----------------------------------------- */ text-decoration: none !important; display: block; Wisconsin Playmakers Boys - Wisconsin Boys Basketball Club Teams Playmakers Basketball We are Western Wisconsin's premier youth basketball organization based on skill development, and competitive play. clear: both; } All rights reserved. 2023 Silver Team; 2024 Navy Team; 2025 Grey Team; 2026 Blue Team; 2026/27 Indigo Team; 2027 Purple Team; 2028 Green Team; . For the 2023 season, we will attempt to field teams at the16u, 15u, 14u, 13u, 12u, 11u divisions. background-color: #333; .span_3_of_3 { width: 32%; } /* SECTIONS */ .widget-button:hover { @media only screen and (max-width: 1130px) { $0.00 per player +$0.00 processing fee per player, Team Player: .span_1_of_3 { width: 32%; } color: #fff !important; Basketball Schedules - NBA, NCAA, G League, International, National, AAU, High School Schedules - RealGM /* ----------------------------------------- */. padding: 0px; .widget-link { .custom-logo:hover { opacity: 1; } 17U: 1. Players desire to be trained for the player they aspire to be, not the player they currently are. 5. .span_1_of_3 { width: 32%; } text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 0 !important; color: #fff !important; padding-left: 30px !important; .col { } Tryouts will be held in Mar 2023 @SSAC sat/sun 8am-9am Register Today! Jonathan Shultz. Wisconsin Lady Shooters Basketball Program. p.cred-links { Our world class facility, staff, and programs ensure that you can reach your maximum potential, maintain your performance, and excel on the field of play. .widget-link:hover { Teamwork .widget-link:hover { border-right: 10px; Through a demanding national schedule we will prepare our players for basketball beyond high school while giving them maximum exposure to college coaches. We believe that a strong youth program leads to a happier, healthier, and productive future. Select the second team from the drop down menu. /* GRID OF THREE */ Stay tuned,. Pigeon Forge/Sevierville area has many attractions to occupy your team when Leading by example our staff teaches players that success is a direct function of hard work, integrity and humility. CHAMPIONS U11 2021 Hardwood Hustle Appleton June 6 ~Swish defeated Closed Gyms to win the title~ U17 2021 Team Duke Shootout Kettle Moraine HS May 2 ~Swish defeated Wisconsin Swing 63-60 to win the title~ U12 2021 Blizzard Shootout at the Champions Center Appleton April 24 Use tab to navigate through the menu items. .span_1_of_3 { width: 32%; } He is all about the work and creating game-like scenarios for their clients to get realistic reps. Every detail matters to him. University Heat is Wisconsins premier athletic training provider. where each team will participate in three prescheduled games. .fusion-tabs .tab-pane { To believe that any of 2023's neo-contenders can become bonafide champs over the next few months is to believe that a once-in-a-quarter-century occurrence is about to transpire. We will have the official press release February 15th with more details. IndiWorld3 North Qualifier Metro East Classic by Threat Hoops Recap. cursor: pointer; Confirm that your trade proposal is valid according to the NBA collective bargaining agreement. Or, if you dont want to now, you can always find this form at the bottom of the page labeled Contact us / send feedback. Official Home of University Heat Basketball Club. .section { We are interested in helping children and young adults fall in love with the great game of basketball. padding: 12px 20px !important; } text-decoration: none !important; STATISTICS Detailed statistics are available by Player and Team for Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer and Volleyball. The goal of the NJB Stars is to develop well-rounded basketball players through the use of team and individual instruction. Find more Youth Basketball Teams - 3,000+ Clubs Directory! Playground Elite 2. This is the second time we have played them and it was a great experience for everyone involved. display: inline-block; padding-left: 30px !important; .custom-logo { @media only screen and (max-width: 1130px) { opacity: 1; ABC is a premier basketball program in Wisconsin; we offer services that cover all your basketball needs from skills training, performance training, camps, leagues, college recruiting assistance, elite-competitive and development teams for ages 9-17. .group:after { content:""; display:table; } } } atmosphere and will be staffed with a site director to meet your border-right: 10px; An "AAU Boys Basketball" or "Club" program. border-width: 0px; .span_3_of_3, .span_2_of_3, .span_1_of_3 { width: 100%; } .col:first-child { margin-left: 0; } Chapman Basketball Academy brings countless opportunities including camps, club teams, leagues and training year round for kids of all ages. /* GRID OF THREE */ Before we get into the recap of the Metro East Classic by Threat Hoops Check out our promo for the IndiWorld3 FINAL. border-color: #333; AAU Basketball has been a constant staple in the fabric of AAU's 'Sports For All, Forever' mindset. cursor: pointer; We are looking forward to continuing the development and building the skill sets each of these young ladies possess. I'm assuming there aren't as the seasons is wrapping up so I decided to rank the top 5 AAU teams that I'm aware of for ages 13U-17U. text-decoration: none !important; } ABC is a premier basketball program in Wisconsin; we offer services that cover all your basketball needs from skills training, performance training, camps, leagues, college recruiting assistance, elite-competitive and development teams for ages 9-17. border-color: #e34444; margin-top: 22px; } Ages: , U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17. .group:after { content:""; display:table; } Acquire Business Licenses, Tax ID Numbers, and Other Official Documents 3.3. /* GROUPING */ AAU TEAMS. border-color: #e34444; .col:first-child { margin-left: 0; } The .widget-button { /* GROUPING */ } We are committed to guiding our youth to be successful far beyond the game of basketball. .wpb_text_column.wpb_content_element { .group:after { content:""; display:table; } We also have teams with flexibility for kids who play other sports. } /* GROUPING */ padding-right: 30px !important; /* GO FULL WIDTH BELOW 1130 PIXELS */ } opacity: 1; border: 1px solid #ccc; .fusion-tabs .tab-pane { officials and follow TSSAA rules with AAU age guidelines. True success of the season isn't measured only by wins and losses, but by the improvement of the players in their attitude, skill, and work-ethic. /* GROUPING */ } border-right: 10px; /* Content Template: Content Template for Clubs Layout - start */ Milwaukee Spartans - located in Milwaukee. We are excited to offer multiple /* Content Template: Content Template for Clubs Layout - end */ @media only screen and (max-width: 1130px) { Student Athlete: We understand that the sport itself is only half . These events are posted by organizations and teams and are licensed by the Amateur Athletic Union of the U. S., Inc. All participants in these events must have a current AAU membership. $0.00 +$0.00 processing fee, Team Captain: overflow: hidden; CBA has 3 different divisions- (each ran under different directors) Chapman Basketball Academy- Ozaukee County Area (Mequon, WhitefishBay, Grafton, Cedarburg, Port Washington) Chapman Basketball Academy-South -South Milwaukee (Franklin, Greendale, Oak Creek) .span_3_of_3 { width: 32%; } HOME. .custom-logo { border-color: #e34444; .fusion-tabs .tab-pane { } .widget-button { padding: 0px; /* ----------------------------------------- */ border-style: solid; Wisconsin Playmakers 5. /* ----------------------------------------- */. margin-bottom: 0 !important; Basketball is a game that reveals character. "The mission of Running Rebels Community Organization is to provide programs that will assist Milwaukee's youth in developing mentally, physically, and spiritually, while also promoting community unity. Are you sure you want to delete pending invite sent to ? /* ----------------------------------------- */ While important, our approach to player development is a laser focus on the fundamentals of the game. Each tournament is conducted in a pool play format text-transform: uppercase; @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) { letter-spacing: 0px; With each player being unique in what goals they have and what they need to improve upon, we not only have a plan for the group as a whole but also cultivate a plan for the individual to assure his personal growth. font-weight: 700; Respect others: Treat everyone with respect and as an equal. color: #fff !important; color: #fff !important; ~Swish goes 3-0 in a one day shootout. Over the years, the NJB Stars program has prepared countless athletes for success on their high . 8Th Grade place in various locations throughout the end of June and most of July s teams open. .col { margin: 1% 0 1% 0%; } Aug 17, 2021, 12:52 pm. Ive been working with him for two years and counting and he is like family to me now.. /* GO FULL WIDTH BELOW 480 PIXELS */ /* GRID OF THREE */ Games will be played April 15-17, 2022 /* COLUMN SETUP */ Cost: $730.00 /* ----------------------------------------- */ background-color: #e34444; AAU. This is our Team App homepage. .widget-button { of tournaments, we hosted over 150 different teams from Tennessee } Training schedule is updated weekly. /* ----------------------------------------- */ } game. Leading by example our staff teaches players that success is a direct function of hard work, integrity and humility. Participate in AAU tournaments and receive elite training from College coaches, high school coaches, and former players. This usually occurs in college and can be a major shock to players. border-left: 10px; List of Teams here are some other teams out there but I don't have any websites for. /* ----------------------------------------- */ The 2022 St. Louis Eagles set the bar with a 5-0 run defeating St. Louis Clippers in the final. .span_2_of_3 { width: 32%; } padding: 0px; Boys Teams - 24:Up Boys Teams We are a club basketball organization that emphasizes the importance of basketball skill development. .widget-link { /* ----------------------------------------- */ overflow: hidden; Our trainers work athletes of all ages seeking to build a solid foundation and seasoned professionals looking to get an edge at the highest levels of competition. James Harden, Rockets Serious About Reunion; Sixers Currently 'Unconcerned', Ja Morant Accused Of Threatening, Violent Behavior In Multiple Off-Court Incidents, RealGM Radio: Mo Dakhil On The Season So Far (Mar 2023), LaMelo Ball Out For Season After Undergoing Ankle Surgery, The Lottery Pick Gleam Still On Kris Dunn, The 2023 Title Contenders Are Already Here, Six Biggest X-Factors After The All-Star Break, Arizona Online Sports Betting and Promo Codes, Illinois Online Sports Betting and Promo Codes, Kansas Sports Betting Promo Codes & Bonuses, Louisiana Online Sports Betting and Promo Codes, Maryland Sports Betting Promo Codes and Bonuses, BetMGM Sportsbook Massachusetts Promo Code, Caesars Sportsbook Massachusetts Promo Code, Massachusetts Sportsbook Promo Codes & Bonuses, Michigan Sports Betting and Sportsbook Promo Codes, New York Sportsbook Promo Codes and Betting Bonuses, Ohio Sports Betting Promo Codes and Bonuses, Pennsylvania Sports Betting and Sportsbook Bonuses, NFL Odds for the 2022-23 Season: The Best NFL Betting Odds, NFL Prop Bets: Top NFL Player Props for Betting, Super Bowl Odds 2023 - Best Odds To Win Super Bowl 57. } @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) { color: #fff !important; Click tournament on the left for expected teams and tournament schedule. border-bottom: 10px; you are not playing on the hardwood. Other programs are either one or the other. .col { margin: 1% 0 1% 0%; } Those core beliefs are based on respect. Our main objectives are to provide a fun, high level basketball experience for girls and assist our players with going through the recruitment process that have aspirations of playing basketball at the collegiate level. z-index: 1; If so, please reach out and let's begin working on getting YOUR GAME! /* ----------------------------------------- */ .fusion-tabs .tab-pane { The Ballers organization was created for one simple reason. About Us: Program philosophy: Wisconsin Dynasty AAU is created to give athletes an opportunity to play summer basketball at its highest levels. /* GRID OF THREE */ .group { zoom:1; /* For IE 6/7 */ } .group { zoom:1; /* For IE 6/7 */ } phone: (865) 789-2431. email: The Brew City Battle, co-hosted by JVA and AAU, brought teams from around the country to Milwaukee for one of the season's top events 02/01/2023 27 AAU Cross Country Runners Honored as Gatorade State Players of the Year 13 boys and 14 girls with ties to AAU were awarded the honor for 2022-23 02/01/2023 Dish Basketball, the manufacturer of the top basketball training products in the world. The Boys Under Armour Association provides elite travel teams with a league-style circuit at the 17U and 16U level. 2020-23 University Heat, LLC. Select the fourth team from the drop down menu. For expected teams and move forward only offering teams for girls the skill sets of! 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milwaukee aau basketball teams