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new madrid fault prophecy

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26 Mar

new madrid fault prophecy

But if Houston is any indication, it looks like it wont be. Based on recurrence intervals for small earthquakes, scientists estimated a 40 to 63 percent chance of a Richter magnitude 6.0 Continue to pray for deep repentance and a massive revival, the likes of which the world as never seen. Silent Warrior You can spend more time in prayer if youre not one of the fatalities. His list is long but there were some that resonated in my spirit as having already happened or in the process. I really would like to hear more. May the Lord, Bob I have been doing some research on NZ. He talks about a Remnant church made up of ordinary, dedicated people; and God provision for those who belong to Him- a miraculous plan for each one. I know some people who live north of Monte. japans was around 60kms deep and i believe tha san andreas is approx 20kms. Do others view the agreement as the confirmation of the covenant? They were waiting in a line and I noticed an odd looking woman walking toward me. He was concerned that year, because that was the earthquake that caused that huge tsunami. Officials in the Prime Ministers Office say that Syrian President Assad demanded that one principle upon which the international talks will be based is that the Golan Heights be considered occupied territory that must be returned to Syria. PO Box 250 I live right on the New Madrid. It has been talked about recently and could really do some damage and division due to where it is and how many states would effect. The New Madrid Fault Line in Prophecy! The New Madrid quake occurred in 1812 just as Americas war with the Brits began. They say if this one goes that anything west of this freeway is toast. Paul, agreed re Stanley Frodsham Id never seen/ heard it before but found it on the Pentecostal Pioneers website and emailed James the link in February, my first contact with the Z3 news family! PDF documents opened from your Dear Rachel above is a link of quakes above 4.5 Richter scale of the las 7 days, as you can see there are quakes ( from left to right) in: NZ, Indonesia, Japan up to Kamtachka, then nothing in Canada and the US,then you can see quakes in Nicaragua (6.1), Ecuador (7.8) and Chile(5.6). speaking of bigger things to come! In the second chapter of his 1974 book The Vision, hestates: The United States is going to experience in the not-too-distant future the most tragic earthquakes in its history. Adding the 6.2 & the 7.1? Peace. Simon Braker Father God, I thank You that the Blood is the hedge against the destroyer. I am in no way an expert in earthquakes. The 1811-1812 earthquakes in the New Madrid Seismic Zone impacted most of the simple buildings in New Madrid and Little Prairie (Caruthersville), the two towns in the area at the time. Significant damage is also expected in of southern Illinois, western Kentucky and Tennessee, northeastern Arkansas and northwestern Mississippi as well as in areas of southeast Missouri outside the Bootheel. 5/23 (May 23) is significant for me also. There are backups and plans in place to cope initially, however most of the people live there in silicon Valley and you cant so easily replace people. Paul you will never know how much your post has helped me. The LBGTQ Community seems comfortable with the Asbury Revival. It is part of the Pacific Plate subduction and Tokyo is near the southern end of this plate. John Whitehead A 2004 HAZUS report prepared by FEMA, based on a 7.7 earthquake occurring in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, estimates earthquake damages to be $296 billion dollars across the region and nearly 730,000 people displaced from their homes. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. Website is best viewed in web browser Brave. I have not heard anything in the news until maybe a couple of days ago on this site. On 2/11/23, (noticed the 11, which is , ALSO, a judgment number! Prophecy Update 2023: Judgement on the Lukewarm and Great Persecution in the West. Spoke to soon the video Came throughthanks! Here is a word from my daughters friend in Amarillo, TX who is very prophetic: Later, after 9/11 happened I made the connection. WebNew Madrid seismicity is spatially associated with the Reelfoot rift and may be produced by movement on old faults in response to compressive stress related to plate motions. Our situation really isnt much different than California. Well thats very interesting because Michael Snyder of just posted a detailed article with a map from the US Geologocal Survey about how there has been a series of 2.5 and greater earthquakes over the past week that are basically drawing a line separating this island of Japan in half speculating it may begin to tear apart. He does this by looking at the EQs over the last several days not via prophecy or anythingIve been watching him for a few years. Morningstar News Take it to the LORD and see if any is correct. I know whats coming and hes choosing to ignore/pretend everything will just go on as usual. Ive been living in a garage waiting for this crash for a while now. By selecting a language from the Google Translate menu, the user accepts the legal implications of any misinterpretations or differences in the translation. I dont know just seemed interesting. NYC is not built for earthquakes at all Some buildings tremble by the passing of a train, so an earthquake would be devastating. There was fire, destruction and chaos all across the city. Lord have mercy. This reminds me of a vision I received a week or so ago. Its s Lie that the Left peddle to people who dont understand the process. (I am hoping that changes soon ) Anyhow, while I was worshipping He spoke and said I am healing you and you have one year to get your house in order. This May 23rd is the dead line. Why God Really Exists, Spanish: yeshuaelohimvieneya It will be so high on the Richter scale that it will trigger two other major earthquakes.. This is the final gathering of spiritual Israel long foretold in scripture. Hi, This site gives a propheti map of the US after the earthquakes. Everything this idiot so called President is doing is either bringing this nation down and/or doing things that is displeasing to God. Location of earthquake epicenters in and near the New Madrid Seismic Zone (circles scaled according to magnitude.)., Wow, Id not heard about the New Madrid fault line and didnt know where it was so I googled it. Patricia D and Darrell Sansom== YOU were adding the dates Patricia and I was adding the numbers. They have threatened to take over the Golan heights with force if necessary. He will strike Israel and Jordan with a strong quake. I was in a prayer group with her mom and knew her sister and brother. But the more they fracked, the more earthquakes we had. And we do know that there have been earthquakes in Japan in the recent past. One can move the map around and change settings, to find what theyre looking for. You know to use your authority in your area. ; this morning reading your reply comment & Question. Look up John Kilpatrick and his Like us, she never watches TV. . These higher amplitude waves are the more damaging surface waves. The rest of the article is here:, A larger quake just occurred in the north central area of Japan. media outlet news we have here in Aust. Its just not talked about as much. Too much truth for the church to handle. The subject is very close to his heart. Some East Tennesseans got an early start to their Wednesday when an earthquake centered in Decatur rattled through the area. With all the attention to numbers on this website Ive been paying more attention to their significance and noticed that when you add the dates of these earthquakes 4/14 = 9 and 4/16 = 11 you get 9/11. I have not KYCed as, Thomas Harry needs to see-watch the tik tok link. The Ring of Fire is really moving. Many of these WARNINGS can be personal, or for your family..however, there are a few that are WARNINGS for the BODY OF CHRIST, and need to be shared. It is responsible for several of the fault lines that run through New York City, including one under 125 th Street. Luke 6:38 NLT Robin Kirby Gatto Between 2004-2014 that number shot to almost 900!!! This would be catastrophic. Kilpatrick! Sharon if you are answering me I am looking not for JPJ prophecies but those that have come to pass. These songs express just a little of what awaits us, I also reside in Minneapolis/St Paul, Minnesota area. I think that means it is not magma moving or such. Then I saw a map of the USA and a crack appeared down the right center of the US (I would say where the New Madrid fault is now that I have seen other maps.) You may be interested in the Holy Desperation video on youtube. There is no news anymore. The Southeast side was gone most of the Southside all but a bit of it. According to the U.S Geological Survey, a temblor measuring magnitude 2.5 occurred in southeast Missouri near the city of Howardville, 100 miles west-southwest of Princeton, on Saturday at 3:08 p.m. Unlike many here I dont get any visions or dreams from God, except maybe for one that took place shortly after losing a close friend. I appreciate Savages post. And as was stated before, the citys old buildings are in no way set up to withstand such a quake. Some buildings in St. Louis, 150 miles or more to the north, received damage consisting mostly of broken or collapsed stone chimneys and broken stone buildings of Unreinforced Masonry (URM) construction. I keep seeing these warning signs. The Lord made me to understand a few months back a 9.0 earthquake would hit The New Madrid causing inland tsunamis that will flood or wipe out towns along the Mississippis banks. In contrast, Super Church #2 he says will be the invisible, empowered, underground Super Church of Jesus Christ. You are currently in the preparation for this next event, which Give, and you will receive. The most dangerous place to be is outside the will of the Lord. God has warned us, pray for mercy on the unsaved that this shaking will wake them up, and be a time of witness and testimony . In retrospect, I wonder how I was able to so resolutely pack a few things and leave with our twin toddlers in less than 24 hours. Just thought Id put this on here for anyone who really wants to rid themselves of the enemy and therefore come into a deeper walk with The Lord. and yet church bells rang there. This I was made to understand by earthquakes Iowa sits on a massive qualifier. Cmo saber que vas al cielo? Katherine Lehman It would not surprise me if he posts on Obamas meeting this week and the grave implications of dividing Gods land. 91:1-6, 10-11, 15-16). If He chooses not to, and it is our time to go, all the better as far as I am concerned! The program completely turned his life around. The New Madrid Faultine Her Destruction 3 earthquakes will hit her,several inland tsunamis & 1 caused by the ocean from a future asteroid sent by The Lord Almighty. I know the Lord will make it all come out the way He wants it and I know it has to be this way before the end!! IF the WARNING becomes REALITY! Michael Snyder Anything eastward of the main vain roads Euclid,Grand Ave,Douglas,University will be gone all the way up to Ames,Iowa. We will all be held accountable some day for what we said, as well as what we didnt say!! The current situation in Syria does not allow this, Kirby continued. In THE CROSS AND THE SWITCHBLADE it is mentioned a girl from the farm of Montezuma IA. I thought (maybe wrong about this) that the next peace agreement between Israel and the Palestines would be the confirmation of the covenant which would begin Daniels 70th week and would start the countdown to the final 7 years before our Lord returned to fight in the battle of Armageddon. All submissions will be read but we will share only the ones the Lord leads us to. To be right with God, is the best preparation. Cisco, TX 76437, Whistle Blower Jeff This animation shows the simulated ground motion of the Earths surface that could occur in the central U.S. region for a magnitude 7.7 strike-slip earthquake on the southern section of the New Madrid seismic zone. Ive heard him speak about this and he shared that he believed it would occur so that our nation would be split in two if we ever cause the nation of Israel to be split in two. I only talk about Christianity to him when he asks me questions. WebExpected shaking intensity of a magnitude 7.5 earthquake on the New Madrid central fault. (Ps. No problem at all thank you for trying to help. The colors are keyed to the peak intensity of ground velocity at the surface. I particularly liked the insight to Dave Wilkersons word of prophecy. Krista Definitely recommend this for everyone! First thing that came to, BOB, Sadly, none of these tragic events in NZ appear normal weather events to me. Shane Warren; John Paul Jackson, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, , John Kilpatrick,. Thank you for sharing! I honestly believe, because of HIS great mercy and love these shakings that will be coming is a wake-up call for them. You know to use Hebrews 4:13 Folks, Gods judgment tool the Destroyer aka Planet X has already entered our solar system, even though its still millions of miles away its already starting to affect our planet with all these natural disasters happening everywhere look up for your redeemer is coming! Hes walking his on path, not our Lord and saviors. It is now about the elections and Fox is now not much better than the other news stations. Also everything around the ring of fire is rocking and rolling right now. Website is best viewed in web browser Brave. It will be coverage of the biggest most disastrous earthquake in history., It will cause widespread panic and fear. As you listen, notice what he says causes the formation of Super Church #1 a mysterious chain of events. Also, secure expensive electronic devices such as televisions. In Missouri, the report estimates a direct economic loss of $69 billion dollars and nearly 87,000 damaged buildings. The important thing to remember is that if you pray re-speak the Word of God, you know you are always praying in agreement with His Word. I needed that jolt from the Holy Spirit! Lord Jesus, keep us safe. His economic collapse prophecy said it would happen very soon. It vividly shows how part of Japan shifted during the quakes. What does it cost to move? So either Im meant to stay here by the grace of God or I still need to seek His direction and have enough money/time to do so. The New Madrid quakes affected a larger area because of the sedimentary rock in the Mississippi Valley, rock such as limestone, sandstone and shale that is made of compressed sediment., Interesting Merily,Im thinking I seen a correct vision from the Lord then : ), This may be for me personally or may speak to something bigger. In the book Eye to Eye, its author William Koenig explains the last time a president (Bush) pulled a stunt like Obama will try to do on Friday.Hurricane Katrina happened a few days later. If history repeats itself and the great earthquake of the 1800s happens in the New Madrid zone again it may kill thousands (even millions) of people because the area is much more populated now. These seismic waves, trapped by the softer sedimentary rock in the Rift and Embayment and amplified by the softer sediments above, cause the duration of long-period shaking to be about 3045 seconds in some areas, including Memphis, Little Rock, and Paducah, Kentucky. John Vidale has provided an excellent technical answer and I echo his point that the when of the next event on this fault is currently unknowable. God doesnt want his land divided! The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.,¤cy_code=USD, If you are uncomfortable with those options. This one was a man who was pretending to be the other ones husband and father to the unseen infant in the stroller. It is quite interesting that this week Obama holds the deciding vote for the two resolutions in front of the UN which would split Israel in a 2-state solution. I cant shake it and it would be very unexpected. I used some of Davids materialalong with the WORD and other things. The enemys plans will be thwarted by the Lord if Gods people are aware and act accordingly. 23 is the number of death. I believe this flash dream pertains to the electricity going out. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If this word is fulfilled in a few weeks; we are likely to see the tsunami John Paul Jackson spoke of that precedes the west coast earth quake by a few weeks. An attack may be planned somewhere in an everyday public place, but He has given us eyes to see and ears to hear. LOUISVILLE, Ky. The question is not if amassive earthquake will hitmore than a half dozen states that border the Mississippi River, butratherwhenit will happen. This year, 5/23 is Iyar 15 the day Israel complained in the wilderness (flesh pots of Egypt Exodus 16:1-4). Give, and you will receive. One night after a long time of prayer together, I went to bed while my husband stayed up to study and pray. I hope and pray it will be uneventful. Infowars has more information about the quake. And to have them where we could have easy access to the items. ( They tried to, Thank you for sharing this , God bless you, Annie Marie; Found this article with Video on alt. We are so grateful that we found Z3 a few months after we left. Thanks much for the link to Frodshams prophecy. You could see land past the state capital but it was over 6miles plus away. So there is a gap to be filled in the ring of fire and a quake could hit: Alaska, Vancouver or California. I also fear a false flag event may take place. Hope this helps! This was the second time I have had this dream. Amen Remain in Him, God Bless. Israel is an incredible prophetic time piece. Michele Burdo My daughter has been led to plant a garden this year. How to Know You Are Going to Heaven I am in Chicago on business right now, and I had a very clear dream. you have left in your comment Katherine:. The big thing we prepare for is with New Madrid, Bobel said. It is true. The area includes major cities such as Memphis, Tennessee, St. Louis, Missouri, Little Rock, Arkansas and Evansville, Indiana. The U.S. position on the issue is unchanged, Kirby told reporters during a daily briefing at the State Department in Washington. Does that mean they are voting on it this week? A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the There is not the slightest doubt in my mind about this forthcoming massive earthquake in our continent., I am not at all convinced that this earthquake will take place in California. WebAnswer (1 of 4): What are the best predictions for when the New Madrid Fault Line will give way and result in a disaster? People expect it at the new Madrid but no one expects the nyc area which does have fault lines as well. Earthquakes are Not caused by Fracking. . Here is a video about ISIS targeting Nimrod related historical sites (including the temple of Baal) and a theory on a possible deception. We fear no evil because the Holy Spirit comforts us. NEW MADRID FAULT WARNING FROM SEISMOLOGISTS, Central United States Earthquake Consortium, U.S. Geological Surveys earthquake calculator, buildings to withstand a strong earthquake, Fauci discussed chimeras (fragments from different viruses stitched together into a new creation) with Wuhan research collaborator in Feb. 2020, email suggests, AIR FORCE REMOVES 6 LEADERS AT NUCLEAR BASE, GIVES NO EXPLANATION, Journalist Makes Scary Discovery After Following Creek from East Palestine to Ohio River, Worthy is the Lamb by Charlie LeBlanc: Video by Timothy Ungurean, NO MYSTERY ANY LONGER: Mysterious White Dust Blankets Parts of West Virginia, Virginia, and Maryland (PICS/VIDEOS), THESE 51 BIG BUSINESSES TARGET CONSERVATIVES: Heres What You Can Do To Stop Them, Virus Decimating Global Chicken Flocks Jumps to First Human and Leaves Her Dead Now Someone Else Is Showing Symptoms, Nightmare in South Africa: US Embassy Warns Americans to Ready Themselves for Power Grid Collapses and Civil Unrest, Drug-resistant stomach bug spreading across US: Serious public health alert, We should get our spiritual house in order and have an emergency plan. Kathi Pelton They are actually saying the UNs final decision to divide Israels land will probably be this fall (spearheaded by Obama). divide Jerusalem. On January 23, 1812, a magnitude 7.3 quake occurred with its epicenter around New Madrid. I have 5 flash dreams that I would like to share. When I woke up, I knew that the body of water was in the same general location of the Remember, most earthquake injuries come from falling objects and debris, not the actual movement of the ground. I understand this will create the massive open water way that looks like a vast ocean occupying the once South and Southeast side of Des Moines. Yet I had planted you a noble vine, wholly a right seed; how then are you turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine to me? (Jeremiah 2:21). I was just reading David Wilkersons article The Last Revival yesterday and it is hard to believe that was written in 1988. Your email address will not be published. he was shown an Old Map of city of Indanola down to around Memphis. She also doesnt have internet. Expat Gal God promises over and over in His word to take care of us. He, too, has been interviewed on this subject on Sid Roths show. These two words are URGENT, and felt people would want to know to pray: Last summer, we believe God told us to flee Babylon shortly after He woke us up from complacency we had fallen into. People will be open to God as they are unable to deny that He is at work. Hes home every week and I try not to worry too much. It demonstrates the profound focusing effect the Reelfoot rift has on ground shaking produced by earthquakes. She was glad and then her spirit sensed something bad is going to happen in the next couple of days. I know because Ive worked in the Texas Oilfields on Drilling Riggs. God spoke a word to me when I was half awake in the middle of the night. One example that blew mind mind was when Bush signed the agreement that forced Israelis out of their homes in the Gaza West Bank to relocate and within 24 hours hurricane Katrina slammed into New Orleans the levee that broke and allowed flooding was called the West Bank! I would like to hear more about thatwhat do you mean? Yes We should all pray for intercession. That day is Erev Pesach, or the night of the Seder meal as Pesach begins. I wish I was 1/10th the spiritual man he was. So, what could a big quake look like in the fault zone today? The shows are archived, but you could also see probably them on youtube. ), I received 3 dream visions: 2) First, I saw 2 HUGE ELECTRICAL POWER TOWERS standing in an open field. I saw an orchestra playing on the deck of a large ship. Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 Yes All this was caused by the New Madrid Faultline and the 3 earthquakes that hit 1 will be triggered by the Great Lakes triggering The New Madrid. these earthquakes there are all very shallow. She said main thing to do is pray. 1066, Explore recent publications by USGS authors, Browse all of Pubs Warehouse by publication type and year, Descriptions of US Geological Survey Report Series, Tecumseh's prophecy: Preparing for the next New Madrid earthquake: A plan for an intensified study of the New Madrid seismic zone. We, the true believers, are the foundation that God is going to use to usher in revival after this. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. April 18, 2016 The NMSZ is famous for a series of three major earthquakes (believed to have been magnitude 7.0 or larger) which occurred in the two month period between Dec. 16, 1811, and Feb. 7, 1812. He can be a bit of a scoffer and mocker at times. Need a better excuse to cancel elections ? Back in 1811, New Madrid, Missouri, itself had only 400 people, St. Louis to the north had about 1,500 residents and Memphis to the south wasnt even a twinkle in its founders eyes, according to theCentral United States Earthquake Consortium. The quake that will make the Mississippi run backwards into the Great Lakes would definitely have an effect on MSP. I went to YouTube and searched his name and the word headlines. We should all be aware of our surroundings and escape routes, when we are out running errands and a million things may be on our minds. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. That must mean that my family and I are meant to stay and roll with the flow. The earthquakes in diverse places that Jesus foretold are definitely happening this weekend. There are circumstances where the service does not translate correctly or where translations may not be possible, such as with certain file types (PDF, text and MS Excel documents), video content, and images containing text. Hes on the east side of st. Louis. Then he gave me a vivid dream of the Boston terror attacks. This suggests to me a massive humanitarian crises that will unite Catholics and Protestants over night to relieve suffering, so it could be triggered by the fulfillment ofhis other warning about a mega-earthquake. This is the area where the earthquake hit during the 2011 quake and tsunami. The basic single story log buildings, which are in fact a very earthquake resistant type of construction, often shifted or sunk as parts of the areas submerged and flooded. I had to look around and see if we were actually having an earthquake. David was like a second pastor to me. Where I live the street people sense that some kind of major change is in the winds. For years I have been researching and watching this little known Fault Zone, which scientists say will wreak much havoc in midwest states. Down towards Missouri Georgia,Alabama both Louisiana,Texas will be affected not just by this quake but by the asteroid that will come later. 13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. browser may not display or print as intended. So lack of money is not a valid excuse for disobedience. The nyc area which does have fault lines that run through New York new madrid fault prophecy, one. Surface waves I was half awake in the stroller diverse places that foretold. Iyar 15 the day Israel complained in the winds Alaska, Vancouver or California the. I know whats coming and hes choosing to ignore/pretend everything will just on... Oilfields on Drilling Riggs is either bringing this nation down new madrid fault prophecy doing things is! 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Rafael Nadal Mother, Sheboygan Press Arrests, Articles N

new madrid fault prophecy