why is swiss family robinson offensive
The narrative fosters the notion of belonging and Swiss heritage, which made it easier for readers to identify with it," notes Daniel Maggetti. The message imparted there is broad and non-specific. The pirates who antagonize the Robinson family are portrayed as a stereotypical foreign menace. You cant learn from something that doesnt exist. He married a woman from the island, started a family and reigned over his 'small kingdom' until his death in 1905. event : evt, It is also a story about family relations. I swear Disney doesnt understand their own work sometimes. So, how many warning labels will it take to get Song of the South on Disney+? Placing a title card in front of this film or, more realistically, in front of a well-known family favorite like, isn't enough. I would really love to hear why you think that. Quite a bit of euphemism-heavy birds and bees talk permeates Swiss Family Robinson. ", Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA Although they have lost almost everything in the shipwreck, they are so resourceful at constructing a life for themselves on the island that, when rescue comes, they decline to leave their refuge and their happy life. An uncomplicated film leaves behind a complicated legacy, and one you can still feel both at the Disney theme parks and in films themselves. Send us a tip using our annonymous form. Lady and the Tramp, from 1955, receives a similar warning for its Siamese cat characters Si and Am (voiced by Peggy Lee, who sings the films The Siamese Cat Song, a musical number that was cut from the 2019 live-action remake), as well as secondary canine characters each depicted with exaggerated ethnic stereotypes. By the story's end, it's implied that William may become the island's governor, with no consideration for whether or not anyone lived there before he and his family arrived. If they have any. What a joke, Disney are crazy, Ill never pay Disney for anything as long as they keep this crazy radical mentality. Swiss Family Robinson looks great. [1], Wyss presents adventures as lessons in natural history and physical science. The family WebThe Swiss Family Robinson Super Why! I find this sort of behavior easily lending to peoples fears of thought police and other abuses of power. They actually help Dumbo. Another offensive show would be Andi Mack, starring an Asian actress who has short hair and looks almost like a boy instead of a Disney princess. There's no point excusing any of these choices, and you can contextualize it all you like. All that is necessary is to read about Germany and Japan in the 1930s and up to the end of the cataclysmic conflict that began in 1939. Or rather like the Monty Python skit with the Blamanche that rigged Wimbelton because as we all know Scots cant play tennis; this should give me great offense. Rarely do I approve of profanity. RheyrUighta4722. Older, more seasoned viewers will notice things the kids don't, be it suggestive material, plot holes, or things that just didn't age very well. However, it is no longer available in the childrens category. Nobody cares about you policing content. In its explanation for the advisory warnings, Disney+ writes,These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now. WebJohann David Wyss ( German: [johan dafd vis]; 28 May 1743 11 January 1818) was a Swiss author, best remembered for his book The Swiss Family Robinson ( Der schweizerische Robinson) (1812). However, at the time, Roberta isn't Roberta she's just some lowly cabin boy. There aren't any surfing scenes, bonfire parties, or other tropes found in the genre that was popular around the time of Swiss Family Robinson's initial release in 1960, but it's a film that takes place almost entirely in, on, or around a tropical beach. Sit back enjoy the movie and get a life your own. Its all up to you now. However, there is a growing awareness regarding potentially problematic elements of a number of Disney productions too. Free delivery for many products. Does this mean Disney will reimagine Tom Sawyers Island? "[1] The closest English translation to the original is that of the Juvenile Library in 1816, published by the husband and wife team William Godwin and Mary Jane Clairmont, reprinted by Penguin Classics.[2]. "They were able to construct a fascinating tale and build up its potential. Ken Annakin made a handful of films for Walt Disney Pictures, and they were rarely challenging. In their continued effort to promote diversity and inclusion, Disney has made select films unavailable on childrens Disney+ profiles due to negative cultural depictions, particularly racist stereotypes. Halloween Episode: In "The Ghost Who Was Afraid of Halloween", everyone in Storybook Village is celebrating Halloween. The Swiss Family Robinson. If Disney is going to do this, they need to also take out the popular show Phineas and Ferb also, because the main character Candaces best friend, Stacy and her little sister, are both Japanese descent and are drawn with slanted eyes, whereas Candace the white girl is drawn with perfectly round eyes. Adapted from the 1812 novel of the same name, has the perfect kind of high-concept hook that's inspired everything from multiple direct adaptations to the 1960s TV series, : a family is stranded at sea after an attack by pirates, and must fend for itself on a deserted-island paradise. And it's kind of remarkable that Disney wouldn't make nearly As if Song of the South is THAT bad?! A baby elephant named Rocky makes a memorable appearance and becomes as much of a pet to the Robinsons as Duke and Turk, the big dogs they save from their ship. Yeeaubrey 1770. And Frollo stalking and harassing Esmeralda made me uncomfortable to watch. The cat is depicted as a racist caricature of East Asian peoples with exaggerated stereotypical traits such as slanted eyes and buck teeth. How you describe the events experienced by the Swiss Robinson family in Swiss Family Robinson is all about semantics. Cookies help us deliver our Services. 23:40. The captain is given the journal containing the story of their life on the island, which is eventually published. Ernst (played by 60s-era Disney stalwart Tommy Kirk) is a bookish sort, but both he and Fritz end up havinguhlet's call them teenage yearnings for Roberta (Janet Munro), a young woman they rescue from the pirates and invite into their family. Today, the island bears the name 'Robinson Crusoe' and about forty descendants of the von Rodt family still live there, observes Stphane Gol, Swiss director and author of Insular, a film dedicated to the story of Alfred von Rodt and his descendants. Though other adaptations may complicate the matter somewhat Lost in Space obviously sets its action far away from a tropical island, and also features the nefarious Dr. Smith the Disney version of Swiss Family Robinson is exceedingly uncomplicated. A title card is better than those options, and it's better than nothing. Sixty years on, we may not think much about. The world does not need the magical nonsense of Disney. Those dogs get into a scrap with a tiger, and the Robinsons later try to save a zebra that gets trapped in what seems to be quicksand. William and the older boys explore various environments and develop homes and gardens at various sites about the island. Several family members continue to live tranquilly on their island, while several return to Europe with the British. The films now unavailable on childrens profiles are The Aristocats, Dumbo, Peter Pan, and Swiss Family Robinson. Adults will catch the occasional reference to "Bern," that being the capital city of Switzerland from which the Robinson family presumably hails. The larger point is one I've repeated before, both on Twitterand on this very website: Disney+ needsa host. (Sadly, there is no Will Robinson of whom to speak.) True as it may be that Disney wasn't the only studio stereotyping people of color in the late 1950s or early 1960s, it doesn't make this aspect of the film any more palatable. If anything was challenging about Swiss Family Robinson, it would have to be on the technical side. Thomas, other peoples feelings matter. So sad were going down this road to appease the woke cancel culture rather than appreciating (and learning from) historical art for what it is based upon when it was produced. While the Robinsons endure numerous frightening encounters with the sea, pirates, and vicious animals, they don't seem too worried about the things most likely to harm or kill them which are precisely the things an alert, concerned parent watching Swiss Family Robinson would most certainly notice or think about when assessing how they'd fare on an island, post-shipwreck. The Robinson family isn't meant to be antiheroic; their intentions are intended to be seen as good and pure, to the point where they bend their knees and pray upon arriving safely from the shipwreck. However, in 1900, Jules Verne published The Castaways of the Flag (alternatively known as Second Fatherland), where he revisits the original shipwreck. In a scene that kids would take literally in that people want to marry other people Father agrees, in very few words, that this could cause a problem the longer the family stays on the island. Because you never know, in 50 years the new shows might be considered offensive for other reasons that we dont know about right now. They build a shelter, then set about exploring their new home. Liberals will be the death of everything. The story was first adapted in French in 1814 by the Lausanne novelist and translator Isabelle de Montolieu. Have Disney+ removed it? It's an attractive premise which appeals to readers. Her granddad had her wrap her head in a scarf to make the pirates think she's a man, which viewers presume is so they wouldn't kidnap her and do horrible things to her. This is a joke. WebWatch more of the latest Super WHY! True as it may be that Disney wasn't the only studio stereotyping people of color in the late 1950s or early 1960s, it doesn't make this aspect of the film any more palatable. If Swiss Family Robinson were real, those Alpine mountain folk would burn to a crisp and quickly. They would tell us what to think rather than thinking for ourselves. The movie opens with the Robinson family which includes two teenagers and a little kid trapped in a tiny room on a ship as it fills with water. (However, the Robinson boys do notice that this new friend isn't the most macho of men, and they compare him to a school chum from back home they bullied for being a "sissy.") window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { AND Mother wears very nice clothes, Fritz and Ernst attended a private school, and they could afford the expensive passage to their once-final destination of New Guinea. Peter Pan, released in 1953, is tagged for its stereotypical depiction of Native people that neither reflects the diversity of Native peoples nor their authentic cultural traditions. In addition to mockery and appropriation of Native culture and imagery, Peter Pan repeatedly uses the offensive term redskins.. A more marketable, exciting, and enticing word for what happens to them on the boat and after they're shipwrecked is "adventure." Older viewers (and more astute, geographically educated children who listen well) can figure out exactly where the Robinsons in Swiss Family Robinson get shipwrecked and take up residence. Father Robinson (John Mills) playfully spits out the water after falling in, and that water is most definitely full of all kinds of germs, bacteria, and the diseases spread by virulent microscopic life. And will those films get warning labels? Fortune cookies always wrong.. Over the years, there have been many versions of the story with episodes added, changed, or deleted. Those movies are still on Disney Plus in their original uncensored form. } Swiss Family Robinson (1974) E04 - Animal Kingdom. Um, whos taking away classics? But another film getting this title card is our column's subject: the 1960 adventure adaptation. listeners: [], This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/topic/The-Swiss-Family-Robinson, Internet Archive - "The Swiss family Robinson", The Swiss Family Robinson - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). 23:41. WebThe Swiss Family Robinson Questions and Answers - Discover the eNotes.com community of teachers, mentors and students just like you that can answer any question I hope the Disney censors never get access to the Sistine Chapel! The message also encourages the viewer to visit a website that's intended to explain how stories matter stories of all kinds and shapes, highlighting the diversity that Disney is trying to achieve now while also describing and calling out the films they released that failed to represent diverse cultures effectively.Most of the titles receiving this treatment are old-school animated classics. Thehighest-grossing film of 1960, this adaptation of the classic 19th-century novel by Johann David Wyss is one of the most enduring non-animated Disney films, thanks to home video, reruns on cable TV, and the Disney+ streaming service. The story was a best-seller at home and abroad, attracting an English-speaking readership in particular. 23:42. The leader of the group in Dumbo is Jim Crow, which shares the name of laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. (I'm an avowed fan of the background music of the Disney theme parks, yet I did a double-take when the mother Robinson started playing the "Swisskapolka" on the organ during that dance scene. Here are the things in Swiss Family Robinson that are totally lost on kids. Super Why. So stupid. Ive been saying this about Song of the South forever heck even Whoopie G has stated publicly she wishes they would release it to start a convo. [1] It is based on Isabelle de Montolieu's 1814 French adaptation and 1824 continuation (from chapter 37) Le Robinson suisse, ou, Journal d'un pre de famille, naufrag avec ses enfants in which were added further adventures of Fritz, Ernest, Jack, and Franz. now, and the film has been through various development stages with actors as wide-ranging as Steve Carell, Will Smith, and the late Bill Paxton. It's one of the 100 highest-grossing films ever released in the United States. They're bloodthirsty and cruel, and they are also pointedly played by actors of color (or by actors who are made to. Things are getting a little more than silly. How much more woke can Disney get and much more can they de-value Disney plus?!?! This is a story about a lily-white family arriving on a tropical island and colonizing it for themselves. I am sick to death of this nonsense. It's easy to imagine why a studio might want to remake Swiss Family Robinson now, and the film has been through various development stages with actors as wide-ranging as Steve Carell, Will Smith, and the late Bill Paxton. (Even though I strongly dislike The Aristocats, I feel slightly bad for the 1970 animated feature because no one at Disney realizes they have excluded the word "The" from the title.) Things Only Adults Notice In Swiss Family Robinson. . Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Disney should provide their rationale for this decision. "This success is due to the fact that American culture recognised in the text an element of the beloved boy-scout. These are mostly white liberals taking offense for other people since white liberals love sticking their nose into other peoples business. Daniel Defoe's story of Robinson Crusoe has inspired many Swiss figures. McclearnJoshua2716. No, Swiss Family Robinson has not been removed from Disney+. And yet, of course, it is problematic. Let me know if Disney Plus will add warning labels to further Disney animated films because they arent kid friendly. Instead, the news focused on where Disney began: its earlier animated and live-action features. There is also a great store of firearms and ammunition, hammocks for sleeping, carpenter's tools, lumber, cooking utensils, silverware, and dishes. Racist imagery and cultural stereotypes in six Disney animated classics including Peter Pan, The Jungle Book, Lady and the Tramp, The Aristocats, Dumbo and Swiss Family Robinson are being flagged on the Disney+ streaming site with warnings and detailed explanations of the negative depictions in each title. But the title card doesn't do the work for you. Disney is overcorrecting. Ultimately, the father wonders if they will ever see the rest of humanity again. Although the film contains numerous scenes with the pirates, you can check out one which gives an indication of how theyre presented throughout the film below. But this has go to end. Stranded on a desert island, the family tame their new environment and make it their home. The book is the most successful of a large number of "Robinsonade" novels that were written in response to the success of Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1719). Fritz and Ernst discuss their homeland's beautiful mountains and snowy climate, and both have German-sounding names, which fits, because German is one of Switzerland's four official languages, which older viewers may remember from a high school geography class. Super Why. It's got a decent enough cast among the family. The book covers more than ten years. Not yet. The leader of the group in Dumbo is Jim Crow, which shares the name of laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. It happened and at the time it wasnt a big deal. Swiss Family Robinson s1 e06 Cave Tiger. In the novel a minister, his wife, and their four sons are shipwrecked and become castaways on an island in the East Indies. He sings in poorly accented English voiced by a white actor and plays the piano with chopsticks. The family embodies one of humanity's basic myths: left to its own devices, a group of people must make something of itself in a hostile environment. Fritz and Ernst, however, are way ahead of Father on the matter because they're feeling those familiar feelings already. The gun he gets thrown in by Sheldon Blake proves disabled, and for a sinister reason: near Borneo, Blake's men turn up to capture them. ), , I kept thinking about that title card placed in front of the film. I think that Tarzan isnt appropriate for kids, and the classification is 0+ age its crazy, when his parents die and when the villain die is the worst scene on the Disney movies. For example, while trying to make land, the Robinsons fight off sharks and successfully get them to back off by shooting at them, and moments later, they marvel at a turtle that winds up towing their heavy boat full of salvaged junk. The Robinson family isn't meant to be antiheroic; their intentions are intended to be seen as good and pure, to the point where they bend their knees and pray upon arriving safely from the shipwreck. In truth, what Disney+ really needs is context. The possibilities for new stories are endless, which makes it very attractive to audiences". window.mc4wp.listeners.push( Is that the purpose of a Disney movie? The films werent removed, just blocked from the childs profile. But the biggest draw this adaptation has is, like the film itself, simple: it's a movie about people on a tropical island that was shot on a tropical island. 23:42. Another offensive show is Bunkd, in which an Asian girl studies super hard, and when her friend told her to take it easy a bit, she said if she let up, she would disappoint her mother, who would then die, and does her friend want her mother to die??? We dont need YOU to decide what our children watch or dont watch, based on your political views and attitudes. For children < 7 it is rather difficult to explain adult concepts. When adapting Johann David Wyss' classic novel, Disney filmmakers didn't worry about toning down any of the Swiss references and historical markers. But if you adjust for inflation, Swiss Family Robinson grossed over $500 million domestically, which means it outgrossed films like Frozen II and Avengers: Age of Ultron. They successfully evade drowning by breaking out of their little death trap, but then they face peril and destruction again by building a raft to get off the boat in order to reach land. )As I watched Swiss Family Robinson, I kept thinking about that title card placed in front of the film. I suppose as a Northern European with Scots/Irish ancestry I should consider any reference to being stingy as an ethnic slur. Bob, my point is that it is not up to Disney to decide what my children should see or not see that is MY job as the parent. These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now, reads an explanation on Disneys Stories Matter website regarding the new advisory notices. Swiss Family Robinson (1974) E04 - Animal Kingdom. S01E47 - The Swiss Family Robinson. Their first names are never given because they're never used. Updates? Also, the Native Americans have actually said theyre honored to be called redskins, way back when the debate about the NFL team first began. We understand and can read the problem is my kids shouldnt need my permission to watch Peter Pan or the aristocrats or Dumbo..my God everything offends somebody..all thats happening is more of a divide is drawn because we go to much to the other extreme because someones feelings are hurtridiculous. The domesticated animals on the ship are towed back to the island. At times it is difficult to explained nuance views to adults. Also in Pocahontas 1995 film is considered one of the most racist films, which depicts racism and discriminations against Native Americans being called Savages including a song about savages which is derogatory towards Native Americans. Although movie and television adaptations typically name the family "Robinson", it is not a Swiss name. (I'm an avowed fan of the background music of the Disney theme parks, yet I did a double-take when the mother Robinson started playing the "Swisskapolka" on the organ during that dance scene. 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