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stefan salvatore kill count

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stefan salvatore kill count

Stefan suggests that the situation has changed now that Elena is a vampire. Stefan Salvatore | Heroes Wiki | Fandom She mentions that he cares about killing Klaus more than anything and Stefan says she's not wrong, though he has a conflicted look in his expression. He however sees that there's also something else-Elena has turned off her humanity and he asks why. A detective then approached him, showed him a sketch of Nik and Rebekah and asked if he had ever seen them before. They almost kiss when someone enters the office. Elena says that it wasn't that hard because he wants her to get good so badly that he would hear whatever she decides to tell him. As he pulled away you gasped, "that felt way too good.". Elijah wants to talk with his sister but Stefan says that she's not with him and that everything will be ok as long as Katherine hands over the cure. Stefan says goodbye and as he walks out Elena stops him and asks how he can't feel anything and tells him that feeling anything is better than acting like he doesn't care. In A Bird in a Gilded Cage, Stefan arrives home looking for weapons. Stefan says that the same goes for Katherine because Rebekah is with his brother. His life flowing out like a crimson waterfall. So Elena decides to impersonate Katherine and go to the meeting while Rebekah stays with the older doppelgnger. Bonnie tries to write a message to Damon but Enzo grabs her phone, Enzo calls Damon and asks him for Stefan's diaries , Damon says that Stefan burned his diaries, and then Enzo says that he will kill Stefan because he was the one who killed his girl in the 60s, Damon tries to tell him that Stefan wasn't a Ripper in that decade but Enzo hangs up the phone. Damon has to go and leaves Elena and Stefan alone, and they talk about their family tragedies. Because of this, Damon has referred to Stefan as a "pack rat". Stefan, in return, was thoroughly infatuated with her and believed he had fallen in love with Katherine. They are talking but they are interrupted by Damon taking Stefan. Katherine fell in love with Stefan when she met him in Mystic Falls in 1864. To keep both him and Damon out of Hell, he flipped his humanity switch off. When Stefan pulled the stake out of his father's stomach, his bloodlust became too much for him to suppress and he tasted his father's blood, completing his transition into a full vampire. His magic seems to have stopped working. He then tells Andie that she can move, she falls and breaks her neck. Stefan nods and walks away in sadness. He is drowning and waking many times helplessly with no exit. Caroline starts a game of Caroline Trivia with her two former lovers and whoever wins gets to live. Now Stefan sits on the same bench when Valerie approaches and sits down next to him. Jo begins her vows, but she's cut short when she's stabbed repeatedly in the abdomen. He drank her blood and almost killed her but was stopped by Bonnie when she cast a spell on him. He admits he was halfway out of town. He can see that something is troubling Jeremy and after talking with him, he finds out that Bonnie might die if she uses too much power to kill Klaus. He seems disappointed saying it was all for nothing and that he is back where he started. After the men leave, they go inside the shed to rescue Enzo, but he is not there. Rebekah forces Stefan into the library where she quickly delves into finding out how far they have gotten into finding the cure. However, Alaric turns human as Jo saves him after his vampirism is stripped off. After hearing that Caroline has Sarah Salvatore, Stefan and Elena find Caroline at the grill making three margaritas, one for each of them. Stefan goes to deal with Elijah while Katherine takes Damon and Rebekah to the cure. If you want him out of your house, you do it yourself." He had an older brother, Damon Salvatore, who is also a cured vampire and whom he shared a strained relationship with, stemming from the appearance of Katherine Pierce over whom they fought whilst human. Stefan kidnaps Mary Louise and they use her as incentive for Nora to siphon the spell from Caroline. After he was newly transformed into a vampire, Stefan was seen to be extremely dependent towards Damon. They sip their drinks for a moment before Elena addresses the tension between them. Stefan Salvatore's Important Relationships. In the meantime back at Mystic Falls Caroline tries to help Klaus and finally they realize that his pain is caused just from an illusion. Katherine says something about how these drugs she is on are "hard core." Caroline and Klaus keep picking on each other and Caroline asks why is Klaus even needed there to which Stefan responds that if they have to face Silas the original hybrid who can't die might definitely come in handy. Stefan's compelled everyone in the bar so Ray is all alone - and refusing to give up the location of his pack. Katherine tells him that if she "starts to sag. They also talk about Elena and Rebekah says that she wouldn't compel him to forget her, not because she want's him to suffer, but because she has realized that love and caring ruins people She adds that they had fun in the 20s because they didn't care, they just did what felt good-drinking, feeding, sex. Family Members She's finally able to tell him the truth. Stefan doesn't seem to know who she is, and tells Enzo that he wasn't the one who killed her, because he wasn't a Ripper in the 60s, Enzo doesn't believe him, and he makes Liv attack Stefan and Elena with a spell, causing their heads to ache. She then tries to find Jeremy and Stefan catches up with her, he is silent when Elena asks if he has been making Jeremy kill vampires. Out in the woods, Stefan tries to defend turning over Enzo to Tripp, but Caroline isn't feeling forgiving. After hearing about a change in the plan, Stefan asks what it is, only to be attacked by Mikael. Paul WesleySawyer Bell (Young, age 10)Luke Judy (Young/Child)Ryan Dorsey (Possessing Marty Hammond) So they need to find a cure and make him mortal so that he doesn't kill everyone. It takes him three tries of running into the door to open it. Upon meeting each other, Stefan and Elena are instantly, undeniably drawn to each other and the two instantly connect. He is next to the quarry with Elena, and the two are talking about it being a vision. However, shortly after Stefan's breakup with Valerie, Stefan goes to Alaric and Caroline's home and sees that she is happy raising children with Alaric. Lexi needed a place to stay, so Stefan brought her home with him, where she found corpses drained of blood lying everywhere. She also brought along Stefan to help with the dorm decorating and Caroline is surprised but still lets him in. During the eighth season, Stefan worked for Cade, the Devil. Despite this, Stefan has engaged in fights with Damon numerous times since, sometimes besting him easily. After Elena asks why he sent Damon to look for her, Stefan admits that Damon seems to have Elena's trust in ways that he doesn't anymore. Stefan agrees to come once he hears Enzo will be there. Stefan's naturally serious and broody demeanor lessened considerably, becoming more gregarious and even easygoing. Damon wears his daylight ring on the middle finger of his left hand. Stefan said it was like this because his emotions were off and Klaus says that this is the reason why he was more fun. After talking, Enzo takes the decision of not setting Stefan on fire, he tells him that his best revenge will be when Stefan have to tell Damon that he was the one who killed Enzo, Stefan is confused and then Enzo decides push himself backwards, making Stefan take his heart unintentionally. el_in_the6ix 2 yr. ago Stefan and Caroline hide from Tripp's men. As Stefan and Damon leave and walk in the woods Stefan says "I love her, Damon," and Damon says that he does as well. She decides to go but suddenly stops because she smells something and asks Stefan what is it. Katherine had then compelled him to not be afraid of her and after she faked her death. Stefan, quickly leaves Tripp with Enzo and goes to Caroline's dorm to warm her, however, she is not there. The original brother however says that if anything happens to Katherine he'll descent upon Elena and he hangs up. Damon swore to avenge all of Stefan's murders. He goes into a bar where supernatural people can stay and no magic can reach inside. Julian leaves and Caroline hysterically rushes over to him and holds his body in her arms, screaming for help. Stefan is the brother of Damon, also a vampire, and their relationship is rather contentious. He hates him because he wanted Katherine all to himself. Stefan was usually one to shy away from dancing, because he thinks that he was a bad dancer,[4] but admits that he was much more enthusiastic about it when he was drunk or under the influence of alcohol.[5]. Caroline asks like what and Stefan tells like she has dirt on her cheek, he cleans her cheek and they smile. They talk but are interrupted by Enzo who grabs Ivy and then snaps her neck. After Stefan says his goodbye to Katherine he and Damon talk about their eventful days. That was until Damon had asked him to drink human blood with him and feed on, Stefan's last name in the show was originally going to be ". Elena and Damon then locked Stefan up in the basement to try to get him back to normal. He is able to learn new languages at an increased speed and adjust to the American customs rather quickly, so much so that his Italian accent becomes less strong. He pins Damon to the wall with a log as Damon makes an appeal to Enzo to stop, promising he'll help him come back if he does. Stefan was also close with his mother, before she had died when he was 10 years old. They dance and while the energy is intense they share a light hearted chat about Stefan's usual lack of enthusiasm for dancing. Matt approaches them about leaving but Sarah covers and the two take off. Meredith goes at the Gilbert house and tries to convince Elena that her brother is actually dead but Elena doesn't want to accept it. Stefan then looks down to realize his hand shaking. Fortunately, Liz crossed the border just in time. At first Stefan is shocked, but relieved when Elena sends him a text saying Damon is okay. Both of them looked very happy, they kissed and confessed love for each other. She helped pull Stefan out of a dark place. He had a moment of weakness, that is his thing-like them falling for the same girl-that was their thing. When Stefan comes downstairs, he sees "Elena", who is really Katherine. Stefan removing wooden bullets from Tyler's chest. When the vision abruptly ended, the real Stefan was home at Salvatore Mansion with Elena. She says that she probably deserves it. Gunshot Wound/Loss of Blood (as a human)Heart Extraction (as a vampire)Stabbed by The Phoenix Sword (2nd and 3rd time, as a vampire)Incinerated by Hellfire (2nd time, as a human) Fans of The Vampire Diaries might still be shocked over the show's ending and Stefan Salvatore's death even two years after the finale aired, but Paul Wesley says that it was actually his idea . Before Nadia has a chance to read it, Stefan discovers the note. In Elena's room, the door opens once again. Later, Damon tempts Stefan into drinking from a human girl and tries to stop him before he gets too carried away. Stefan can be very wise and comforting to others and people can always depend on Stefan. Stefan later asks Elena why did she save him from the burning car, and calls her pathetic when she says she still has hope, causing his ex-girlfriend to stab him. They are interrupted by Damon and Bonnie. A short while later, Bonnie arrives at the Gilbert house at the Salvatores' invitation. Stefan is the narrator of the series. Stefan hangs up; telling Caroline and the hybrid guards that they don't need the sword anymore. Stefan tells her that not yet, but she won't open her eyes again. Decades ago, Stefan's mother, asked Valerie to see how Stefan was doing after the mother's death, as a human. Stefan's cell phone number is 404-358-4345. Eventually Stefan walks into the church and, after briefly talking to Tyler and Caroline, finds a seat as Carol begins the service for Pastor Young and the council. Stefan was charismatic, charming, passionate and deeply romantic and because of this, he is highly magnetic to and popular with the opposite sex. Stefan leaves and goes to Damon who was surprised to see his brother. The Armory has her now. After saying their final goodbyes Stefan finds peace and had a joyful reunion with Lexi. Stefan tells that the other side is falling apart and he think it's allowing Enzo to mess with them. At first he's confused to why is she there and she says that she missed him. She brought him coffee and said that ever since he lost his memories she feels like she has lost a friend and she wants them to start clean. Later, Stefan is with the others in the room of his house Salvatore's and Nadia is dying there, they're hoping that Katherine appears and she does. In The Downward Spiral, Stefan is first seen on the phone to Elena, walking around Caroline's empty house. He then takes her phone away from her as she's clearly not listening to him. Stefan and Bonnie are talking on the phone about the death of Enzo and Caroline hears the conversation, she walks to Stefan and he hangs up on Bonnie. Maria tries hitting the brakes, but it nothing happens. Stefan takes away all the blood and gore of the scene, and all the bodies and then leads her to a crib, with a crying baby in it. From 1864 to 1912, Stefan lived on a strict animal blood diet and no longer fed on human blood. She tells him she's just passing through town. After they leave, the room is tense as Elena tries to approach Stefan to talk about what has happened. Stefan starts to object, but Damon stops him, reminding him that they're not in a fight. They discuss recent events, acknowledging that now they all know about the cure and will have to work together going forward. He flashes back to the day he became a vampire, when he was shot in the gut and left for dead. Gender Elena responds that Katherine has killed her brother which was unknown to Elijah. This statement seems to have an emotional impact on Stefan. A mysterious man walks around the corner, announcing that he is Kai's father. He sensed Rebekah's panic when she responded cryptically "He's here," but before he could find anything out, Nik compelled Stefan to forget about him and Rebekah. Stefan was very close to his older brother Damon growing up. Stefan tries to make it sound fun by suggesting they see the world, just the two of them. In Founder's Day, when the tomb vampires was about to attack the during the Founder's Day festival,, Stefan was affected by the device when John Gilbert started it like all other vampires in town. Stefan asks what he is doing and Klaus tells him that they have to go as where they are at is dangerous ground. She says that she hasn't, and that it is not magical writing. She explained everything that had happened since he was shot: she had found him and Damon lying dead in the woods, brought them to the quarry, and he and Damon were now transitioning into vampires. He then explains that he's actually in New York because he's trying to follow a lead to the cure. In the novels, Stefan is born in Italy and is foreign with an Italian accent at the beginning of the series. Later, when he's drinking, Qetsiyah comes and joins him, but Stefan can't recognize her because of his memory loss, but Qetsiyah reminds him who she is. In Handle with Care, Stefan is located in the cabin of Qetsiyah, she tells him that is the day that Silas will die because he has taken the cure and that she will kill him, when Qetsiyah tries to leave the cabin they realize they are trapped by a spell cast by Silas. After that they both go inside where Elena is standing with a lightened match, ready to burn down the house. Elena says that she was hungry and she gets out of bed and starts undressing in front of him. Stefan meet Elena in an alternative life. As she falls apart, Stefan is finally there when she needs him the most and she accepts it. Klaus started using mind compulsion on Stefan in The Reckoning, to get Stefan to obey to his orders and kill two students, Dana and Chad. Caroline says that they can't think about that right now. Stefan states that he can't go back to feeling after everything he has done. After Damon tells Elena what Qetsiyah says, and they are about to kiss, Stefan wakes up. In Pilot, Stefan and Damon engaged in a spar upon Damon's return to Mystic Falls. He asks her if she had fed on the cheerleader and she says that maybe she had. Terrified, she sobs that Stefan has compelled her and she can't move. She tells him she loves him and that she always will love him, at that moment, Stefan stabs her with the traveler knife. Stefan decides to leave town and start over elsewhere. That night, Stefan and Valerie meet secretly and Stefan is sure Julian will kill him for being with Valerie. Stefan Salvatore He also wears a large, silver lapis lazuli daylight ring on the middle finger of his right hand in order for him to walk around in the sunlight. Patient (2010)Unnamed Frat Boy (2016) (While body possessed by Ambrose)Violet Fell (2018) Before turning into a vampire in 1864, Stefan was seen to be happy, optimistic, light-hearted, playful, mischievous and naive. Damon, of course, claims that he doesn't care about Klaus, but Stefan tells him again to let him go. She says while he was drowning she was having the summer of her life, she got everything she wanted, even Bonnie and she needs to know that he's ok too. Valerie introduces Stefan to Julian and Stefan assumes he is Valerie's father. As things begin to spiral out of control, Stefan was unexpectedly killed by Julian, a Traveler warlock, while trying to protect Caroline, but he was resurrected after Damon, Caroline and Elena's plan to bring him back from the Other Side is a success. He holds Joshua against the wall before getting struck by his magic making them fall to the floor in pain. Klaus lightly admonishes Stefan for his nosiness, but admits that he might be useful in persuading Rebekah to cooperate with Klaus. Later they go to the Mystic Falls Cemetery for the traditional Remembrance Day to honor the dead. Damon is unimpressed by his brother's behavior, most importantly the way he is feeding off of girls in the house. To calm her down, Stefan tells her the story of when his mum got sick. Stefan has a tattoo of a rose on his right shoulder. and Elena responds with "some guy I use to date," in an ironic and sweet reference to Stefan. Later Stefan contemplates turning the switch off until a vision of Elena convinces him to keep on fighting. In Fade Into You, Stefan, to his disappointment, isn't invited to "Friendsgiving" dinner, which, given Caroline and Stefan's current situation. Stefan was an aspiring doctor during his human life. It's all part of humanity-filled Stefan's plan to help return Caroline's humanity. However, he can feel that someone is there. The car stops and Elena approaches the car, she sees a women in the driver's seat, Stefan catches her gaze and tries to compel her to give them a ride, but that woman is Maria a Traveler who helped them, she says them that the travelers and Markos are coming for them. They both talk , mainly about what death means to each one of them and how it affects them. Klaus informs her that his tattoo is invisible, and suggests they sit down to eat. Rebekah, Katherine and the Salvatore brothers. Caroline ask what is going on and Stefan says that nothing. Klaus needs important information regarding the hunter that only Rebekah would know, but she is still angry with Klaus. He asks her if this is really the memory she wants to revisit? Even after Damon voices his opinion to Elena herself, Stefan and Elena leave for their camping trip as planned. She is still suspicious, so he dangles the offer to talk Matt into giving her another chance, and finally Rebekah gives in. He sees a small box in it and thinks that this might be the cure. Stefan asks him if he really still wants to get the cure, because that means he could lose her and Damon says that this is a chance he's willing to take. She says she doesn't know what she feels. They arrive where the Travelers are doing the spell to awaken Markos, their leader, the Travelers drink the blood of Elena and Stefan and begin to burn alive, Stefan takes Caroline's hand and escape with their vampire speed. He explains that he is trying to help him recover. He suggest they wait to talk just because she has a lot on today. When Lexi brings up that Stefan is missing his chance to take part in Elena tacking the cure or not, Stefan tells Lexi that the cure is not their biggest problem as the sire bond is gone and Elena's emotions are back on and now she knows what she really feels for Damon. Stefan was supposed to be the one to take over the Salvatore family business from Giuseppe when he turned 18. After it is revealed that everyone is in danger from Alaric, Stefan prepares to take off and help keep everyone safe. However, in the novels, Stefan is of full Italian descent. He tell Stefan that he has footage of Stefan as well. In the novels, Stefan is Damon's moral, benevolent younger brother. He says it looks fine. He expresses that he is just honored to be her date that night. However, when Damon fed Elena his blood, Stefan fought him and ended up with a stake in the stomach. Damon walks up, saying "Well he already has a brothernot to be, you know, territorial or anything." Silas has made the original hybrid believe that he was dying. Nora starts to use magic but Caroline claps her hand over Nora's mouth, burning her. She asks where and he answers that he knows a bar out there off the beaten path. He grabs Monique and threatens Stefan to tell the truth, however, Enzo ends up killing Monique and Matt is beyond fed up. Stefan is quiet but he seems hurt by the news. Although she was also seeing Damon, she had a clear preference for Stefan. He later asked Elena to pass on a message to Caroline to tell her he heard her and would love her forever too before he went into the afterlife. He has saved her several times and cares about her. She is in the emergency room for a heart attack. She knocks him out and locks him in the county Jail. He says that since she's dying, he can "muster" some compassion for her. ", In Before Sunset, Stefan appears the most upbeat he has been all season. Stefan disagrees and asks her to open her mind to him. They fight for a short moment until Stefan throws a knife at him and kills him. Caroline gasps as his skin starts to desiccate, before Stefan falls to the pavement; dead. Stefan now upset decides to dump Silas' body and he tells Damon that he is not happy about Elena but he is not not happy for them either. Stefan's childhood and best friends during his human life were named Ethan Giffin, Brian Walsh and Matthew Harnett. He said that if Lily gets the stone, he'll kill Julian himself. There are 171 episodes of The Vampire Diaries, and like Damon, he's credited in all of them. Not long after, two of the Heretics take out two humans and leave their bodies on display hanging upside down. This article has been identified as an article that, The Vampire Diaries Season One Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Two Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Three Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Four Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Five Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Six Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Seven Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Eight Characters, Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take, Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell, The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You, Someplace Far Away From All This Violence, Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted. He's wondering how to get out silently but as he's about to succeed in that Klaus gets in his way. They leave, but then a girl they compelled comes into the apartment with a note telling them that for every hour that Oscar is not returned, a Whitmore student will die. In Brave New World, at a carnival, Damon challenged Stefan to hand-wrestle Mason Lockwood but Stefan lost. Stefan is assumed to be the 4th doppelgnger of Silas, although it is possible that there have been many more of Silas' doppelgngers that preceded him, according to Qetsiyah who said that Stefan had other shadow selves of Silas that were born before him. He was about to be taken by a deputy, but Alaric and Elena came when Stefan was spotted, Alaric sent the deputy to towards another vampire instead of Stefan, saving his life. Stefan guesses that the tattoo is the puzzle, and Klaus elaborates that the tattoo is a map that will lead them to the treasure. Elena goes to the meeting and finds out that EM is actually the original brother Elijah Mikaelson. After escaping the Travelers' camp, Stefan and Elena have holed up at some small store to use the payphone, Stefan is talking with Damon, he ask to Damon how long Stefan is surprising and that Damon didn't noticed that but Damon tells him that he has been looking for them. They actually may know him-he's an original brother with impeccable taste. When Stefan consumes copious amounts of human blood, his entire attitude seems to change. He's still refusing to give up details of his pack. Stefan in the novels speaks fluent Italian but is also fluent in English. Stefan reveals that he can't because he hates himself for what he did to her. Rebekah tells Stefan when they get the stone Shane will have to join them and Klaus will be left in the cold. As a vampire, Stefan's personality became increasingly complex. Stefan is a mysterious, handsome century-old immortal. Personality wise, Stefan was seen to be kind, caring, compassionate, introverted, intelligent, well-spoken, responsible, dutiful, noble and an overall respectable young gentleman. Later, He witnesses how Katherine (in Elena's body) breaks up with Damon, and tries to be there for him but he turns him down. Stefan tells Matt that the only reason he saved Matt first was because Elena insisted upon it, that Elena sacrificed her own life to save Matt and instead of bemoaning what has happened, maybe Matt should try to live up to the sacrifice Elena made for him and earn the life he has because of it. Klaus emerges from another room, clearly having listened, and after Rebekah argues with him some more he daggers her. They overcame some of their differences when they tried to free Katherine from the tomb, but after they opened it, they discovered she wasn't there. Damon is surprised and says that this is the reason why his little brother is the better boyfriend. Later on, Damon reveals to Stefan that Klaus is dead and they both seem very sad. Stefan and Elena defend Caroline against Damon. Stefan and Caroline make out in celebration. In the meantime the witches are trying to help Bonnie not knowing that her secret plan is to try to kill them. Later, Elena asks him what made him come back to Mystic Falls after 15 years and he tells her it was her. He then calls Klaus and tells him that, despite fulfilling his promise and undoing the compulsions, he took everything from Stefan. Caroline compels Jesse to go and hide. Klaus then apologizes to Rebekah, though somewhat backhandedly, and Rebekah replies that she is willing to take his apology under consideration. Damon leaves, and Elena admits that although she was able to feed successfully, she hated the experience and how it made her feel. He then asks her why she did it. When the bottom is full, she dabs her index fingers into the bowl and puts her finger tips on Stefan's forehead, all the Travelers chant in unison and Stefan screams out in pain. Stefan insists that if Elena hurts someone, she will be desperate to turn the guilt off, maybe even enough to shut off her humanity. In the 1864 flashbacks, Stefan was often seen wearing long pants, overalls made of denim with suspenders with a shirt underneath, dress shirts (often white in color), dress coats, vests (of various colors), trousers (normally in beige), waistcoats, and cravats with laced-leather boots (often beige in color). He talks to Alaric and tells him that he is still trying to find someone to resurrect Damon and Bonnie. Episode Count Elena was healed of a cerebral hemorrhage by Meredith with Damon's blood and died of drowning. Later Elena wants to talk with Stefan and he asks her what it is and she just wants to thank him and she gives him the cure because he is the worst one of them two at being a vampire and human blood is his downfall and she also wants him to have it because he deserves it. He tells her she's the last person who should be giving him advice on coping mechanisms. November 1, 1846 (Mystic Falls; Age 17/171) [1] Stefan agrees to move out all of the residents of Mystic Falls in exchange for the Heretics to live in his home.

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stefan salvatore kill count