wold newton universe timeline
The Americans experiment with Atomic bombs in the South Pacific. Since that time, the bloodlines of those who interacted with that meteor have produced large numbers of metahumans and borderline metahumans. Kara Kent, to honor her mother, begins to occasionally adventure under the name Wonder Girl. His crimes seem to target criminal businesses almost exclusively. Manifesting fantastic powers, the quartet soon began to make a name for themselves as America's premier team of independent scientific adventurers. Many historians point to this as the flash point for conflicts between China's government and China's metahuman community that will last until well into the late Twentieth Century. He is eventually driven from England. Appel), Chris Jarocha-Ernst's A Doyle. Colonel Steve Austin becomes America's first Cybernetic operative, at a cost of over six million dollars. Jadris of Charn briefly rampages through London, demonstrating more-than-human strength and resistance to harm. Angry and confused, Diana returns to England and then America. 1719 Despite the effective demotion, Knight does not object to his new posting. His wife, Jeannie Nelson, accepts a field operative position. (click here for more information). He passed away in 2009. Much of his evidence was backed up on GODZILLA AND THE LOST CONTINENT. to reconcile the supernatural with her rational Helsing family in the Wold Newton Universe. The apparatus, which fills a small room, generates a field of energy that successfully deflects bullets fired from a gun. Plastic Man, engages in a brief affair with Catherine Reid. Secret Chronology of the World, Volumes 1 & 2 by Win Scott Eckert. Darrin Stephens, husband of powerful mystic Cassandra Ghostley Stephens and father of Tabitha Stevens, vanishes. c. 3,400 BCE - Events of the feature film The Note that Sir - Exploits of Cormac Mac Art, as originally told by Robert E. The first of these to mutate in this manner is an ultra-carnosaur dwelling on the South Pacific atoll known as Lagos Island, who, ten years later, would menace the world for the first time and become known and feared as Godzilla [Godzilla, King of the Monsters]. CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT by Chuck Loridans: A timeline which Wold Newton reader. Vampirella publicly asserts that her stage persona is genuine, and that she is in fact a vampire. Wold Newton map Published: Sep 22, 2009 By TheMorlock Watch 6 Favourites 7 Comments 850 Views A map of the Wold Newton earth. More Wold Namor discovers that his strength and telepathic abilities far exceed those of most Deep Ones, despite his largely human physical appearance. Farmer and Win Scott Eckert, is a darkly erotic novel However, the events depicted in the Cerasini novels featuring Godzilla are no longer considered canon in the "consensus" WNU, as the events were just too far-reaching and major in regards to their effect on the world to continue to be included. The Solar Pons and Dr. Lyndon Parker By OddHat, December 13, 2005 in Pulp Hero. Chronology Daniel Defoe. Allan, Ayesha battled a fellow immortal, a giant called GODZILLA RETURNS Savage: His Apocalyptic Life, and The Gulliver returns from the Dreamlands. Howard, and expanded upon by Andrew J. Offutt, Keith Taylor, meteor strike in December 1795. daughter of the world-renowned adventurer and Kent Allard enters the American Secret Service. timeline is here. Nevins. Time of the fall of the second empire of Atlantis, as told in The Hal Jordan, test pilot, is contacted by Alan Scott Scott, having returned to Earth and suffering from long term exposure to the alien artifact, passes on the power ring and lantern to Jordan. Timeline of Kull's Life by Dale E. Rippke, Kolchak: The Night Stalker Series with broad appeal to readers of pulp and popular By the end of the war, scores of allied soldiers have received blood transfusions from Hugo. The creature escapes, and eventually feeds upon the body and mind of Boston P.D. Orczy. Hinkley claims to have received his super suit from aliens, and that these aliens originated on a world called Metaluna. French Wold Newton Universe Before 1800 (BEFORE 1800) PART 1 (BEFORE 1800) PART 2 (1800-1900) PART 3 (1900-1945) PART 4 (1945-PRESENT) PART 5 (THE FUTURE) 1428: Quasimodo the Hunchback exposes the evil archdeacon of Notre-Dame of Paris, Dom Claude Frollo, but cannot save the beautiful Esmeralda. 1500s - The events of Sir Walter Scott's Kenilworth. He becomes The Sir Arthur Mitchell (1826 - 1909) was a Scottish doctor involved in the study and care of patients with mental illness. All of New York City is evacuated when the government realizes that King Ghidorah was heading there. Savage's assistants rescue him. Ling Fu Shan born to Ling Ju Hai and Sir William Clayton. One of those worlds is an artificial construct, a planetary engineering project as complex and ambitious as anything the Ancients had ever attempted. Stories by - Further adventures of Sir Nigel Loring and The White Company, by Doyle. The Oz Chronicles by Tyler Jones and Chris Green Arrow II, is reduced to working in a traveling circus to support himself. The public and scientific community at large dismisses his reports as fiction and social satire. (Dennis Power, Modified). series of novels: Thongor and the Wizard of Lemuria, Thongor After capturing the killer, Richard Grayson returns to retirement. Miskatonic University professor Mark Erdel draws a member of a shape-changing alien race to Earth. Rick Lai adds: "In Haggard's She and The Evil in Pemberley House, an addition to Philip Jos Farmer's Wold Newton cycle, plays with the Gothic horror tradition.Patricia Wildman, the daughter of the world-renowned adventurer and crimefighter of the 1930s and '40s, Dr. James Clarke "Doc" Wildman, is all alone in the world when she inherits the family estate in Derbyshire, Englandold, dark, and supposedly . William Batson, vanishes. Forester. No explanation for the "Circle of Light" has ever been determined. 1500s - Raphael Hythloday's voyage to the New World land of Utopia, as told by Sir Thomas Frankenstein creates the first Creature (click here for more information). Zarkov, Arden, and Gordon are never seen again. These other dinosaur mutations include Varan and Rodan. 1549 - Solomon by Umberto Eco. Hinkley's notes on what he refers to as Project Metluna are confiscated by agents of the OSI and classified Top Secret. great civilization of Atlantis have deteriorated to barbarism, werewolves and shapeshifters by Ivan Schablotski, The 1535 Englandold, dark, and supposedly haunted. 1680s - The Phantom battles pirate and Wold Newton family Jane is hurt, but accepts Daya, giving her the Christian name Diana. living amongst humans. The ancient Lemurian continent rises again, where a small group of survivors to that ancient civilization is discovered. Kuami achieves limited success. More on the fate of La is revealed here. This formula alters the subject's perception of time, permitting the subject to move, think, and act at incredible speeds. GODZILLA AT WORLD'S END Captain Marvel, a.k.a. The armor is partially repaired, and is sent to Japan as part of a technology exchange. The remains of King Ghidorah are recovered by the ruthless Mongolian warlord known as Kulgan Khan, who resolved to use the advanced technology at his disposal to rebuild the tri-headed monster as a vastly powerful cyborg under his control [GODZILLA VS. No hard In 1997, Win Scott Eckert created the website An Expansion of Philip Jose Farmer's Wold Newton Universe, based on the Science Fiction Grand Master's series of books, stories, and essays about the Wold Newton Family, a family tree consisting of heroes and villains from literary and pulp fiction such as Tarzan, Doc Savage, Sherlock Holmes, the Kirowan, and several characters by Manly Wade Wellman: Judge The Green Arrow and the Green Hornet have their final confrontation. Guided by Allard's suggestions, he chooses to establish a meek and mild-mannered cover identity, while adventuring in a colorful costume. Canon by Leslie (Dennis Power, Modified). In his age-old existence . His strength, speed, and near invulnerability (nothing less than a bursting shell can pierce his skin) make him invaluable to the war effort. Varan is defeated and seriously wounded in battle with G-Force, and Rodan eventually retreats to the North Pole after the creature asexually spawns the first of his progeny above Mt. Information on the Hyde, Griffin, and Gibberne formulas is passed on to US Military Intelligence. (Al Schroeder, Modified). 200 BCE - The events of Miles Gloriosus, Pseudolus, of Dr. Fu Manchu and Sir Denis Nayland Smith See the chronology with its original P.I. He is captured by the Children of Dagon. Kara Kent begins to adventure under the name Power Girl. And, of course, much of my own speculations and observations were included (within [brackets]) to supplement the information seen in all of the above source material, and various G-fans and Wold Newton historians may or may not agree with them. He's bad at it. The child, a healthy girl, is born in December of 1910. the fabulous life of Doc Savage. the original wold newton universe crossover chronology. Alive, Doc The first war of the Nine Unknown causes the fall of Atlantean civilization. Richard Wentworth, wartime comrade of Hugo Danner, begins his career as the Spider, assisted by Nita May Van Sloan. Frequently considered to be the Wold Newton Universe by Philip Jose Farmer. Burbank, Calif., July 31, 2013 - Fans of Middle-earth will have the opportunity to gain a broader experience of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, from Academy Award -winning filmmaker Peter . Clark Savage Jr., using the name MacReady, leads an Arctic expedition that uncovers an alien shape-shifter, a thing from another world. Jordan begins adventuring as the new Green Lantern. Surgeon Stephen Strange suffers an automobile collision, resulting in permanent nerve damage. other refugees from a crash of a Barsoomian spaceship, including c. 491,000 BCE - c. 9,550 BCE - He is presumed dead. Plastic Man, joins the army on the advice of Clark Savage, Jr. Hugh Hazard dies in action. Namor discovers an amnesiac Deep One-Human Hybrid caught in an early stage of her transformation. The classic Wold Newton concept of a shared universe focused heavily upon the old (and a few newer) pulp heroes and villains, with the idea that not only did they inhabit the same reality, but many of them shared a common genealogical tree. Richard Wentworth, a.k.a. The time of Thongor, a barbarian warrior of the ancient continent the Brain Devil, disappears while on a covert mission in Europe. Mothra also psychically intervenes to reveal the cause behind the Babel Effect to humanity via another chosen priestess. Solomon Kane Chronology by Matthew Baugh (adapted from Richard Lovecraft, Necronomicon Press, 1997, Daniel Harms' The and Sometime Pirate Dr. Kuami, assisted by young psychic Kyoke Timmy Kiritachi, spearheads Japanese Science Patrol research into remnant Ancient technology discovered in archaeological dig on Sogel Island. He begins a period of aimless wandering that will bring him into contact with Kent Allard, Clark Savage, and others. In an attempt to deal with the continuing kaiju incursions at the beginning of the 21st century, America and Japan create the gigantic kaiju-battling robot known as Mechagodzilla, whereas the Russian Republic creates a similar giant robot, MOGUERA (an acronym for Mobile Operation Godzilla Universal Expert Robot Aero-type). Order from of the Cthulhu Mythos by Shannon Among the identities this version took on were Professor Moriarty, Captain Mors, Doctor Goldfoot, Lord Summerisle, and Dumbledore. Emmuska Orczy. Late 1600s - The events of Lorna Doone: A Early 1790s - The events of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. 1630 - The events of Shogun, as related by James His paternity may trace to Ling Fu Shan, a.k.a. Moreau will continue to create animals with human-level intelligence for decades to come. Robert E. Howard's tales of Kull of Valusia. (both articles included as addenda to Farmer's Concluding that CURE can not perform its function without an enforcement arm, Smith authorizes the recruitment of police officer and ex-army sniper Remo Williams. Namor and Namora have their first child, a boy. The physical The Skull Island expedition. Khan is also apparently destroyed during the conflict [GODZILLA VS. (Dennis E. Power, Modified). Evil in Pemberley House, an addition to Professor Goro Ibuki creates Jet Jaguar. Harold Smith and Diana Prince are both offered positions within the OSI. Steve Rogers, a.k.a. She begins dividing her time between living with Diana and Clark. Zorro that have appeared over the years. through unresolved feelings about her late parents. Chris Wike, The League of Leagues by Damian Gordon, Michael Norwitz, Godzilla finds himself trapped in the subterranean realm, and would remain confined there for three years [GODZILLA AT WORLD'S END; GODZILLA VS. In 1941 she marries Michael Storm. This immortal took his name from a ancient sun god William Batson, in need of money and assisted by Doctor Occult, follows the example of Kent Allard and starts relating highly fictionalized tales of his adventures over the radio. Hollow, as related by Washington Irving. Many thanks to Mark for his insightful article. Fearing scandal, Nita May Van Slone becomes known simply as May Parker. England. I do not claim to hold the trademark or copyright on any fictional character mentioned in this timeline, nor do I intend to challenge the rights of any copyright or trademark holder. While his claims are derided by mainstream scientists, he attracts the attention and financial support of such luminaries as John Carter of Virginia and Clark Savage Sr. Many humans will be secretly inducted into literature, particularly followers of Doc Savage, Bragelonne, Louise de la Valliere, and The Man in the Iron Garrick's father received a blood transfusion from Hugo Danner in 1917this may explain Garrick's survival. further adventures were told in Doctor Syn Returns, The Further Chaosium Books, 1998 (including the Timeline Toogood), Parker's September 15, Diana Prince gives birth to Kara Kent. In decades to come, many of the children of these soldiers will manifest metahuman abilities. - The events of Dracula Undead (aka Bloodright: December Calling themselves the Inferior Five, they take the costumed identities of Merry Andrew, Dumb Bunny, Awkward Man, The Blimp, and White Feather. The super-soldier formula has allowed him to survive this ordeal. Chow Sing Cho, a powerful pan-psionic, appears in Shanghai. Savage spends several months curing O'Brian of his criminal tendencies and exploring O'Brian's strange new condition. Chronology of Hercule Poirot by Brad Mengel, Raiders Doc Clark Savage, still a young man, meets the future members of his Fabulous Five while being held in the German prison camp known as Loki. Following a confrontation with mystic Elspeth Cromwell, the Richards return to New York. The project is closed after equipment failure leaves the primary field agents missing in action. Her memories do not return. Further Hence, the Cerasini novels are now considered to have taken place in one of the many alternate Tohoverses that is "closer" in its cosmological schema to the WNU than most of the other Tohoverses we have thus far seen. Homeless William "Billy" Batson is contacted by Doctor Occult and Rose Psychic, and taken on a series of vision quests. / Carson of Venus Chronology by Win Eckert, The information on how to order it. This thread is for an idea that started in that thread, of a Stargate-centred Wold Newton Universe. Evil in Pemberley House, an addition to Holmes of Baker Street and Nero Dr. Hawley Griffin uses fragments of Dr. Henry Jekyll's research to create his Invisibility formula. and Prejudice and ingrains the various Links of interest fall into two groups: Wold Newton, which lead to other websites devoted to the WNU, and General, which are to sites of use/interest to Wold Newton scholars do not deal with the WNU per se. They take with them the most promising of their test subjects. Until recently the disparities that existed between the accounts edited by Fred Saberhagen, which purport to be the Memoirs of Vlad, Count Dracula would seem to indicate that Saberhagen's Dracula was not the same Count Dracula previously documented by Bram Stoker and John H. Watson. Photos, Maps and Videos! The Scarlet Jaguar, Meteor House, July 2013. multi-media approach, reconciling the many different versions of He carries with Severely injured, Stark is taken to a prison labor camp and put to work in the camp's machine shop. - Twenty Years After, by Alexandre Dumas. His invention of an extended heroic family helps to further conceal the grains of truth in his satirical monologues. Astronomers, including Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler, had elaborated the heliocentric system of the universe, and Galileo had set a foundation for the mathematical science of motion. The Wold-Newton universe includes scores of public domain characters as well as many characters popular from early Radio Drama and film, such as The Shadow and Tarzan, who are not quite out of copyright. Johnny Brainard invents the world's first modern working humanoid robot, the famed Steam Man of the Prairies. found the first empire of Atlantis. The Kull stories are collected in King Rejecting her father's offers of financial support, Diana takes employment as a nurse. He trains several humans in the Atlantean psychic sciences, and begins several key bloodlines. The sacking of the Shaolin temple. Zatanna Mandrake begins her adventuring career. His reports on events on that alternate world will cause controversies in the halls of academia that may never be resolved. Dr. Reinstein uses a serum developed in part using blood samples from Hugo Danner to transform Private Steve Rogers into a near-perfect physical specimen, with strength, vigor, and reflexes near the far limits of human potential. - The events of Doctor Syn on the Daisaku joins Japans Science Patrol (Unicorn division). December The Mongolian warlord Kulgan Khan drives the Chinese forces out of Mongolia, and becomes the new ruler of that nation. been born in 1635; more likely, it was the 7th or 8th Phantom who it in the city of Zu-Vendis (Haggard's Allan Quatermain, 1886). I currently have no plans to add fanfics into my Wold Newton Universe continuity. Includes comic book and other non-canonical appearances, for the Evil in Pemberley House blog, MYTHS FOR THE with broad appeal to readers of pulp and popular Sherlockians, and fans of Farmers own celebrated The It, a.k.a. 1600s - Two rival extra-terrestrial races, the Eridaneans and the Wold Newton scholar Dennis Power adds: "When I was El Santo, heroic wrestler and adventurer, retires. Namora names the child Garth. Lothar of Opar takes Zatanna Mandrake safely to Tibet, where she will eventually commence her occult training. 1100s - The adventures of Robin Hood. The Nine eventually arrange for the infant's parents to be killed, and for the infant to be adopted and raised by a tribe of Mangani (ape-like primates possessed of near human intelligence). Namor takes up residence in Innsmouth under the name Arthur Curry. A painful reunion with La ensues, in which Tarzan meets his now 3 year old daughter. 1516 Donovan asks Kent to serve his country. Hugo Danner volunteers for military service in the French Foreign Legion in W.W.I. Tarzan, Lord Greystoke, is born after his parents, John and Alice Clayton, are stranded in the jungle of French Equatorial Africa through the machinations of the Nine Unknown. Percy was not married to Marguerite Blakeney at American John Carter uses a form of Astral Projection to travel to an alternate Mars. Many claim that all forms of Eastern martial arts derive from Sinanju. John Putnam and Miskatonic University Professor Roy Hinkley Jr. investigate the crash of an apparent alien vessel in California. He Fei Hung will eventually become one of China's most important folk heroes, fighting for his people against threats both internal and external. Doctor Christopher Syn, Parson, Smuggler, Doctor Billy Hayes and Dr. Elvin Lincoln expose severe mistreatment of metahuman subjects at the Humanidyne corporation. I am currently arguing for the re-inclusion of a few isolated but prominent examples of dai kaiju assaults that would not alter the political and technological infrastructure of the world overly much, as occurred in realities that had frequent kaiju incursions, such as the various Tohoverses. Patricia Wildman, the It may be reproduced and distributed freely, so long as no fee is charged for this content, and so long as appropriate credit is given. Chow Sing Cho, a powerful pan-psionic, begins his adventuring career in Hong Kong. Wolfe of West 35th Street, Professor H.W. from Black Coat falls, giving rise to a second empire. as Sir Percy Blakeney. They never guessed, being ignorant of ionization, that will be known as "Walker's Table.". Further adventures of Captain Peter Blood were told in Captain The Germans capture the damaged Iron Man armor. Tremayne. Jada is the granddaughter of Dr. Henry Jekyll. The artifact, roughly resembling a lantern, gives its attuned user considerable powers of psycho-kinesis and ectoplasmic projection. www .winscotteckert .com. Win Scott Eckert is an author and editor, best known for his work on the literary-crossover Wold Newton Universe, created by author Philip Jos Farmer, but much expanded-upon subsequently by Eckert and others. fight pirates and evildoers all over the world. and Kull is a barbarian warrior from this ancient land. Philip Jos Farmer (January 26, 1918 - February 25, 2009) was a ground-breaking American science fiction and fantasy writer. The entire event is recorded by the youthful journalist Brian Shimura of the Independent News Network [GODZILLA RETURNS]. O'Brian learns that his encounter with the otherworldly "Thing" has left him nearly invulnerable and with the ability to stretch and distort any part of his body at will. GODZILLA AND THE LOST CONTINENT [completed but unpublished at this writing]. the Spider, vanishes while conducting an investigation. While living on the streets, he is contacted by Doctor Occult, and informed of a possible cure for his condition. Baron Victor Frankenstein combines alchemical secrets with modern science to bring life to dead tissue, creating an animated creature he names Adam. description of Rezu in Haggard's novel fits Hadon's cousin, tales collected in the volume Scroll of Thoth. flipping through Addendum 3 (of Tarzan Alive), I noticed I would also like to see the inclusion of Reptilicus in the "consensus" WNU--sans the events of Charlton's 1960s comic book series featuring the giant dragon-like kaiju, of course--but that will perhaps be the focus of a future article of mine that will hope to convince Win to restore a few classic kaiju incidents on his site's detailed timeline, along with future updates of his CROSSOVERS book series. Baskervilles. He not only survives, but is granted permanent superhuman speed. He is best known for his Wold Newton and Riverworld series. 1791- High Seas, as recounted by Russell Thorndike, wherein Syn Hinkley suffers severe injuries. The The Chen Zhen battles General Fujita in Shanghai and then goes on to lead local resistance versus the Japanese. by Michael Marek, The Other Log of Phileas Fogg, William S. Baring-Gould's Sherlock Also, I am indebted to the following for supplementary info on this timeline: Wold Newton scholar Mark Brown, and his ideas regarding the ancient science of the lost super civilization of Mu as being responsible for the presence of the often extra-large dinosaurs and other large mysterious animals (e.g., giant apes, octopi, sea serpents, etc. Late 1500s - The Sea-Hawk, as told by Rafael Wold Newton Pulp Timeline. Godzilla also manages to find his way out of the subterranean realm of the Earth by emerging from a volcano, and threatens the world anew. Skull Island, one of several active breeding grounds for the bio-weapons of the Ancients, is explored by film producer Carl Denham. He leaves not knowing that his brief affair with the high priestess La has left her with child. Product details Publisher : Titan Books (October 8, 2013) Language : English Paperback : 496 pages Kit swears an oath on the skull of the After one of the few serious injuries he sustains, Hugo learns of his amazing regenerative abilities, and also learns that his unique blood makes him a universal donor. This shameful misjudgment will cause Master Tan's name to be stricken from all but the most secret scrolls of Sinanju. incident took place in 1635. return of the jedi . Maryland by Lord Baltimore. Some have speculated that both the Wold Newton and Tunguska events were engineered by an unknown individual or group making use of the technology of the Ancients. postulated that Norman of Torn (aka John Caldwell, aka Richard (Dr. Peter M. Coogan, Modified). detective), Lin Carter's Anton Zarnak, Robert E. Howard's John D - Entries based on White Wolf's WORLD OF DARKNESS materials. sets the action at Pemberley from Jane Austens Pride (Dennis Power, Modified). He is later discorporated by a terrible weapon known as the Oxygen Destroyer, which was invented and implemented by scientist Dr. Daisuke Serizowa, who lost his own life during the latter implementation. Basically, when you throw many characters belonging to a specific genre (or sometimes a distinct division of this genre e.g., the works of a certain author) into a Massive Multiplayer Crossover, for the purpose of exploring and deconstructing and sometimes reconstructing said genre from a modern viewpoint . Wold Newton Universe shape-shifter, a barbarian warrior from this ancient land, Thongor After the! Who interacted with that meteor have produced large numbers of metahumans and metahumans... 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