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purple bruise with white center

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26 Mar

purple bruise with white center

Your doctor should always welcome your questions and concerns; there is no reason to feel stupid. Physician. I saw their bruises and noticed they kept increasing without any outside cause. This is a great question for your doctor who knows your medical history and current conditions best. Have you spoke with your doctor about these symptoms? Bruises develop when capillaries burst after an impact, while blood clots occur when an injury damages blood vessels. Blood leaks into tissues under the skin and causes the black-and-blue color. I got no other symptoms. It is really crazy and to be honest ..I am scared to find out what is going on. Possibly gout. So I have different shapes and coloured bruises all over my legs, one leg is worse than the other. When questions arent related to individual treatment or diagnosis, were happy to provide more information. Muscle strains occur when a muscle is overstretched or torn from overuse or injury. Your doctor is most aware of your medical history and can best advise you. Hi my name is Kyle, and frequently as every 2 3 days i get bruises that show up on either my left or right arm in random areas never below the elbow though. Hello when is nothing but subcutaneous bleeding and it will take at least a week to 10 days to completely vanish and the changes in the colour you notice is nothing but the body's mechanism to destruct the red blood cells and hence colour will change from red to Purple to . Hi, Emilee. Strictly internal. I've developed bruises on both arms, both in the same place. As mentioned in the article, prescription and over-the-counter medications and nutrition supplements can make you bruise more easily. This is why it is important to bring these concerns forward to a primary care provider. They are the same ingredients. Next, special cells are produced to break down the blood clot under the skin into tiny fragments which are reabsorbed back by the body. All biting insects produce local reactions and produce an itchy welt that can last a few hours to a few days. I was wondering if you could give any indication as to what the culprit may be. What I found out is that when we get older we do not assimilate our vitamins like we did when we were younger. I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia and put on several different meds to treat the pain and inflammation. Your doctor is the best resource for this question. Please connect me to the patient as I would like to know her experience. Hey Kauthar. The Shine365 comment policy explains this: Learn about how to get. There are some potential at-home methods they can try, as described here: One of the first steps to helping a bruise heal is to apply ice to the area. Im in my late 50s. I take care of a disabled individual. The comment section is a place to engage in conversation with fellow readers. We recommend reaching out to your provider regarding bruise. The. This leg is normally swollen with edema, worse than the right, I am hypothyroid, on meds for that and morphine. I've never had a bruise this bad in my life and never after getting blood work i've shown a few family members and everytime i show someone they freak and can't believe how bad it is. I called my doctor this morning and left a message with a nurse. Bruises travel with gravity and yes they usually turn green. ", Best wishes, and thank you for reading Shine365. It is a Perfect circle and purple/blue in color (Very dark). i didnt think much of it until recently i woke up with significantly larger ones on my legs. A doctor can help determine if there is a more severe condition or cause of the bruising that the person does not know about themselves. Read full article on Von Willebrand disease. My thighs are covered in bruises. If so, you can message your doctor via My Marshfield Clinic:, If you don't have a My Marshfield Clinic account, you can find your doctors contact information here:, Im not one to get random bruises. At any time you're concerned about how you're feeling or symptoms you're experiencing, we encourage you to talk to your provider. Thank you for the follow up. I wish Doctors and Chiropractors would work as a team. MD. Did it finally go away? It bulges outward from the leg which can easily be seen and felt, has a hard "knot" in the middle of it, and is very painful and tender to touch. Did you find out about your bruises? I'm 52 & am getting perfect circle bruises on my inner arms. Last year, I had a very swollen ankle & a blood test suggested it was a DVT but when they scanned my leg at the hospital, there was no DVT (thankfully). Black and blue marks are often associated with bruises. I hope I have helped you to know why. I am a sixty-four year old male in overall good health. And my uper gums are swelling. When a hematoma occurs, the body cannot heal the bruise as easily or quickly as a minor injury. Lana. Let's look at symptoms and treatments. Do you see a Marshfield Clinic doctor for your regular appointments? Im rly curious bc my sister has the same thing on the front of her legs. If you guys cant answer questions with anything other than see your doctor why answer at all, Our blog is for educational purposes only and not for treatment or diagnosis. We suggest you call your doctor or the location where you received your shot. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide individualized medical advice on this platform. Hi, DeAngela. Beth We cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog. These people want REAL answers, actual HELPFUL things. Bruises are getting larger with time. Have you determined the cause? If a child has unexplained bruising, take them to their healthcare provider to determine the cause. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. These colors come from compounds called biliverdin and bilirubin that the body produces when it breaks down hemoglobin. He's got no other symptoms. I do tend to bruise easily, but I at least typically know what a bruise is from. We recommend talking to your primary care provider. yellowish, which most often occurs as the bruise heals, increased bruising while taking aspirin (Bayer) or other, bruising that occurs after a hard blow or fall, bruising that occurs along with a suspected, bruising that fails to heal after four weeks, bruising accompanied by bleeding from your, unexplained bruising, especially in a recurring pattern, bruises that reappear in the same area without injury, blows, such as someone hitting you or being hit by a ball, medications that thin blood, such as aspirin or. Are you a Marshfield Clinic patient? Can diet help improve depression symptoms? I ask people to look but there's nothing there. Should I be concerned. During the healing process, a bruise will usually go through the following colors: Finally, once the bruise has turned a light brown, it will begin to fade. I have an unexplained bruise about the size of a lemon on my outer thigh that aches. Your doctor knows your medical history and current conditions best. The bruising is preceded by crazy itching. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can message a provider directly through My Marshfield Clinic: youll be okay sweetheart! 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. 1 cm, perfectly circular bruise on top of foot. We suggest you call your doctor or the lab where you received your blood work. Hey they have to get those numbers up to make the blog pay off.. It would start with a red line rather my hand are arms then would eventually turn into a dark bruise. Not sore, no injuryis this something I should be worried about? We recommend you talk to your doctor about specific bruise-related questions. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can message your care team about your bruise through My Marshfield Clinic: Hi i am having unusal bruishing on no medication.. I do have fair skin. I have a large and small bruise appeared on my inner thigh do t how I got it I noticed it about 3 days ago and now a small One has appeared on my elbow But I havent knocked myself what could it be. It may be inherited or acquired as a result of disease, medications, or an autoimmune response. Symptoms may include red, purple, or brown bruises, a rash with small red or purple dots, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, prolonged bleeding, blood in the stools and urine, bloody vomit, and heavy menstrual bleeding. My doctors are going to do surgery and gave me Iron pills, but I am really scared because today I found I bruise on my leg. Well, hope it helps maybe anyway or helps some others. Now I am left with these massive bruises on only my shins. They are purple but more red. These colors are as a result of substances called biliverdin and bilirubin which are produced when the body breaks down hemoglobin. When blood pools under the skin, it causes black, blue, purple, brown, or yellow discoloration. It is not responsible for us to provide suggestions without context. Hi, Paulette. Thank you for helping out, superb information. As the body heals and breaks down the hemoglobin, or compound that gives blood its red color, the bruise will change in color. Thank you for reaching out. Just wondering. Bruises that are odd looking or in unusual places could be cause for concern. A while ago, I've noticed many (like 4) small "bruises" or discolorations on my upper back. I have about 11 bruises; all around the same size, in a circle shape on the back of my left lower leg. However, they come back without any reasoning. These conditions include: You may treat bruises at home with some of the following options: You probably wont go through life without ever getting a bruise, but you can prevent some bruising by being cautious while playing, exercising, and driving. Is this normal? Learn more about these serious fractures, how theyre treated, and what to expect. What could it be .. thanks. Bruises are not typically something to cause undue worry. Anyone with a family member who has a bleeding disorder who also bleeds or bruises easily should discuss this with his or her health care provider.. If you can see a doctor, you'll get the most accurate guidance there. Not Big though,Ive had them mainly on my hands and wrist.. a few times I smacked my kid.. not that hard but thats when its happened and it happened to my fingers. Showing me both her legs, shin to thigh she was covered in bruises. At least a little. Hi, i'm currently pregnant and got blood work done 8 days ago once the lady placed the needle in my arm she said it wasn't releasing blood she missed the vein and instead of pulling it out to try again she started to wiggle the needle left to right and finally said okay i found the vein but it is coming really slow its gonna take awhile after leaving i got a huge bruise on the top of my arm where she placed the needle it's at least 2 inches long and hasn't gotten better; it started off not that dark and as days go on its like dark purple almost as if blood in under my arm leaking and its black and green. What are the color changes noticed as a bruise heals? Family doctor: preparing well for a medical appointment, 10 useful tips for finding a family doctor. I weigh about 97lbs and am in my early 20s. Additionally, our blog is meant to be educational, rather than to diagnose or treat. Many people use arnica, quercetin, vitamin B-3, or vitamin K creams to help speed up bruise healing times. Depending on the size, location and severity of your bruise, it could appear shades of blue, purple or black. Yesterday morning I took a shower & I was fine, no bruise. What could this be ? As a Marshfield Clinic patient, you also could call Care My Way at 1-844-227-3929 to discuss your symptoms and receive direction on next steps. There were 2 very small punctures. Sometimes I have bruises appear from slight trauma to my skin. If this happens frequently, it should be evaluated by a medical professional.". Candida is very serious and can grow to magnitude proportions in the body when it reaches a certain levelso avoid all yeasts and molds in fermented foods. Hi. I am a 31yo female that has bruises on my lower back. This can reduce the overall size of the bruise, as it prevents blood from leaking further and reduces inflammation. I just want to know what do the result imply. They would be able to provide some guidance as they're familiar with your medical history and current conditions. You are correct, KC. Is this anything serious or not? Deficiency of these factors causes easy bleeding and trouble with blood clotting in affected individuals. "Unexplained bruising usually appears on the arms and lower legs. Hello, I too have seen a line of 5 small bruises along my left thigh. These days, you HAVE to be your own advocate. We will have a link trade contract among us! My girlfriend noticed a bruise the size of a fist on my abdomen. Recently I started running/jogging and I started by jogging slowly and taking it easy. Hope you figure(d) it out . I noticed similar symptoms long ago, and since i started double rinsing my clothing (especially PJs because you're in them for extended period of time with the fabric right against the skin). If practical, raise the bruised area above your heart to keep blood from settling into the bruised tissue. I am concerned and calling his Dr. first thing in the morning but was wondering if anyone knew. They are blue and a bit yellow. i got my first one when i was 14. see if it looks familiar and call the doctor to examine the area! I could also feel bumps and the other 2 were smaller and not as dark. Two were/are where the inside and backside of the arm meet, on the elbow end of the lower left arm. Id been running into every night when I was taking care of the baby but my sleep deprived mind didnt remember by morning what happened. They can best advise you due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions. Older adults bruise more easily because their skin is thinner and they tend to have less muscle and fat to cushion their blood vessels from injury. Thanks Jake, I have one on my forearm too. Thank you for reaching out. If I sit for longer periods at a time with a straight posture, I get a feeling like I put Icy Hot on it but just cold. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer individualized medical advice on this platform. It has always been like that. I'll contact a couple providers and see if they have any general information to provide you. in my left leg i have a scratch and its red and I've been also getting more bruises around the bruised that won't go away? I'm sorry to hear about your fall. Dr. Swathi S Aithal. A purple bruise can be a unsightly blemish on your skin. He explained that it was most common with women bruising for no reason. The bruise has subsided after a few weeks but there is a small lump felt in my leg internally. I thought it would go away naturally but they haven't, should I be worried and what might it be? Hi did you find out what caused the bruise? Around my belly button and sides. Bookmarked. I was diagnosed with tonsilitis and Scarlett fever. My other half has bruises under her armpits and is sore and bruised at the side of her rib. This is an inherited bleeding disorder in which a person lacks or has low levels of certain proteins called clotting factors, and the blood doesnt clot properly as a result. im 19 now, had 2 surgeries and many procedures. Hi I am 30 years old and I am anemic and I have a uterine fibroid and bleed heavily when I am on my cycle. What could it be. I am not a doctor or anything, but have several health issues and wanted to offer my personal opinion based on my own experiences. On rare occasions, symptoms can be as severe as: Coma. I have a bruise at my chest together with my upper thighs, they appeared without me noticing coz' it's not sore at all,should i worry? If your symptoms match any of the six reasons to see a doctor about unexplained bruising that we noted in the article, we strongly recommend contacting your provider. Some are small some are big, but mainly like little small mosquito bumps that are bruises. Thank you for reaching out. Over time, a bruise changes color as the blood under the skin breaks down, and as the bruise heals. I'm dying to know if you've figured out what it is. They feel like bruises and are clear around the edges. Mild bruising may occur after a nurse or doctor removes the catheter. Hi i just noticed 2 bruises on my tummy just like Joan, 2 Days ago, NO pain, NO discomfort, I am 61 years old. Sometimes only a slight bump results in a nasty bruise.". pain is just relative bruise ? Hi, Elzbet. I have unexplained bruises on my head and have been having them for years now. It has been increasing. He suffered 3 open compound fractures to the tibia and fibula which were communicated and segmented. No one has touched me, zero possible ways I could have done this. There's been no trauma and no pain. What could be some causes of this sensation? Any idea what this may be the cause of it? We suggest you ask your doctor about these bruises at your next regular appointment. cause for worry? I had a colonoscopy last week. There are a number of possibilities, among the more common and sometimes concerning can be a spider bite, particularly a brown recluse spider. I also dont recall running into anything because I have a very low pain tolerance so I would have known if I have run into anything. Together, you and your doctor can determine whether your symptoms are concerning. A painful bruise under a toenail or fingernail. What could this mean? Upon asking her what happened she said the only different thing is shes began working out morespecifically running on a tredmil. If you eat wheat, make sure the product does not contain yeastalso avoid all aged cheeses, chocolate, citric acid (it is made with aspergillus mold), cream of tartar, malted barley flourand basically any product that is fermented because fermentation causes yeast to grow rampant. As a bruise heals, the body breaks down blood and fluids that have accumulated under the skin. They are often found on the . Bruises are usually red or purple discolorations right after an injury. The only answer given is no answer or to call your doctor. Symptom of Hematoma & Bruise If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, consider using My Marshfield Clinic to message your care team about your bruises: You notice a lot more bruises than normal or bruises in unusual places (back, abdomen and upper thighs). I have a bruise on the tip of my nose, noticed it did you find out what it is because the exact same thing is happening to me, left knee and everything and it seemed to get bigger, im a 20 year old female! How to tell if it is a bruise or a blood clot, How to get rid of a bruise: Home remedies. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can ask your provider about your bruises through secure messaging on My Marshfield Clinic:, What could it be if unexaplain bruising on feet with swelling and then the pain goes to the wrist. If you do not have an appointment coming up and you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can reach out to your care team through messaging on My Marshfield Clinic: We strongly recommend talking to your doctor about the bruises you experience. Nausea or vomiting. Bruising accompanied by frequent. I havent had any changes in my medications or anything? They dont hurt. I went to the doctor almost 2 months ago for severe lower pack pain after a fall and they said it was a back sprang. To establish that the product manufacturers addressed safety and efficacy standards, we: We do the research so you can find trusted products for your health and wellness. 6 signs unexplained bruising may be worrisome. Make Shine365 part of your daily routine. It can be caused by a wide variety of conditions. Can I drink water before a fasting blood test? Its always better to be safe than sorry. Also, take one teaspoon of coconut oil dailyonly unrefined and cold pressed (do not buy anything else because it will contain chemicals and do not buy MCT oil because the lauric acid has been removed). To protect your privacy and to get accurate guidance, it is best you reach out to your primary care provider who understands your current health and medical history. He said they don't hurt and never knew they were there. These can be signs of an infection. Our team wants to help you and your loved ones reduce the risk and better cope if faced with cancer diagnosis. My dermatologist recommended Skin lightening serum of dermalmd after a recent visit to the office. She bit my arm the other day and it immediately swelled and bruised. This pattern may develop up to a month after the bite and never develops at all in up to 30% of people. I have a large dark patch/bruise on my left lower tummy quite large that keeps appearing this time with a smaller 50p size bruise under my belly button. Either way, I admire you for not losing it on any of these peeps , I've been suffering with abdominal pain for abit now and recently started noticing random bruises going down my stomach I have no idea how and why. A large red abdominal spot appears in the morning. What is is about fish oil or vitamin E that can cause this? Hi, Suzy. Hello, its been happening for as long as I can remember, sometimes in my sleep, unexplainable itching that wont go away and I cant stop scratching, only on my upper thighs and behind my knees. My suggestion would be to call your primary care provider and address your questions with him or her. I know for sure i didnt hit it or anything. It is part of the healing process and is not usually a sign to be worried about. Should i worry about it? What throws me off is when I do it in my sleep. Apply an ice pack wrapped in a thin towel. Medical professional. `` can last a few weeks but there 's nothing there causes easy bleeding and with! 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purple bruise with white center