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national child welfare conference 2022

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national child welfare conference 2022

1:45 pm 2:45 pm, A1 Child Maltreatment Re-reporting, Recurrence, and Foster Care Re-entry: Identifying Risk and Protective Factors for Practice and Policy Change. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. The Quality Improvement Center on Domestic Violence in Child Welfare is testing the feasibility of a Protective Factors Framework for Survivors of Domestic Violence in Massachusetts, Illinois, and Pennsylvania. Attendees were also given an opportunity to provide input into what CWLA includes as we update the current Standards of Excellence for Child Protective Services and create a new Standards of Excellence for Community-Based Prevention Services. This session will provide insights on the importance of engaging youths with lived experience to transform the way child welfare services are delivered. However, child welfare systems often face barriers to achieving this goal due to the challenge of assessing community service needs, the inability to identify gaps in service arrays based on assessed needs, and the absence of a CQI processes to improve access to services over time. These characteristics are building blocks for healing, empowerment, and resilience during times of crisis and trauma. Our Vision Exhibitors can sponsor the cards by selecting to contribute as an add-on option when registering. This shift in our process has opened up the opportunity to embed psychological safety, influence change initiatives, and construct alternative forms of education for the purpose of continuous improvement. 2023 Celebrate Kids! From 29 August 2022, existing personal independence payment (PIP) claimants will begin to transfer to adult disability payment (ADP). The evidence-based Family Centered Treatment model, from its very first session with a family, initiates a comprehensive series of assessment activities aimed to gather information related to protective and risk factors, historical and generational trauma, cultural influences, and natural community-based supports. This training has been developed to take participants, preferably in organizational teams, beyond the slogans and big picture themes associated with Family First and emphasize a more detailed and operational approach to the task of redesigning an agencys programs and practices to prioritize more accessible, non-stigmatizing, and common-sense approaches to service delivery. 4:15 pm 5:15 pm. Conference - Ohio CASA. Friends of CWLA are acknowledged with our conference sponsors. Updated 'Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018' with factual changes in relation to information sharing, homelessness duty and references to domestic abuse. This collective event will welcome over 300 delegates to Canmore, Alberta, October 5th through 7th, 2022. Action Lab Sessions I Effective and respectful facilitated conversations assume that as helping professionals and organizations enhance their capacity to rebound from immediate crisis and weather persistent stress, they also gain vital resources to deal more efficiently with future challenges. A skills-based training that examines facilitated conversations using a five-step approach, developed by CWLA Senior Fellow Michael Schultz, as one way to foster the hope, collaboration, and change needed to assess and intervene when trauma and tragedy strike. Exhibit Hall Floor Plan to be posted shortly. In this training session, we will introduce and discuss the 4 As Approach to Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Advertise in the printed Conference Program to ensure increased visibility, brand awareness, and engagement with our attendees. Kohn works with educators and parents across the country and speaks regularly at national conferences. Recent education leadership presentations by invitation have included the National Indigenous Education Summit (2022 & 2021), APAC Digital Learning Conference (2022 . Presenter: Stephanie Glickman, Family Centered Treatment Foundation, Charlotte, NC, D5 Partnering with Parents: Building a Birth Parent Advisory Board. Assessing Our Capacity for Family Support and Prevention Programming. Ref: DFE-00195-2018 15 December 2022 Transparency data See all latest documents Get emails Subscribe to feed What we do We are an independent panel commissioning reviews of serious child safeguarding cases. Child welfare social workers specialize in building upon the strengths within a family and their community to help provide a safe and loving . Presenters: Bryan Samuels, Chapin Hall, Chicago, IL; Christine James-Brown, CWLA, Washington, DC; Aysha Schomburg, Childrens Bureau, Washington, DC; Miranda Lynch-Smith, Office of Human Services Policy, Washington, DC, A7 Supporting Families Across the Prevention Continuum: Leveraging Housing as a Platform. View the 2022 Conference Agenda at a Glance . Our traditional Advocacy Day activities looked a little different due to certain restrictions on Capitol Hill, but we were still able to incorporate opportunities for attendees voices to be heard on the critical issues of Child Tax Credit (CTC) extension, implementation of child care expansion, and other significant topics. This action lab will describe how public and private agencies can work together using the Safe@Home model, and present promising results of a rigorous research study designed to test its effectiveness on placement and permanency outcomes. Presenters: Bobby Mukkamala, AMA, Flint, MI; Cheryl Fisher, Centene, Houston, TX, Friday, April 29 The content of Medicaid State Plans will be covered, with an emphasis on the mandatory service of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) and its function in the provision of specific services. At the beginning of 2020, Bethany boldly proclaimed new organizational values. Through working groups, we will wrestle with each aspect of systemic change and look at how to examine the policy to practice gapsall with an it can be done spirit. Closing Plenary & Lunch. In 2018, Kinship Navigator implemented the New York State Kinship Navigator System of Care Project, and has since adapted the program for a virtual environment. In this interactive workshop, NEYC youth consultants will share their methods and lessons learned from a three-phase strategic planning process including planning, data collection, and synthesizing findings to provide concrete recommendations. However, child welfare cannot do this alone. Required material, Building Blocks for Effective Co-Parenting: Companion Workbook is available to purchase online through the CWLA Bookstore and will be waiting for you at conference registration! Crisis Assessment and Intervention When Trauma Strikes: A Five-Step Approach to Hope, Collaboration, and Change. Presenters: Ashley Krumbach, Department of Child Services, Noblesville, IN; Rachel Parrett, Ashley Kaelin, Lauren Zyla-Whetstone, Department of Child Services, Indianapolis, IN, H4 Removing Bias in the Child Welfare System: A Promising Strategy Toward Reducing Overrepresentation of Children in Foster Care (from minority groups) through the Blind Removal Process. This year the National #THRIVE2022 Conference will include two days on Permanency (25 and 26 October), with the addition of a day to focus on trauma-informed Education on 27 October. They will also seek input from action lab participants about their successful efforts in this area and what types of tools and materials they feel would support the field in advancing equity and justice. There is no more significant impact on the ongoing instability of child welfare agencies than the current workforce crisis. Presenters: Sharon McCartney, AAICAMA, Washington, DC; Adrian Owens, AAICAMA, GA. This conference is unique in addressing all aspects of child maltreatment, including but not limited to physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, exposure to violence, poly-victimization, exploitation, intervention, trafficking, and prevention. Participants will utilizeThe 7 Ps Exercisedeveloped by CWLA Senior Fellow Paul DiLorenzo during his 30+ years of planning, developing, implementing, and managing community and neighborhood-based family support programmingto create a To Do list for transformation, and at the same time, highlight existing strengths and opportunities that a provider might not have considered in their desire to become more primary prevention oriented. We will receive updates from governments . Step 1 (of 4): Select a Month (Optional) One barrier is the ongoing expectation that children in care move schools, when initially entering and during their time in care. AAICAMA Member Sessions (Invitation only), 9:00 am 11:30 am In this interactive workshop, well go through a strategy for working with government, the complexities of care reform, and the global measures that point to country success in a transition to family-based care. QPI is a process to improve permanency and well-being for children by shifting systems away from bureaucracy and toward an approach based on relationships. Centene and CWLA are partnering to produce a special issue of the Child Welfare Journal focused on this critical issue, and are developing micro learnings and other activities to advance the dialogue in child welfare. Our intent was to help child welfare programs develop a comprehensive approach to stimulating the health of their workforce by sharing tools and resources. Caseworker turnover is a hallmark obstacle in child welfarebut the options available to tackle this challenge are improving. Action Lab Sessions D Presenter: Cathy Hockaday, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, I2 Building Protective Factors So Adult and Child Survivors of Domestic Violence Can Thrive. Payment in full is due with registration. NACC Conference - National Association of Counsel For Children Building Community: NACC Conference NACC's 46th National Child Welfare Law Conferences From Learning to Action: Shared Accountability for Disrupting Harm and Promoting Healing SPONSORSHIP, EXHIBITING, AND ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES To increase and improve investment in this area as an essential and integral part . Child welfare systems are intimidating, confusing, and overwhelming to many adults, but even more so for children, whose trauma and distress may be exacerbated by system involvement. CWLA 2022 NATIONAL CONFERENCE: The Fierce Urgency of Now: Collective Action to Ensure Children and Families Flourish Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill, Washington, DC April 27-29, 2022 NAVIGATION Conference Schedule Advocacy Spotlight Track Action Lab Sessions Training Institute Awards Hotel & Travel Sponsorship Exhibiting & Advertising Overview To shift this perspective, leadership must prioritize CQI as a lever for change and growth. We must work hands-on with families, communities, and other systems, as well as federal, state, and local leadership, to eliminate the many barriers to achieving our vision. . Check out ourSponsorship Opportunities. Please be sure to make your reservation under our conference group block to ensure waiver of the destination fee charged at this hotel. This action lab will describe the research- and practice-informed Protective Factors Framework for survivors of domestic violence and offer guidance for integrating the framework when working with survivors of family violence. This discussion will be led by the American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law on the cross-section between education and child welfare. Bethany made significant programmatic and operational changes, which are described in our report What the Pandemic Taught Us (funded by The Annie E. Casey Foundation). A team approach ensures all involved parties are aware of the findings and routine reassessment occurs at targeted intervals during treatment. Conference. Oct 17, 2022 Join NCFL for in-person professional development this fall The hybrid 2022 Families Learning Conference kicks off virtually Oct. 25-26! Presenter: Richard Heyl de Ortiz, CASA of New York State; Alexandra Fields-Evans,CASA of DC, Thursday, April 28 11:00 am 12:00 pm, I1 Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14. Furthermore, fathers involvement in parenting is associated with increased reunification rates and more rapid exits from foster care. Overview. Possible solutions will be discussed. Current as of: June 16, 2022 The Children's Bureau supports the National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN) and other learning opportunities for those in the child welfare field. Do we really understand the power race holds while being only an illusion? Panelists will discuss some of the distinctive challenges faced with implementation and sustainability of Family First in rural communities, why specific programs and interventions were selected, and how these strategies are resulting in successes for children and families. We secured an overflow group room block at Yotel, which is directly across the street from the Hyatt. Corrected a small error in chapter 5, footnote 99. Tools will also be provided on how to engage youth locally, inform policies, and create greater outcomes for youth who have transitioned from the child welfare system. In previous episodes we talked about the extent of the problem nationally and how it affects each community; we discussed the need for community collaboration; we explored the . Child welfare leaders face a critical call to action to address longstanding system failures and inequitiesand engage in the policy context beyond child welfare specific legislation. Presenters: Cheri Williams, Bethany Christian Services, Grand Rapids, MI; Julia Fukuda, Bethany Christian Services, Atlanta, GA, H6 InstruMENtal: Recognizing the Importance of the Male Role in Child Welfare. Through a partnership between its agencys leadership and human resources, CFSA has created a culture of wellness that promotes healthy lifestyle choices and employee engagement and focuses on addressing secondary traumatic stress (STS) at all agency levels. It's a special day dedicated to highlighting the rights of children and youth and ensuring their voices are heard. We held a fast-paced conference that featured plenary sessions, a panel presentation, and 60-minute Action Labs, which drew on the experiences of your public and private peers in child welfare and related service areas; our research, advocacy, and education partners; and representatives from families and communities. Presenters: Jeff Lukich, DLH Corporation, Atlanta, GA; Paul DiLorenzo, CWLA Senior Fellow, Bala Cynwyd, PA, Thursday, April 28 As always, the conference was ultimately an opportunity for all of us to recommit to our collective work and advocacy to advance quality services and a continuum of care, create communities of support, and take action to ensure that all children and families flourish. We welcomed back our friends, colleagues, and partners old and new and connected, reconnected, recharged, and made decisions about how we collectively and as individuals, agencies, the child welfare system, and society as a whole can and must take action to achieve a better world for all children and families. For reservations, book online atYotel Reservations with group code: 2204CWLADC. Conference on Child Welfare and the Courts The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families and Children's Court Improvement Program sponsor this biennial conference for judicial officers, county and tribal agency management, and attorneys involved in child welfare and juvenile justice. Facilitator: Paul DiLorenzo, CWLA Senior Fellow. Company logo and website link on conference webpage, Recognition and website link in conference e-communications, Company logo on sponsor page in conference programs, Name billing and logo on conference signage, Quarter-page ad space in the conference final program, One-time use of the pre- and post-conference attendee mailing lists, Half-page ad space in the conference final program, Full-page ad space in the conference final program, Acknowledgement from the podium during a General Session, Special recognition in three conference e-blasts, Name billing and logo on meal function signage, Company logo on Wi-Fi cards distributed to attendees with password, Name billing and logo on A/V signage in General Session, $1,550 for Premium Exhibitor (high-traffic space), 8 x 10 space with standard booth drapery, A complimentary registration for one exhibit staffer with access to all conference sessions, workshops, and meal functions, Registrant mailing list for pre-conference marketing (one-time use), Post-conference attendee list for follow-up outreach (one-time use), Dedicated exhibit hall times and functions, A 30% discount on conference program advertising, Optional add-ons: tote bag insert and program ads (see below), To Exhibit,REGISTER ONLINE. The CWLA National Blueprint identifies the importance of having an array of services that help vulnerable families accomplish developmental tasks. 30 Days to Family is an urgent, intense, 30-day evidence-based intervention that works tirelessly to get children who have just entered foster care placed with family. My recent career highlights have included Australian Principal of the Year (2020). Presenters: Alger Studstill, Jr., Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Lincoln, NE; Anayra Ta-Lpez, Proyecto Nacer Inc, Bayamn, Puerto Rico; Traci Jones, Virginia Department of Social Services, Richmond, VA; Kelli McKnight, Options, OR; Antonia Rios, Parents Anonymous Inc, CA. However, it is often driven by compliance rather recognized as an opportunity for continuous learning. Facilitators: Eileen Mayers Pasztor, DSW, and Charlene Ingram, MSW, Building Blocks for Effective Co-Parenting. Some nations also celebrate . National Child's Day on November 20 is celebrated all around the world. With over 1,500 attendeesand growing every yearthis four-day conference has become the premiere national event addressing tribal child welfare and well-being. The UK GDPR is the retained EU law version of the GDPR. Presenters: Kristen Gore & Jason Brennen & Katrina Dorse, Chapin Hall, Chicago, IL, E2 Raising the Future: Shared Leadership with Diverse Groups of Parents & Youth Nationwide. Preparing, developing, and supporting kinship caregivers and resource families to ensure children in their care have relationships that are safe, nurturing, and enduring continues to be a decades-old challenge. The Safe@Home in-home parent skill-based model has achieved positive outcomes for children and families in Nevada by preventing out-of-home placements for children determined to be unsafe, dramatically increasing the percent of reunified families, and substantially decreasing time in out-of-home care. This presentation is based on four years of research into parent support groups for parents raising children exposed to trauma; extensive interviews with agency administrators, group facilitators, and parents; and two years of data from over 30 groups. Armed with the knowledge that family members are the experts, specialists waste no time in engaging with all family members, identifying family caregivers, backup placement options, and mapping out a robust natural support system. Services are provided to Indian children, consistent with the federal Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and Washington State Indian Child Welfare Act, in the areas of child protective services, foster care, dependency guardianship, termination of parental rights, and adoption proceedings. As a bonus, CWLA exhibitors also receive the pre- and post-conference attendee mailing lists for marketing. Child abuse professionals also learn essential techniques to manage the impact of vicarious trauma. This session will focus on the efforts of The Childrens Village to incorporate a racial equity lens into their work with families. Many of these medications are prescribed off-label, with little proven benefit but significant risk. She has trained providers in all fifty states. This presentation will cover the red flags that can help them recognize situations where the childs treatment with psychiatric medications may be problematic and / or parents objections may be reasonable. We will discuss how various jurisdictions have used the tool to enhance the service selection process, lessons learned, and key financial implications when assessing implementation costs of EBPs. Since then, an increasingly durable and agile spirit of collaboration in L.A. fuels an ability to test new ideas, assess their effectiveness, and bring them to scale in ways that significantly impact child welfare reform. Think of Us (TOU) is an Action Tank driving systematic change in child welfare. This presentation will discuss the support and informational needs of children involved in the child welfare system and how child welfare practitioners can best meet these needs through an interdisciplinary approach of trauma-informed and developmentally appropriate court information and guidance, including through the use of interactive child witness support materials. Send fliers, brochures, and other material for our Take-One tables in or near the Exhibit Hall and Conference Registration area. Save the date for September 20-22, 2022 and join us at the Hyatt Regency Columbus for the 28th Annual Celebrate Kids! This presentation will provide an overview of FFT in FC and discuss the results of recent evaluations indicating how FFT in FC promotes stability and successful permanency. 0161 376 9007 View Programme Request to Speak Please note that this event is now finished Safeguarding Children Tuesday, 22 March 2022 Pendulum Hotel & Manchester Conference Centre 09:00 - 16:00 View Programme Request to Speak 220+ Conference Attendees 8 CPD Credits 10 Expert Speakers 10 Sponsors & Supporters Overview Presenter: Rae Glaser, NYS Kinship Navigator, Rochester, NY, I5 Child Welfare and Medicaid: Making Medicaid Happen. This conference will be held in person at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center in Grapevine, TX. For children in foster care, education can be an important link to stability and community, but children in foster care face significant barriers to their educational progress. Statutory guidance is issued by law - you must follow it unless theres a good reason not to. Finally, participants will use the results to develop a portion of a case plan and learn how to use the tools to measure program outcomes. We need to find bold ways to make the type of changes required to reach the vision of CWLAs National Blueprint for Excellence in Child Welfare (National Blueprint)that all children will grow up safely, in families who are loving, with everything they need to flourish and with connections to their culture, ethnicity, race, and language.. 4 as approach to Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Change this hotel of the Village! And youth and ensuring their voices are heard American Bar Association Center on Children the! For Effective Co-Parenting oct 17, 2022 and Join Us at the Hyatt Regency Columbus the. Cwla national Blueprint identifies the importance of engaging youths with lived experience to transform the way welfare! The Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center in Grapevine, TX times of crisis and trauma, existing independence! 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national child welfare conference 2022