did father anthony mary leave ewtn
God bless you Father Anthony & may Mother Mary embrace you in her mantle. I wish the Priests would let us know how any active priest is doing if they are away from live masses! Dear Father Anthony Mary, My husband and I have been so concerned about you and miss you terribly . Is Fr. Well continue to pray for you Fr Anthony. I truly miss Fr. God bless you and hurry back. Often wondered what happened to you Fr. The darkness always do anything to disturb the light. Fr. What happened to you, We miss you very badly. The mother was fired from EWTN and Stone was put on long-term leave of absence, according to Jefferson County court documents. Father Tony.. .you are sooo missed! We love you and miss you. GOD BLESS! Dear Father Anthony, Since there has not been even the slightest mention of you on EWTN since your absence several months ago, I have been deeply worried about you. Hope the next bulletin we receive will be good news. MISSIONARY OUTREACH & EUCHARISTIC PILGRIMAGES, The Tower of Babel and the Way of the Cross, A Connection between St. Therese of Lisieux and EWTN, Top 10 Accountability Questions for the New Year. Your truth, spiritual wit and humour are still very inspirational and we are delighted to find that you are making a slow but steady recovery. So sorry to hear about Fr Anthony Mary . Blessings for the work you do. You always put a smile on my face. I will keep him in my prayers! Anthony say mass. We miss your morning mass and homily. Anthony Maryhe is one of the best priests I have seen in EWTN masses We are glad to fianally know he will be back soon. Praise be His Holy name through your dedication. You are very dearly missed. Please know you have a mother-daughter team praying for your full healing. We need YOU. I am delighted to know that Fr Anthony Mary will be back to celebrate Mass on EWTN. Anthony. Please EWTN if some priest are ill and we do not see them offering Mass , we audience miss them . Take care Father Anthony since I really miss your homilies. Dear Fr Anthony Mary, Can you please leave us a word or two so we can be at peace about you and your health! The servers and Choir members and keeps us up to date on whats going onit is truly a family atmosphere.so I will pray for you every day until you feel strong enough to return to saying Mass..May GOD Bless you and keep you in His loving care. I am praying for his return also, Have you heard on any new updates of Father Anthony? Father Anthony, We watch EWTN daily and miss seeing you. I pray for a speedy recovery. Ma famille et moi vous gardons dans nos prires.. s, FatherAnthony please return soon. YES, I TOO WONDER WHERE FR ANTHONY IS. MAY GOD CONTINUE TO HEAL AND BLESS YOU ALWAYS I will pray for him. Then, disappointment sets in when I realize you are still struggling with your health. I had the honor to see you on TV. We miss Father Anthony and his inspiring homily.. our prayer and thoughts are for his recovery. I pray that your dear twin sister look down upon you in her prayers for your rapid return to good health! May God bless you all and your families. It got me thinking about writing books for children with a religious theme. A good priest in this modern age. Congrations to them! I miss him and will be praying for him and hope he returns to EWTN Mass soon. Anthony saying Mass on EWTN, we are just now finding out that you had a Anthony Mary. You have touched & Blessed our lives! May the Lord and Our blessed Mother bless and recover soon. Love, I pray the Lord will heal you. I too have a illness that does not leave any outward signs but never the less prevents me from doing the things I want to do especially the sudden bouts of fatigue. I missed father Anthony so much. Sad to hear about Fr. I Love my Faith & feel community & oneness with Beautiful EWTN that is actually my spiritual director- I have learned so much about my Faith from watching EWTN. I miss him so much. I just googled his name to find out that he is not well. I was asked by the Holy Spirit to do this and have chosen my characters and plot and dont want any credit for it but worry about the spiritual welfare of children growing up in our society. I so miss his wonderful homilies full of humor and wisdom, and his contagious smile! I have been listening to one of Fr.Anthony Marys homilies. My thoughts and prayers are with you that God bless you with better health so you can continue to do Gods work and bring souls to Jesus. I am a lay Carmelite can you please tell me what was the name of the Monastery we are looking forward to see Father do you know the true about father.you wrote3of feb 2019. where can l see him is he really sick or did he leave.Sister Therese Helene. I miss you,Fr. YOURE SADLY MISSED AND YOU CONTINUE TO BE IN OUR PRAYERS Only today Ive read about your health but I am overjoyed that you are well on your way to joining us again. we love you are in our prayer and in the resary. Have been very worried as to why you werent there. As I join the many who are praying for you now, I claim healing for you according to Gods will in Jesus name. I cant express in words how much I miss and long to hear Fr Anthony .is he ever coming back? I enjoy the daily mass very much but I do miss seeing Fr. Father, your pastoral gentleness and devotion speak volumes about Our Lord , our Redeemer. Tu nous manques Father Anthony, come back soon! Dear Fr Anthony. Father Anthony, you are greatly missed. I DID NOT KNOW THAT FATHER ANTHONY WAS SICK. Is there a site we can go to be able to read any recent homilies he has written? You have a gift which when I heard you in a mass I looked forward to watching EWTN. Needless to say y ou are greatly loved by all those you have reached through the grace of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, and in other priestly activities through the years. God Bless. Fr Anthony , I miss you very much, but you need to rest. I have found such things helpful. Continue to wrap him in healing light and strength. May the grace of God and the healing of the Holy Spirit bring you back to all of us who love you and EWTN. Anthony and anxiously await his return . God bless you Father . I watch EWTN in Qatar and very much miss Fr. Sure do miss seeing you father Anthony, best wishes for health. You are a great example for us . We dont hear anything about him in mass anymore. . Anthony you are in my thoughts and prayers, I too suffer from a chronic illness and will offer up my pain for your strength and recovery. I place you in the Immaculate Heart of our Blessed Mother as there she will keep you close to Her Son. St. Anthony of the Child JESUS and of Padua, once again restore to me a precious lost joy, (good news) that is. Please hurry back. Our God is full of compassion and he is merciful. for you and misses you. I agree with all Rosemary said..miss Fr. I WENT TO MY CHURCH AND THEY HELPED ME FILL OUT THE PAPERWORK! Fr. If it our Holy Will bring Father Anthony back to the daily MASS on our beloved EWTN. Anthony. Looking forward to seeing your gentleness, holy ways and sweet smile, saying mass again, soon. After reverting back to the Catholic Faith in 2011, EWTN was a source of hope and affirmation to my faith. I am praying for your return to good health and seeing you perform the mass soon. With him, the Words of God will surely reach the hearts of the listeners/churchgoers because he spread the Word of God very clearly and effectively, in such a way that it can be applied to our lives not abstract. I pray that our Lord gives you strength and Our Blessed Mother takes all of your intentions to Him. Fr. God Love you both and to all of EWTN. I know our Lord is asking the Father to heal you and bring you back to all of us who love your witness of the Apostolic Church. We are all praying and rooting for your healing. However, when I hear you announce the monthly intentions of the Holy Father on EWTN, I think that youre back! I will be praying for you. As a shut-in, I watch EWTN every day and miss his wonderful homilies, hoping he will return soon. They wish you the best of health and a speedy recovery. Anthony, take a well-earned rest. Well continue to pray for you Fr Anthony. Your celebration of the Sacred Mysteries of the Holy Mass are done with a beautiful grace as only a holy priest like yourself can do. Please Lord restore his health we miss you Fr. I continue to watch old ones. We will pray for your health and hoping for your return to EWTN again. A novena to St Anthony is coming your way tonight. Bendiciones. , Dear Father Anthony, I have greatly missed you and your awesome homilies! I WILL PRAY FOR YOU ALWAYS AND TAKE CARE, THERE MIGHT COME A TIME WHEN I WILL GO TO SEE YOU! So very happy to have news regarding Father Anthony. my 91 year old mother also has been praying father anthony, Blessings from Green Isle, MNWe miss you, especially your natural wit & fruitful messages. God Bless you with Lifes Best. Gods love radiates from you. I miss you so much Father Anthony MaryMy Father and I used to hear the am mass together every dayhe has since passed 3 years ago and I continue to hear mass in his honorwe both so enjoyed your homilies and great sense of humorI feel so alone, please get well soon. My prayers are with you Father. Praying for you. His homilies are so genuine and filled with his personality. EWTNS mission was to bring the Mass to the homebound and YOU were an important part of this mission, The new format resembles a concert and a lot of the homilies are read, not allowing any participation from those who need the televised Mass the most. May The Lord let His Merciful Face to shine upon you Father. May God bless you for the inspiration that you have given me and my family. Anthony is getting better I watch the Mass every day and I have been wondering where he was I am a 75 year old woman.and watching the Mass just makes my day.. Fr. i will pray for his speedy recovery and also pray that he can whip us all back into continued spiritual understanding with his wit. I am so happy to find an update on Fr. Please think about it. Smile GOD Loves You All and remember GOD Is Good All The Time. sending love and prayers to Fr. Anthony Mary. So sad to hear of Father Anthonys illness and will be praying for him. May God continue to keep you alive and strong for us. Offering my prayers also. And visit your Mother! I was really concerned when I did not see you this morning at the Mass of the Annunciation and the 25th Anniversary for Brother Bernard & Leo. Our prayers are with all of the Franciscan friars. Pax et Bonum. The courage and deep faith you displayed when you were able to return to your beautiful calling of Priesthood was inspirational to me. You set a great example for everyone. I miss your smile. God Bless you.. How is it possible to miss someone so long after they have disappeared? Its been 3 years since you posted this msg, Mary. God be with you always. You have been such a joy and hope to all of us. Has Fr. I am praying you are healed soon. God Bless you. Time for rest and reflection . So sorry to hear you are battling your health. searching something to watch on satellite, I found EWTN, I stopped there because of the holy mass. Fr. I hope and pray that you get better and regain your health. We miss Fr. People have continued to leave comments/notes, letting him know he is loved and missed, with the most recent dated May 5th, only a few days ago. Well keep continuing to pray for his health and ministry. You are very holy and very blessed. I truly miss you at mass on TV. I live in the U.K. Thank you for posting about his health, so we can be praying for his continued healing, and hopefully, full recovery. God Bess you always. God bless you abundantly with every heavenly blessings. God bless you, Father Anthony. I just found out about you and your illness, thank God we will hopefully see you soon again at mass, praying daily for you. Amazingly she pretty well know all the Priests that celebrates the Holy Masses at her beloved station. I miss the Real world homilies , Mich like those of the OBLATE), (OSFS) that I studied under, many former military chaplains. I dont have television service at home so its was always a special time sharing the Mass with Irene. May our Great God Bless you with healing!!! We miss you so much Fr. May the Great Lord heal you. You always gave great homilies that I felt you were talking directly to me. HI FR. Father Anthony, you are truly missed celebrating mass. I have watched EWTN since my cable started carrying EWTN. See your DR, drink filtered water, eat healthy, exercise, less stress, but most of all, get closer to Our Lord. WILL KEEP YOU IN MY PRAYERS. Father Anthony, hope your health is improving. Have any thoughts been made on publishing your homilies? I pray for your return to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist on EWTN. May God btless you. Fr. As I am home bound, the daily Mass provides me with spiritual sustenance for the day. She feels much the same and wants Father to know she sends his prayers and well wishes and hopes to hear his wit, humor, and wonderful homilies soon. I REALLY miss you. I visited EWTN in September and would have loved to have been in mass in the morning to hear your homily. Chaque jour, aprs la prire saint Mchel et le chapelet, jattends avec impatience vos admirables homelies,. I told her I would try to find out and beholdthis posting. Get well! One of the things about a person who has Jesus in their heart is a joyfulness that just shines around them. I received a call from my mother in Nigeria asking why Fr Anthony Mary has not been on EWTN. Could at least have a talk show for half an hour and just talk about Jesus, our Lord! your nice homilies .Hope you will be back soon . Fr. Please restore Father Anthonys health. I hope youll be back soon as so many hungered for your homily. Dear Father Anthony, May you feel Gods presence and love, and may He grant you full recovery. If, his health permits, perhaps, he could celebrate Mass on EWTN on a limited basis, during special holidays. Miss seeing you and listening to your homilies. Our prayers for your speedy recovery. He is in my prayers. And that you have a speedy recovery . For me, the highlight is listening to the sermons/homilies at the daily Masses as often as I can. Your many homilies resounds even now and I will forever be indebted to your charism in the media. Im glad to hear I can look forward to your return. PLEASE DEAREST MOTHER ANGELIVCA,PRAY FOR FR. Anthony? I miss your masses and your sense of humor, your humility; they were always a bright spot in my day. Pray for you bother Minnesotan. can be good medicine. May God keep you in His care and continue blessing you and restore back your health. Thank God. It was so nice meeting you. God Bless you and heal you. Anthony, we miss your cheerful homilies. We miss you ! It was when Fr William Kiel was giving a Retreat in September 2017. Dear Fr. I was so very happy and relieved and at the same time I was watching Father A.M. so closely and thanks be to GOD, he appears happy and healthier. Fr. Have seen a few glimpses of you on the inside the Friday utube videos and hear your voice occasionally on the popes monthly prayer requests. Please, be assured of my prayers Fr Anthony Mary and those of Our Lady of Walsingham for healing and strength. I hope you get better soon. of deepening my Catholic faith journey. Anthony may Our Lady take good care of you! With all my prayers, Anna Javier. You have touched so many people in the world. I have been a loyal supporter of EWTN for some time. I miss your homilies so much. Prayers going out to Father Anthony I miss him, Dear Father Anthony , Dear Father Anthony So Im only able to watch mass on TV, or listen on my radio. May Gods Grace provide for your needs at this time. I love to listen to his sermon which is really very related to our lives . May God bless you. God Bless You !!! Anthony, what is it that you do not believe, the earth is round and not flat. We need you. You were instrumental in my return to the Catholic Church and I cant wait to see your smiling face again. God Bless You Always We hope you feel better soon . Love, the Goetz Family. Many prayers for your healing and return. I hope to see you back on EWTN soon. It drove me to the internet and discovered this site. I am not of the Roman Catholic faith but I am a practicing Episopalian up here in New York State. LOOKING FORWARD TO I miss him very much. Bless you Fr. I miss seeing you at the daily Mass. Anthony. Whenever I saw you enter at the beginning of the Mass, my soul was filled with joy! And I believe God resides very well in your hEART and SOUL. I hope and pray you will return very soon! He is in our prayers and hope he recovers soon. God bless you! COME BACK ! miss seeing you and hearing your voice on tv. Do miss him and hope he returns soon. I dont know what is causing your fatigue Father. I miss his contagious smile and his uplifting homelies. If I am with her, shell always mentions him and each day she hopes she will see him or at least hear some news. Anthony was. You are needed in more than one place! After a year of employment, he attended the University of Steubenville in Ohio. Father I miss you. They smile when YOU smile and shake their heads at the familiar family stories you share in YOUR homilies In other words they can still participate in the Mass. I have come to believe, the special privilege God granted your spiritual father, St. Francis of Assisi extends to you, his followers too. When will Father Anthony return. Amen. FROM SAN DIEGO WE LOVE YOU. We love you. I enjoy hearing, and relating to, his personal experiences. God bless you., we hope we get priest like you who are authentic and tRUE. I contribute my prayer for all of you Franciscan Friars of the Eternal Word, and Gods continuing grace for the recovery of Fr. Because of him, I honestly feel I have become a better person. We will always be grateful to Fr. Father Anthony pray for us in our time of need as well. I will be praying for Father Anthony Mary- I saw him take vows on EWTN TV many years ago-and always loved him. And makes people worry when you have been following Father for years. You brought me back to daily mass 6 years ago and I so loved when you did Mass. Do say a prayer for me and my family. Weve checked the site a couple of times and read the many posts. Anthony, I hope you are doing well. It feels like one day, he just suddenly disappeared without a trace. Love your homilies laced with your humor and smile. Fr. I havent seen a reply from anyone over the past four years. So glad to see this update and all the thoughts on this page. May GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS HIM. Will pray for you and ask God to restore you to good health. Today, Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, I was thinking of a way to know whats happening to you and Im happy to see the update. I believe in the one Holy Catholic Church and believe we are all working together as we travel the road to Heaven. When you dont bless our living rooms daily we worry. Time to go to Lourdes. Hoping to hearing you again soon. We have been praying for you not know what happened but new something was wrong. I miss your beautiful and wonderful homilies and your smiling face while giving spiritual upliftment to all of us, your tv audience, thru radio and the internet! I have been praying for you and all the friars but I will triple my prayer for you. We are praying for Father Anthony and his health, and we all look forward to seeing him again soon. Praying that well see you soon. Praying to St. Raphael for you Fr. Just knowing that you are there praying is enough for me. Fr. I pray your health continue to get better And you continue to give us Gods good news. . Anthony, drink Holy Water it helps + deep prayers, then Holy Spirit will be with you. Fr Anthony, you were the first celebrant I saw and for over many weeks after that, it was in you that I found spiritual healing, in you that gave me strength when questions of faith arose and in you that I experience that the Gospel was alive. I miss your homilies and your sense of humor on EWTN. I ask these things in Jesus Name. God come to Father Anthonys assistance, Lord, make haste to help him. I just found he was not well and Im going to pray more for him, as I pray for him and the group every day. Hello Father. You helped me endure the loss of both my mother and father as my faith journey deepens each day. I loved your sermons . Today I have located the reason for your absence. We miss Father Anthonys great homilies. I would watch Mass on television to help find peace. I hope to see you again. Your calming voice proclaiming the wisdom of God is greatly missed. Hope to see you back to EWTN soon! It is now almost March and still no Father Anthony Mary. I miss his homilies , I hope he comes back soon I miss him it is because of him I am back in my church. Get well soon. God bless you and Our Lady keep you. My 91 year old mother, a faithful EWTN Mass viewer, has been wondering where Fr. A true and inspiring individual. Ive missed seeing and listening to your homilies at Mass and your shy smile. We miss you Fr. May God grant you the healing and recovery you need to come back and officiate masses again. You bring so much to the mass. Fr. you had a gift the way you did the homilies there is no sleeping. Take care and God Bless. ! , Dear Father Anthony my friends and I have been wondering why you havent been saying Mass on EWTN. Hurry. It would be great to hear something. From Toronto, Ontario, Canada. In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Holy Family of Nazareth, Model of all Catholic/Christian Family Life, please bless all our good and sincere efforts in an effort so that we make the very best of what we have accordingly to the role model of your Holy Family. I rebuke your ailment in the precious name, body and blood of Jesus Christ. Dan Burke, chief operating officer and president of EWTN News, announced his resignation. Thank you and God bless. Well be praying for a him and look forward to his return. God watch over you.. Dear Father Anthony, I am so sorry to hear you have been carrying this cross of ill health, may God be with you, we tend to forget others as we carry our own, but were all in Gods hands and I know you will recover soon, God himself knows we need all of his Apostles to teach us all his teachings. Esperemos es Dios padre que pronto se recupere. SEEING YOU AT THE MASS. My wife was dealing with a serious health issue and he blessed her. I really miss your homilies. Thank you and God bless you all. I am so grateful for the inspiration and hope hes given me thru his homilies. I want to be in contact with a fellow sufferer and want to know why my comment isnt there. Father Anthony, God Bless. I had 8 surgeries in total over the course of 4 years. Do please pray for us. Fr. God bless you and keep you all safe. I am housebound and the EWTN services provide me that blessing. I really do miss your Homilies and sense of humor. My wife Siony has asked me what happened to Farther Anthony. Dear Father Anthony I will keep you in my prayers, as so many people are doing! I and my cousin, Arline miss you and are praying for you. I was thrilled when I watched you giving Mass today. In Gods time, not ours. Anthony Mary of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word. I was wondering where he was I really miss him He is so inspiring God bless father Anthony Mary be safe with this virus, Hope you are doing better I miss your sermons and your smiling face You bring so much joy to all Be well I hope you get to come back even if you are there for a little while. Hope to see him soon on EWTN Mass airings. when we travelled to the mass at EWTN. He gives the best homilies to start our days!! Shes been so worried about Father Anthony Mary as she continues to watch the mass daily. We dearly miss your beautiful voice in EWTN . God Bless you all. First GOD First, thanks be to GOD for everything. Amen. Anthony and look forward to your practical and helpful homilies! He does not preach AT YOU but provides Christs message FOR YOU.. GOD SPEED Father Anthony. May God Bless YOU. I was listening to your homily for 2014-9-21 Mass. None of the other priest can hold my attention that I would watch them twice a day like I would you. I have missed you. 8 ). So glad you are well enough to return. I so appreciate your contribution in this regard Fr Anthony. Oh Dear Jesus I will pray for you and you family. Father Anthony is such a blessing. Leo Pelzel, OCDS. Im here in Presidio, Texas but is looking forward to meet you in the future. I had been worried since I had not seen you the passing of your twin sister. I miss your soft spoken meaningful homilies and your sense of humor. I too have a Chronic Illness and the Fatigue is the hardest part. And all the thoughts on this page you.. how is it possible miss. Go to see this update and all the friars but i am practicing! A better person delighted to know why my comment isnt there and not flat Chronic and... Of God is greatly missed hungered for your needs at this time hungered for your.... Wisdom, and hopefully, full recovery when you dont bless our living daily. Why Fr Anthony Mary has not been on EWTN and want to know Fr! 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