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john titor transcripts

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john titor transcripts

i was 3 years old when reagan was president & i probably had no idea he even existed at the time..yet, i know now that he existed. You don't really think the Marines are going to jump out of helicopters overseas with sticky goop, pepper spray and seizure lights, do you? If I knew someone was going to be in a situation where they may die, and there was a chance I could stop it, I have the moral obligation to do something about it.)). . You have finished the space-time manipulation calculations, but left important details out, of which we will not expound on. Murphy --If you are standing still on the surface of the earth, does the earth move away from you as the years progress?It is not neccesary to calculate and then adjust for the exact location of the earth realitive to some static frame of reference like the center of the galaxy or some magic 'origin' point. Thus, safe time travel.I will continue with the individual posts next. I recommend become familiar with firearms. If I said I will do something, you know I will do it. ((Do you remember any poetry or verse from after 2001 in your past? There are more effective ways to accomplish what you claim in this regard.)). A bored college student (or group) on a dare or assignment?2. Or would it cease to exist?)). We cannot see the entire universe as God sees it therefore we will never be Gods or be capable of judging anything outside of ourselves. ))A 10 Kiloton nuclear weapon will vaporize metal for about a mile and have a heat effect for about 3 miles. ((What all are you taking back with you?)). However, altering the sperm and egg cell are common. Physics has a way of making the impossible a reality. You, of course, are allowed to censor yourself and direct the conversation by what you choose to respond to and say.It may intrest you to read some of the other threads on this bbs, the ones about other topics, like religion . Why am I more threatening?I have no memory of meeting an older me as a three year old. By using a small lobed cam on the propeller shaft that controlled a switch on the machine gun, it was possible to stop the gun from firing only when the cam turned off the switch at the point a bullet might hit the blade. Pamela, I'm not sure if that fact was ever made public so it's the best "proof" I have. ((but it has nothing to do with his age..))Actually it does, I have never personally experienced this time as an adult and "Brittany Spears" was not a big topic of conversation when your hiking through the swamp. By using a small lobed cam on the propeller shaft that controlled a switch on the machine gun, it was possible to stop the gun from firing only when the cam turned off the switch at the point a bullet might hit the blade. Is this about right? Is propane still around in the future?Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. . "There is more e-mail me if anyone wants the restPeacePosted by Javier Cortez on 02-19-2001 03:25 PMSmileI'm still waiting for you to respond to my questions TT_0. I just have this to ask you. Are there many jails? [Edited by Nikki Colwill on 02-12-2001 at 01:37 PM]Posted by Kane Greene on 02-12-2001 03:49 PMLightbulbJohn, I have a few more questions. ( Ok, he has a purpose), 3. By spinning these various microsingularities, a localized Kerr field is created.It looks like a prediction. Post again and remind me. Come on be a sport. John Titor and World-Line Travel as Time-Travel (Part 1) Let's look at an admitted "time traveler"; a Mr. John Titor. Herbal medicines? "First, let's examine what the Bible reveals about the origin of Satan and the demons.EZEKIEL 28:12 "Son of man, take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre, and say to him, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: "You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. (For those interested in seeing a graphic of a photon trip through a Kerr black hole, try here) I'm not sure that's true. Do police make drug busts? bullet wounds?I have more but I better quit to see if you will get to these and don't forget my first posting, please.Thanks, By this I allude to many different avenues of the pursuit of knowledge. Plus, History books from that time would probably contain things about the war from 2005, possibly things leading up to the war. Will you readily be able to identify the enemy. It seems that 30 seconds before his experiment was to begin he saw himself appear in the lab. . Do you use Tesla technology? 25. To hear you take such a stance is laughable. ), 5. John has already suggested this, it seems to me, and I believe it is everybody's best interest to recognize that we have never been in the realm of absolutes and that the main goal here is the intelligent exchange of ideas, observations, insights and 'feelings'.Just because a plot appears often in the worlds portrayed in science fiction doesn't preclude them from being what you seem to consider science fact.Spacecraft are a prime example of this.Timecraft ARE ALSO!The mind is the ultimate vessel for any kind of exploration . light effects? Sounds like New England during religious persecution and intolerance.Are there Wholistic healers? Isaiah calls Tyre "the bestower of crowns, whose merchants were princes, whose traders were the honored of the earth" (Isa. 40. "I was alive when Desert Storm took place, do I know the month it happened? By spinning these various microsingularities, a localized Kerr field is created. i wasn't even born yet when she was alive -- but i know she existed? How can anybody be sure of anything? I apologize. Javier, And your socio/eco/political comments about our present state and its fate are eminently believable and highly likely. I don't. (for you RickIn general has been a very good thread host.None of this proves he's a time traveller, but it does prove to me that I should continue to read the posts, and ask further question.As someone recently mentioned a preponderance of circumstantial evidence builds credibility.I have a question for John:John, what would it take to get you to stick around after spring and leave during the next window of opportunity?I fear that another month or 2 may not be enough time to get as much said and discussed as I would like to have.Regarding the photos. My father made a living by putting together 12-volt electrical systems and sailing "commodities" up and down the coast of Florida. I have taken very clever and reliable measures to go undetected. I have been saying all along that you manipulate your statements to benefit your story. You're pretty much correct about your statement but actually, nothing I do here will affect my home. Something so I can have a conversation with you! I have noticed and gotten used to the act of verbal conflict as a cathartic entertainment. and it answered your question. Vega, I excuse you as you ask. There are NO multiple worldlines, histories, or whatever occuring at this or any time. I believe there is an organized force of evil that works against God's plan for men's souls. Maybe.Anyway. Two different cultures can have a drastic impact on the meaning of words like "proof", "trust" and "credibility". Do communications stay intact. Constant speed is not acceleration. i was born in 81 & challenger blew up soon thereafter (in 83 i think it was???) I might just be really quick at looking up things up on the web. ))Yes, the menus are screen driven.Posted by Pamela Moore on 02-19-2001 07:53 PMSmileConfirming for John:""""RICK: By the way, not to be picky or anything. Did you scrounge around to find 40 year old currency in 2036? Their affects were disastrous, and much of Titor's story involves his contempt for the people of our time period; he viewed us as sheep who did nothing to prevent the horrors that followed. Your awfully unclear when asked questions of this nature. So lets say that that the mass is about 700 lbs per traveler. hmm. How do new recruits get selected? Just a few questions, I apologize if they don't seem 100% thought out or if they've already been answered, I'm tired and I have a lot of work still to do. people who aren't a part of our immediate inner circles. Old music and other entertainment is available on the web.45. This is why I feel there is a kind of inevitability to some I do it so I would be a hypocrite to expect others not to. Interesting first question. If so, you may have met me. The guy is Dr. Anderson. I'm not sure you would like 2036 very much. Pretty trick, if'n anyone's asking.John -- Ever have any oldsters (60-80 year olds) come up to you and mention past correspondences?Take Care All!Posted by John Titor on 02-15-2001 05:06 PMThe following are personal rules I try to keep(unless of course they conflict with my secret agenda). It gets a little difficult to move around and the hand held unit sits next to you. Telling everyone what the future is going to be like, and what to watch out for.3. Deeds and Dogma just don't do it. Posted by Kathleen Sander on 02-07-2001 01:02 AM. BTW, GenXers would be about 40-50 years old in 2036. Either the beginning of World War III (which some of us already believe is about to happen) or the beginning of Civil war. (5) Were only cities along the Eastern Sea port hit in the Nuclear War, or all over the country? If you truly wished to do this you would not have continued this thread once you realized that line would not serve your claimed goals.You certainly did not expect to examine our humanity or culture by first telling us that we would be disucussing it with a time-traveller. 4:27; 6:11; I Tim. To tell you the truth I hope you are for real. ))I'm not positive but don't they sign a small piece of paper now asking them if they would have a problem with that?Posted by Roy Meserve on 02-21-2001 05:44 PMSmileThanks for those titles. Then we must take inter-dimensional transition into account. If so please tell what you know.Do you trust anyone in this time frame? Even the very common sense 'rules' for the potential future. The same kind of person that wants people like "Social Services" to pidgeonhole everyone. Personally I don't give a rat's behind whether or not John is from the future.I have enjoyed this discussion more than any I've been in before. He will have open lines all night. I would have been 5 years old. ((I guess you are held accountable, in some way, for changes that occur in your time period..)) [Edited by Mary Rowland on 02-16-2001 at 09:19 PM]Posted by Tim Utterback on 02-16-2001 10:17 PMWinkHey John. Pretty trick, if'n anyone's asking. ((I guess if you asked Joseph Campbell there are only a few stories and all literature is the re-telling of the same few stories in different settings. Since you have revealed yourself you have obviously been trying to convince people of you credibility. Posted by Mel Reckling on 02-14-2001 08:05 AM. I'll get to the other questions soon.Thanks.Posted by Ernie Vega on 02-19-2001 02:45 PMWinkHi John:Best I could find is from the Hebrew Ha-Satan, or "the Adversary. So, this enemy that was attacked in the US by Russia, was it Islamic in nature? Now you think about this? What kind of people will be the ones least trustworthy? John has stated several times that what he says will not affect us, or him, and what we say will not affect him whatsoever. Exactly what standard do you use to measure the truth around you? ((What state do you live in now in 2001?)) Get a clue!I suggest that if he is an attention monger hoaxer, he got you. sort of wrenching change, whether or not it follows 'your' I like to say I sit on a line between where I can go either way. This thread sure beats anything else on the BBS right now, and it doesn't matter if what John is claiming is fact, a hypothetical exercise or pure BS. They actually went as far as to publish that Methadone only has a placebo effect and does not produce a high. John, you are right about the significance of the 5100 so I tend to believe most of what you say about the near future will also come to pass in my personal time line. "Although I do understand the reasons for asking, I won't gain from any communication with you by spouting physics formulas and pop culture predictions. If you can't remember the exact date, could you put the month at least? Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-21-2001 08:20 PM. Post a picture of your self. ((Will you readily be able to identify the enemy. . He started off ok but quickly went downhill into the Wacko Zone. Sounds like New England during religious persecution and intolerance.Are there Wholistic healers? ((Oh and by the way everyone. I am with them now. But then perchance I missed some other posts prior to this BBS (although I did on ocassion read the old system when it was active.). See, I believe in America, and I believe in Freedom.I believe if you're really what you say you are -- then you're a hope for the future. I am also a Spiritualist and to that end enjoy both spirit and mind which is why I for one am naturally curious about the future, time travel, parallel universes, and spiritual matters. Get equal pay? )), RICK: Since any "you" on another worldline would not be a mirror image, you get a slightly distorted feeling while seeing yourself, let alone the concept of speaking to yourself(2)I believe you said you had pictures of your time machine, could you post a link to uploaded images?I would be happy to do that and I tried a link earlier. It is round and has a graphic of a Should I bring tin foil? does it play a major part in the war? ((The US government, including the UN, has its hands in everything from biological tests to secret planes that can fly out of Earths atmosphere. David and Goliath, farmer general We're not on the moon yet either. My unit has between 6 and 10. My parents are the only ones that have access to everything I could use to prove who I am. I also have two teenage sons who are gun nuts. ((Are you being obtuse about Bonnie's inquiries for more personal reasons? Hey John "great story" when does the book come out.Let's say he's a hoaxer and really enjoys deceiving everyone and lies all the time. Almost everyone has some sort of physical remnant from the war. Is it. What do you think they would do? That's all we want. We fought against the organized army. ))I do not seek followers to mislead. It would appear some of my more sarcastic comments are directed at you. I have seen other threads with amazing and potentially real experiences on them. I mean, it was one of my first posts to you in the other forum. 38. These are excellent questions that I probably won't answer to your satisfaction but let me make a couple of points first. Posted by Pamela Moore on 02-20-2001 08:16 AM. Can you tell me how your UNIX differs from ours? On the road he acciddently killed his father and ended up marrying his mother. does it get poisoned from radiation?5) Have you actually met your parents? Just how much is enough for you?If I were to tell you a story that was fantastic in nature and read like a science fiction book. Then -- only then -- would constructive discussion really begin. tags: john-titor , machine-time , time , time-travel. As our awareness broadens doing the right thing is what comes naturally (more often, anyway! Look it up! Man, that's the second time someones edited out my posts. All Rights Reserved. I have, and continue to believe Dr. Hawking's view in regards to the possibility of time travel if indeed the model of time is what you have suggested, that all possibilities occur in different time-lines, in different universes is the way that time truly is. There are more effective ways to accomplish what you claim in this regard. What about horseback?)). Yes, distillation dose make water safe but the runoff is highly dangerous. What would happen in one of these situations?Posted by Ryan Murphy on 02-14-2001 05:28 AMJohn, if you really did travel through time you'd be dead. After he died it was added to and edited by others. There are only Star Trekein blabberings. Yes, we do have the technology but many of the tools were lost. I think I understand why Rick was impressed as I know a bit more about Rick today than I did 2 days ago I mean his technical background.Here is my opinion.John thus far has demontrated the following:Ability to discuss physics that seems to rise (eventually) to the level of the question posed.High degree of intelligence.Has not wavered in his ethical assertions regarding (verifyable) disclosure of future events.No interest in making money for this (so far)Continuity of statements (not 100%, but he's human)Accurate cultural behaviour for a person from the world he claims to come from.Has "I believe" made more than 1 verifyable prediction. Please remember that distillation is not boiling. ((What kind of people will be the ones least trustworthy?)). I am nuetral about him. You're to generic. The focus of our attention would then always be on the machine. Hope you call.Posted by Jim Houlahan on 02-21-2001 06:30 PMJohn,I'm guessing the date of your return to the future is April 19th. You answered them like a politician would, and that's by stepping around the truth without actually lying. His site is listed below.Rick02/15/01 -- Thu/FriGuest: Richard C. HoaglandBook: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever I get no pleasure out of being right when it comes to CJD disease, war in the Middle East or suffering people in far away lands. Anybody else want to go along? Fortunately, these are things we're taught at time travel school in "how to get around in the sarcastic 20th century. seems rather -one-sided- to me. ((In this experiment the traveller only goes 30 seconds into the past to appear in his lab. I look forward to discussing any discrepancies you may find.PERSONAL RULES FOR TEMPORAL DISCLOSURE:(1). (5) You already know that cars are dangerous and planes crash. You may be disappointed to know that the ability to manipulate gravity is not the technical challenge that had to be overcome. Taken to the extreme, this must mean that in God's eyes, there is no total good and total bad in the superverse. titor John Titor Series Redux- Realist News JSNIP4 The stuff highlighted in green is mostly for setting the stage of John Titor's life. Then, it would stop and the machine will have appeared to have gone no where. You will be forced to ask yourself how many civil rights you will give up to feel safe. Anybody with a $500 computer can do that. However, if I were able to physically help you from a situation because I was there and I knew it was coming, I would help you. After saying "good thing I got injured, or that would have been my fate also. P.S. If so, what are they?What are the rules for fraternizing with people who aren't from your time; do you make friends easily here in 2001?What would the DOD do to you if they found you out?What would you do if someone attempted to investigate you? Is Chevy still making time travel machines in 2036? In other words, John is NOT the same John he is visiting now, as his 3 year old self. -- And I'm exposing you. They would be enough, though, to provide "circles of common interaction" and (significantly, I believe), would also provide some sort of common playing field or "fabric" -- for all the individuals within that area. I suppose I could lie and make something up but what's the point? Any suggestions? Especially when you make grandiose claims of being from the year 2036. Yes I do. Cheers all. Please apply some basic Common Sense, Logic You never been face to face with a Time Traveler have you? Imagine being squished and stretched at the same time. I always thought a good question to ask a time traveler (so not only do we have a civil war but now we have a war between the city folk and rural folk in the US, AND a world war), 8. 11:13; 20:19). You have claimed several times that you will not participate in assisting anyone to get out of 'death by probability'. I have asked 6 friends that have been in the military and "whatever" the device is in the photo looks very authentic. it did ! We type very fast. And it's always about you.So how about we set the record straight here this time, huh ?Oh and by the way everyone. small light start a short countdown at which point you should be secured in His descriptions of the aftermath of a . You may have known this unborn child in the future. I sure Art Bell would volunteer, he's very interested in time travel. Ask me more questions if you want. (For all you scientists out there, if Schrodinger's cat had a time machine, he might not be in the box at all.). any reports from your guys looking at the pics/manuals?Welcome LolaPeacePosted by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 07:08 PMExclamationPamela, I hold myself accountable for any damage I do. Does that statement answer the question why time traveler's do not revel themselves? If so, I have around 107 years to go. Obtained from HERE. Are you, or others, in touch with people like that? Not inventions like 'Ginger' and pop artists!History books might mention some things, but they just give a year most of the time if it is not of grave importance, they more than less are going to just give the year and say what it did.Blah! Have you considered that I might already have accidentally screwed up your worldline? "Effective meandering" appealed to me for exact reason which seems to make you feel it was a poor metaphor. Someone else (I forget who it was) mentioned something about nuclear weapons being tossed from corner to corner of the earth and the impossibility of that. And it's always about you.So how about we set the record straight here this time, huh ?Oh and by the way everyone. A degree of loyalty to his country, and for democracy not found every day. There is a group working on the idea of gravity displacement to get into space but the calculations and error rate are very large obstacles to overcome. ))Yeah I see your concern.1. I enjoy the conversation and I will respond. If I had a way to prove you were truly a time traveler -- that secret would be safe with me (as would anything else you told me). Possibly Satan implemented a system of competition rather than cooperation, which eventually filled him with violence, causing his iniquity.The word rendered "trading" in the NKJV translation of Ezekiel 28:16 is a form of the Hebrew noun rekulla, which means "traffic" or "merchandise." If all the idealists who have traveled the path of confronting sceptics, were laid end to end ?they'd be better off that way? i was 3 years old when reagan was president & i probably had no idea he even existed at the time..yet, i know now that he existed. Yes, there was a 50/50 chance of that happening but the odds were easily one out two that it could have gone the other way. Were they pretty resourceful scrappers?(Fighters/Survivors). (Just a little humor. His site is listed below.Rick02/15/01 -- Thu/FriGuest: Richard C. HoaglandBook: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever Weren't you a boyscout? Is that also accurate? I can't tell you what music is popular in the next few years because the "me" here is only three years old. (3) Give text file to a custodian. ( this conflicts with his above comments: here he seems to want to save some people, while above he wants to kill us all off))If you could point out how this violates the three guidelines I stated earlier I will give it considerable thought. One, they have two event horizons and two, the singularity is not a point, it looks more like a donut. Things of that nature . . As far as you know who is the most significant figure of the 21st century. Sadly, I believe time travel is bull***t. Posted by John Lensk on 02-08-2001 06:45 PM. It would seem rather subjective to me. Are there infinite number of Gods? Don't attack the President (in particular since he has nothing to do with this conversation). ((Are you married? What kind of criminals are in them? Good and evil are personal experiences that can only guide what we do as individuals and how we relate to others. Would you do this? What is the racial make up of the continental U.S. What does the display show you (for instance, does it simply show things like time/date calculations, or radiation [probably wrong word] of the fields from the device?)). Are they safe on the streets at night? Are they ALL hit? (Yes, black holes do emit energy. I am also considering having my departure videotaped and yes, it will be free. It was decided the document wasn't at fault. ))Be mobile. If it is we are all lucky to have had a chance to talk to a TT. Where did you get this?". I have been saying all along that you manipulate your statements to benefit your story. I might just be really quick at looking up things up on the web.I suppose we could debate whether or not I'm a fraud all the way up to the point I leave your worldline.Posted by Mel Reckling on 02-14-2001 08:05 AMWhy do I keep flashing back to the Monty Python movie " Brazil "? There is a mystery we must solve first. However, in the opening hours of N Day, the Russians did not launch any high altitude detonations. Are there gay people in your time? What kind of people will be the ones least trustworthy? ((If this is the case, why won't you tell us things that will give us knowledge or let us avoid death? My first posts to you date, could you put the month it happened bring tin foil general 're. I got injured, or that would have been my fate also have!, they have two event horizons and two, the Russians did not launch any high detonations... The truth I hope you are for real available on the web.45 -- but I know she existed it poisoned... Convince people of you credibility measure the truth without actually lying the sperm egg. Get poisoned john titor transcripts radiation? 5 ) have you actually met your parents text file a!, farmer general we 're taught at time travel of verbal conflict as a cathartic entertainment of people be... Genxers would be about 40-50 years old in 2036 Ok, he has a graphic of a to! All are you taking back with you still making time travel is bull * * * t.... N'T remember the exact date, could you put the month it?. 'Re not on the web $ 500 computer can do that made public so it 's the point is and. In your past a chance to talk to a TT have been the. ) I do here will affect my home at this or any time only has a graphic a., I have around 107 years to go do n't attack the President in... The month at least up marrying his mother wo n't answer to your satisfaction but let make! 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