poop your pants on purpose
Stop punishing her and assuming she's doing it to piss you off. How none of us noticed or smelled it is beyond me but it happened. POOP News - Episode 1 - Pooping and The Pooper. was a good job that I did not also need a wee that afternoon or I probably pull ups can be a relief and a god send for a kid who poops himself! I do remember, however, the awful feeling when my mother looked in my pants and I knew that my latest accident was about to be discovered and that I was going to be told off again.I was also lucky that I stopped soiling at 11, so there were no problems in that area at secondary school. I could never really explain myself and I understand why she took that approach. I must have known that I was being very naughty doing this, but I did it It was a power struggle with Dad and the kid was going to win! Or perhaps I disliked the The answers to the questions my friends mother asked probably made no sense and I had developed the habit of lying by making an excuse that in my mind justified what I had done. July 20, 2016, 1:00pm. panties. Letting it come out in my underwear when it wanted to worked because it didnt hurt, so that became normal. what sort of answer would you have actually accepted from her? Seeing Otherwise, I would use the commodore or the floor. We questioned her about it and told her we were extremely upset and clueless as to why she would do it and why we were back to pooping in our pants and sitting in it. Another reason would have been that my birthday is in September, so I was 13 at the start of year 8 and this is when it concluded. He basically told me that he knew I had pooped, and that I should just admit it and not try to lie. Use plenty of paper towels. even as an older child i was still interested in things which might seem below my age. She would have regarded it as something an older child should be doing anyway. I wonder if maybe she did it once as an accident then felt your reaction and continued to do it..is she testing and pushing limits in other ways??? I never really considered age, but I think my Mum continued changing me for a few reasons. Like you James I soiled my pants regularly as a boy (at school and at home). Like diapers or pants checks? We were on the way to another party, so I started getting worried she was going to work out it was me. I don't know at what age my mother would have stopped changing me if I'd carried on soiling, but I've noticed that most kids who soil have to start changing themselves around the age of 6 or 7. Sorry - I know that might be tough to hear - but for her "not to care"? It was your way of dealing with your bodily needs while at school when you felt unable to use the toilets there. Going to the toilets when we got to our location seemed pointless and my secret appeared to be safe. But I suspect that the real reason was that it just seemed the easy why would she? In my case, I'm sure it wouldn't have been too long before someone was pulling back the waistband of my underwear! There were times when people got suspicious that I had done something in my pants. Hi Anonymous, Thats a feeling I can I understand.As I got older, I was very aware no one else was pooing in their pants as often as me. But, yes, since I was about 14 I've been pooping myself on purpose when giving the opportunity. hello, would there be times when u witheld your poop when u were at home near a toilet as an older child? Looking back, Im surprised the Sort by: Hot. In my case, I didn't get into the habit of deliberately soiling myself, but I did get into the habit of withholding my poo from the age of 3, which it took me years to get out of. It's EXACTLY what you're describing. Once again, I I think most school-aged children would not purposely soil themselves except in a circumstance such as you have detailed, that is to say, adding to an already existing accident in ones pants. Explanation: Passing a large stool can stimulate the vagus nerve, that, among other functions, connects the gut to the brain. Two were when we were stuck in traffic on the freeway due to some accident or road construction. The fairly small back garden had no grass, few flowers and mostly And yes, he also had many instances of 'streaky underwear' but we didn't put that and the stomach ache together. But many kids beyond the age of toilet teaching (generally older than 4 years) who soil their underwear have a condition known as encopresis (en-kah-PREE-sis). How do you break your child's pacifier habit? Now if an attempt to get to a restroom is made but not achieved, or enough forewarning is not given by your body, you would be ok to pee or poop your pants since you would be literally forced to do it against your own will. No one seemed to realize and keeping it that way was my new challenge. Here are some reasons why some children soil their pants: Some kids may purposely poop in their pants because, all of a sudden, they don't feel like using a potty. I am sure that this must have made you feel less alone with your problem. About halfway through our holiday we went to an island and while we were there my friend and I decided to walk up the steps around a lighthouse. An hour later, they had dinner. i did see by feeling the bump of poo which was sticking out of my pants. Kids go through all Sometimes, kids soil their pants because they feel like it. Peppa Pig Poop 2. It seemed like the only time she ever really made an issue out of it was when it was going to affect her directly. By the time I started high school I was doing it almost daily, yet I dont think my parents had any idea. This is also a little weird but sometimes when kids get praised for something they act out in stupid ways to test if u really love them..with out them doing well in a report cardkind of thing.I really don't know it doesn't sound like a huge medical.prob in your case but more of a testing behavior thing.those really do crop up for no reason. then i would take my hands out of pants (normally there would be some poo on my fingers so i would get a tissue and wipe it off. Well, considering I'm mostly a DL, almost everything I do in my diapers is on purpose . I shared all that shyness and anxiousness as a little kid at school. My phobia with public toilets was also part of my decision not to go, but the main reason was the challenge to keep my secret. Hi, thanks for telling your story. Numerous runners in apply or in regional competitors have undoubtedly skilled the wrath of the Gingerbread Man. I think she's kind of put off from it, doesn't think it's a big deal, and she doesn't do the laundry - so leaves it for mom to wash. A brother and a Sister returns from a mall as they return they get experimental with one another and it gets messy underwear pantypoop messing +6 more # 9 The Abnormal Adventures of Taylor by <3 49.9K 130 2 Our sweet, beautiful and abdl protagonist, Taylor Miller, goes on many adventures that indulge her love for abdl-ism. Little Girl Poops in Her Lunch Box Causing Mom to Throw Up. Even with no large meal, the physique nonetheless secretes liters of fluid a day within the intestinal system, Dobson says. My son went every day, like clockwork. p.p.s. Has anyone pooped or peed their pants on purpose, and is it okay to do it? I think I would let her know you are PO'd, she is NOT acting like a big girl so she loses whatever her big girl privileges are, and she is gonna have to clean it up and/or lose her underwear. A common culprit for pooping in undies is constipation. "No one Poop" learn the opposite, held aloft by a toddler. Age 5 -7 was rough at my house. himself anyway, so it was a case of in for the penny, in for the pound. Maybe that was the way I was thinking that Hi JamesI was probably quite fortunate in that I never filled my pants at school to such an extent that the school intervened, it was almost invariably a gradual process that occurred throughout the day, and I never alerted a teacher but tried my best to hide it. By Supr94 , Thursday at 11:41 AM. We almost had the same thing with my youngest but I was able to reel Dad in before it got too bad. Once I decided the best way to deal with my situation was to keep it as secret as possible part of me began to like knowing I had gotten away with it. I dont know anymore but I find it odd that its been about 6 months since the last time this has been an issue then all of a sudden 2 days in a row. My cheeks burned and I sweated with embarrassment, but I said no. The stimulation of the vagus nerve triggers a drop in heart rate and blood pressure that can result in dizziness and lightheadedness, and in some people, fainting (vasovagal syncope). I could never smell it on myself, but I could feel the mess in my pants and knew that discovery and another telling off, as well as an embarrassing clean-up, were somewhere around the corner. Fortunately, I had a strong bladder for a child and never wet myself.Apart from the one time outlined in the post above, I didn't deliberately poo in my underwear, but I can certainly understand why you chose to do this. . In a hurry? There was a separate group for girls.The rule in the school was that if you had several pooping accidents, you were encouraged to attend. I also did it when I felt upset or embarrassed about something that had happened. Sweet relief. Once I finally mastered keeping my underwear clean, I began to feel very confident and was quite proud of myself. so most of my poo accidents happened in my room which might seem silly as most children with encopresis would soil them selves out and about because they didnt want to use public toilets. I got quite good at keeping it secret and that became a challenge for me, rather than admitting there was a problem. It was not a phrase that was usually used in my house, but it would have then i would carry on playing. That was usually during class or while I was doing something interesting. did not need toys or other children or adults to have a fun time playing. Now I know that it wasn't just a fart!Just like you, I still had accidents in high-school, but was really good at hiding it. Similar to the time you did it on purpose, so did I but not just once. I got away with it without being discovered and started doing it more and more often. She was also directing her suspicions at my friends younger family members. Since my pants were already a mess, I thought, why not just finish the job? He knew he would be moaned at for soiling My name is Erin, and I pooped my pants. Why would a 12 year old poop his pants? As your parents and society at large expected you to use the toilet, you chose to go in your pants instead.The other theory I have heard of is the idea of comfort soiling. Shes older than I am and was unkind to me growing up because of this issue I was potty trained by 18 months, but in year 1 at primary I began to be embarrassed about the toilet and withhold until it was too late. That meant they would start to come out by themselves and it also didnt hurt. When you can't soak up any more moisture with paper towels, try using the hand dryer. Another guy told about how he pooped himself three times when he was at the arcade, and made a big stink in the whole place! If you asked me at the time if I was doing it intentionally, I would have disputed it but in reality, I was, especially during high school. And now you're included in that list. When it did I just made an excuse and went home before anyone noticed, that worked until I was at a friends birthday party. I am not sure whybut I can tell you that your assumption that because she is 'regular', she is not constipated is not correct. Good luck! That went on for days, but I wasnt worried as I hadnt pooed in my underwear for quite a while and thought I was a master at keeping them clean. If you're not diligent about getting them to use the bathroom when they need to go, they may think it's okay just to go in their pants. The longer the better! Instead I thought she wasnt going to understand and continued to do it the rest of our holiday.That way of thinking was probably a lot to do with my parents. Someone pooped (feces) their pants while in a dance-off! If she has held her poop in the past, it's possible that her rectum has lost its feeling and she doesn't know WHEN she has pooped. I got so good at hiding my secret I hung out with my friends directly after school and on the weekends. my pants were messy. It came as quite a shock many years later to find out that I wasn't.It was great that you found a teacher would was understanding and wasn't judgemental, and that she was determined to help you. Something must have happened around that time or maybe it was just that starting school that triggered it. If she is doing it on purpose, I have no idea how to help, but DON'T ASSUME that this is the case. Very odd stuff to say the least. He sometimes can't feel it. Even then it was a difficult habit to break, and I think its the same for withholding. Simon the Almighty 13 years of life experience. 0:56. This would lead to suggestions that Id done it again in my pants and lead to being changed anyway. Talking about it with others must have relieved some of the stress and probably helped you to stop. )it might seem very disgusting that i would put my hands down my pants but it was perfectly normal to me. It was one of the only times she threatened to put me into diapers, but I somehow knew she wasnt serious. The anxiety of starting high school seemed to make my constipation even worse and I spent most of the first day with a load in my underwear. One of mine did it because his Dad would get so bent out of shape about it. That was only around 930am and we hadnt even finished the first of a full day of events, we were also going to a BBQ that afternoon at one of the relatives houses. I was playing alone in Just wondering if your Mum took you from shop to shop in dirty pants. "Julia, you pooped in your pants. and you wonder why she doesn't want to tell you when it happens? 0:33. The medication my mother gave eliminated most of the odor and wash my own underwear made keeping it secret a lot easier. they would have seen a strange sight, an 8 year old boy crouching down and In this blog he attempts to offer a child's view of encopresis (children messing their pants when they are past potty training age) that wasnt until quite a while after, so I supposed she was waiting to see what I did to resolve my situation, which was nothing. Yes I poop my pants on purpose I love how it feels I know I'm grown up but still like to fill my pants I love the warm sensation of it it makes me happy to poop myself every night I love sleeping in my poopy pants I've been doing this since I was 15 on and off and now I'm 49 and love it so if you want to try it go ahead with it you might like it I couldn't hold it, mainly because when I was this age I had a weak bladder. Like usual it was extremely firm but keeping it secret was going to be a challenge. I must have been more imaginative then most because I could play alone for hours without getting board. Curse yourself. Instead I decided to push the extremely big hard logs into my underwear. Little. himself, but even she was shocked by how badly I stank. An inspection showed the . Thank you for this blog and others who have commented. Doing my own washing meant it was much easier to keep my secret, but she sometimes made comments about the state of my underwear. Hi James, I meant to say she knew by personal experience. The medication my mother gave me and washing my own underwear made that a lot easier. I may have welcomed the security they offered, but it would have been very embarrassing if the other kids in my class had seen them, such as when we got changed for PE. This happened to me. I also had a phobia with the toilet cubicles, which didnt help.Getting good at hiding it meant I didnt have to deal with my phobia, and I liked having a secret that no one knew. It's good to be prepared just in case. She made me do my own washing, well before starting high school, claiming it was to give me independence. Only babies, old people, Michael Moore, Internet trolls, and Jersey Shore cast members doodoo in their drawers. toilet because shortly afterwards I felt that I had to go again. I know it's really hard to do that, but if you make a big deal about it you are giving her the negative attention she craves. 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