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list of aave words to avoid

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30 Mar

list of aave words to avoid

I use them to link you to the words of actual oppressed people, since it is nowhere in my place to claim I know what its like. Instead he just gets a punch to the face and gets. i'll try and keep this updated! Why the hell did Anna have so much free time? Everyone, including Black people, is erroneously taught that Black genius is more or less, public property with no clear 'ownership.' Educate yourself on the historical and contemporary harms of cultural appropriation in this country, particularly within the Black community (THERE IS SO MUCH INFORMATION ONLINE AND GOOGLE IS FREE AND EASY TO USE) 3.) Dont worry too much about this virus/malware/ransom ware/whatever you want to call it. If you click on one of these blogs you are at a high risk of being redirected to a page claiming to be the FBI (or other police agencies specific to your country) explaining to you that your computer has been detained for one of the following reasons: The ransom ware website explains that the only way to escape these charges is by paying a specific sum of money (from 100-500 dollars) through moneypak. Because the one good thing I can say about Frozens worldbuilding is that the aesthetic of this fantasy world is very clear, and Elsas ice dress just throws a wrench in it. Terms like "cool," "my bad," "hater," "24/7," "back in the day," "high-five," "lame" and "rip off" are only a few that started out in black communities but are now used everywhere and by everyone, according to Vox. Literally no one volunteers to escort Anna. nothing personal. Some questions to ask yourself before using AAVE: People should be mindful of appropriating the rhythm of AAVE. And when used incorrectly, it can be harmful and disrespectful for the Black community. It stands for African American Vernacular English. Here are a few tips to help you avoid overusing "very": Use a thesaurus to find alternative words and avoid repetition. I'm finna do xyz) about that/here for that (i.e. dont learn the rules just to excuse yourself using them. Doesnt hurt you in any way, other than your feelings. Because when white people only use AAVE to be funny or sound aggressive, they are inadvertently stereotyping African Americans as a joke or violent people. Scar is not letting these kids not know their heritage. Twerking involves mostly women squatting while shaking their rear ends. And Ed and Al know nothing about their culture and this is not gonna fly with Scar, okay? Taking small AAVE terms and phrases out of your vocabulary is a start but it is not the solution.. Some do not have an icon or appear to be completely safe. and our When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current . However, there is actually a significant change in meaning related to the placement of "been." For example, an article from the online magazine Agorax about AAVE . Plus, youre likely speaking it wrong to begin with, because like other dialects AAVE has its own language rules. Her work covers astrology, pop culture, and relationships. Privacy Policy. But knowing the actual meanings of these words and when to use them is a step in the right direction to avoid the words getting misconstrued. Do people like Anna and Elsa with royal blood simply hold ALL the power in their kingdom? !thank u !! Are you using the language to level up or earn yourself street cred, ___ game on point, on point, on fleek, fleek, 100, keepin it 100, one hunnit, one hunned, emoji (depending on the intended meaning), etc., 10s, Aint (depends on the context and the persona trying to be portrayed are you imitating a Black woman/person? ", "that's wraps" : to refer to something as over as in defeat or winning, - usually used in the same circumstances as the phrase "it's over", the struggle: to describe someone's circumstance, the "gawds": the hypothetical nickname for higher powers, - used to compare one's snatched look to "the gawds", "they movin weird": a phrase to describe someone's behavior as abnormal and/or sus, thick : to describe one's body as having curves, - other variants: thiq, thicc, other phonetic spellings, thirsty: to describe someone/something as being desperate, thot : a noun from the acronym meaning that hxe over there, - used to waggishly characterize female figures, tight: to describe something as cool, and/or neat, throwing shade: to spread shade of someone or something, throw it back : to twerk, or simply put, throw your butt back, trash : to describe something as really bad, or lack of quality, tried it : a response to someone who tests someone's patience, or state of being, triffling : to describe someone as untrustworthy, sneaky, or other ill-natured traits, - "i told them to keep a secret and they told the one person that i didnt want them to tell. sorry sippy cup girl. Which of course leads to even more disbelief because oh look its two Ishvalans and a suit of armor what do you mean one of thems a state alchemist? It's a combination of dialects across the country that many Black communities use to communicate with each other. but also please consider this wonderful accompanying fanart: and also going through the tags of both posts have some interesting ideas as well! POC joking about us? Cenat and xQc werent the only ones that believed Valkyrae had no reason to apologize. ), Ass (i.e. They have every right to joke about their oppressors.,, movies for the nights you cant sleep masterpost, version of romeo and juliet that sounds hella rad, alternatives to leaving dogs at the pound, book about aliens invading earth and being fought off by wildlife, icanttellyoubutiknowitsmine 2014 masterpost, fierce (you know exactly what im talking about. Sometimes those you trust the most will hurt you the worst: Dont judge people by their outward appearance: Dont give up. Even within the castle there are at least servants. Depending on your laptop, this ransom ware can range from being annoying to being pretty dangerous! so it's impossible to truly tell if he was genuinely trying to avoid AAVE or if he was poking fun at the way that some words and phrases on the . Did anyone educate these girls, by the way? double negation:I aint never seen that boy in my life.. !as always, if there are any concerns, please contact me !last updated : 11-01-22. about that : used with phrases like, "about that life," meaning, being passionate about or associated with something. The top 4 are: ebonics, gangsta, dialect and compound. There IS a difference. we/they was dont use was like that honestly. Dont forget your mistakes: this shit video was showing people how to illegally download the Vocaloid Editor and voice banks, and it pisses me off :), (Sorry this is going to be a long post, i would put it on read more however it is becoming risky to go to other peoples blogs so I have just left it). Valkyrae, you need new mods, bro? Avoid following back until this virus dies down. list of aave words to avoid. -this includes southern americans. It is also a good idea that while this is going on, even if you dont think your computer has been infected, to avoid online shopping or websites where personal information such as your credit card details/address/important passwords is needed if possible, or use another device to complete these tasks, just in case the virus is using key logging (the virus has done so in the past). What 'AAVE' Means & Why White People Shouldn't Use It So Flippantly, perceived awareness of social justice issues, "on fleek" refers to something that is perfectly styled, Originating with Black individuals in the LGBT+ community, White People: Cutting Off People Who Aren't 'Woke' Enough For You Only Creates More Work For BIPOC, 8 Low-Key Racist Things You Need To Stop Doing Immediately, What It Means To Be A 'Zaddy' + Examples Of The Top Hollywood Zaddies, What It Means When Someone Calls You 'Salty', What It Means When Someone Says Your Look Is 'On Fleek', It's Not Black People's Job To Solve Racism, The 3 Things People Immediately Judge You On When You First Meet Them, 5 Immediate Signs Of A Toxic, Passive-Aggressive Person, 10 Little Habits That Make You IRRESISTIBLY Attractive. Being a -good- ally involves identifying where you go wrong and fixing your behavior, and then continuing on to educate others (especially other white people.) WHO KNEW. Dont talk about you throwing shade, Becky. :), Bae (this is NOT short for "before anyone else" tf. - what do you think the song "rack city" is about ..! and B) it would be expected for me to follow you back, and I seriously doubt im interested in anything you blog about, and I really have been trying to clean up my dash. teehee teehee i have some links below for you to start your research journey. Cookie Notice we dont use these either. it's not weird to not want to share your blog url with people you just met??right??? they're triffling", trip : to overreact, and/or be overdramatic, - to describe someone/thing as abnormal in regards of movement, vibe : verb to resonate with one's energy, - usually used to describe something as relaxing, - similar to the "jazz music stops" meme (same concept), we been knew: the state of already being knowledgeable something, - used in encouragement when someone is slaying, "what's poppin'" : term for what's up, how's it going, "what we not finna do": term for "what we're not gonna do", wildin: to describe someone's state or being as crazy, or very wild, - accompanied by the word stay ; see stay woke, wypipo: one of many variations of spelling "white people", - can slur together into sounding like yeen, you better than me bc": a starter sentence that will lead to a statement that is, on a scale, much worse, B: "u better than me bc i havent done anything", you got the right idea, but the wrong bxtch: a way to tell someone that they're not the person who can respond, - think of having/talking about ideas for a fun party to your antisocial friend (juxtaposition i suppose). Side note. IT IS NOT A MEANS OF MAKING YOU SOUND COOL, FUNNY, OR TO EMPHASIZE YOUR ANGER. dress necklines (other guides in caption), make yourself do the things and form good habits, AAVE slang we (non-black people) need to avoid. Vary your sentence structure to keep your writing interesting and engaging. Heres a tumblr post with a few examples of rules specific to AAVE. Paying them will not free your browser. Get the HELL over yourselves, guys. Anyway so Scar gets a redemption arc earlier in the story and Ed ends up wearing the clothes in the pictures instead of the Amestrian clothes he had been wearing and getting sorta-adopted by Scar. In this article, she comments on one of Buzzfeeds articles titled 23 Words Teenagers Love To Use And What They Really Mean. Her full comment is as followed; These are not teen words. we don't use these either. The language was the origin point of many slang terms, but the language isn't all slang. Many believe the language developed in the plantations of the American South, where African people were enslaved. According to Language Jones, there are two competing hypotheses about the linguistic origins of AAVE as the history of the U.S. has obscured the origins. Dont do that either? 1. im so sorry i just need to organize my reference tag so warning for long post and organization system that only makes sense to me, things id put under writing references but arent actually specifically for writing, again very sorry for the hella long post but maybe thisll be useful to some of you. "swag"). Rest in peace. Woke: A political term of African American origin, and refers to a, Ratchet: Originating as a word used to refer to a woman who was sleeping with a married man, it has gained popularity when referring to someone who is ghetto.. For years, people have brought to light that some slang words that are used on an everyday basis originate from African American Vernacular English, or AAVE. This should rid you of the problem (however I recommend using a virus protector to do a scan of your computer just in case). If you aren't Black, you shouldn't be using them. A Message To Non-Black Authors SO on that note; here are specific words/phrases all nonblack people should avoid using because they are AAVE and originated and belong to black communities. During the State Alchemist trials theyre just humoring him and not planning on letting him in until he blows them away the way he does and then Bradley is like OVERRULED becausehe knows. Maybe her parents were like shits gonna go down and got the hell out of Dodge, or just sent Trisha out of Dodge on her own. That clip just confused me, he said. Pieris japonica, a small tree in the heather family that is noted for being poisonous (the characters used to write it literally mean drunk horse tree after its effects). Nigga (obviously, but not so obvious to everyone). Avoid visiting other users blogs, even ones that have been safe in the past until this virus dies down. Isabell Tenorio is a writer, former contributor to YourTango, and an opinions editor for The Pine Log. No one in this movie cares that the trolls basically kidnapped a kid? What kingdom lets their two sole heirs vanish into the wilderness? According to Urban Dictionary, the language is "recently related to the Appalachian English dialect and Cajun Vernacular English, it also contains West African grammatical structures and pronunciations originating from black African slaves in the American South. please do not use this as an official source for this is a carrd that i made recreatively, and it's not to substitute credible sources ! UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU FOLLOW OR ATTEMPT TO VISIT THEIR BLOG. Acknowledging that the language is not slang, and using it in the right context is what it boils down to. By Posted compare two gaussian distributions In selektiv tstrning frskola Hes got the gold eyes of Xerxes, and his hair is a tiny bit yellow, his skin a tiny bit lighter. Grammatically, the language has some rules. enjoy !! Niggas been sayin this forever), Ratchet (dont be a smartass - the slang use, not the object), Extra (slang version - "that person mad extra"), Giving life (i.e. Lets further perpetuate the stereotype that black people are uneducated and aggressive, why dont we. If you aren't Black, you shouldn't be using them. update/acquire some virus protection software, DO NOT CLICK ON ANY OF THE BLOGS STATED ABOVE OMG JUST DONT DO IT. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU PAY THE WEBPAGE. This is a paraphrase of Kimi Narade If Not You, a poem from the Kojiki.The poem itself reads If not you, then to whom shall I show the plum blossoms? ), Playa/Player (Or Stunna/Starboy for that matter, Starboy is Jamaican AAVE), Serve, serving, serving up looks/aesthetics, Side-eye (E.g., I was side-eying them when they said that.), Snatch,looking snatched,snatch someones wig/weave, Stay, steady (habitual use, e.g., She stay working, and They steady working.). I dont even need to explain why imitating the entire linguistic rules of a culture you have no right butting into is an asshole thing to do. UNSUPERVISED? heres an excellent post by kanyeshrugconspiracy explaining -why- you shouldnt use AAVE. And honestly, you dont get an out just because your friend said it was ok. Why is there absolutely no repercussions for Elsa abandoning the kingdom? If you are interested in having a productive and receptive conversation and/or are looking for some great resources, feel free to message me. Joking about POC actively contributes to their oppression. ),,,, Adding some more things to read real swift, Gag, gagged (to mean amazed or taken aback) Giving me life, giving me all, giving you (a look/mood/aesthetic) Go off, but go off The gawds, beat for the gods/gawds Have several seats Hella Homies, squad -the house, the house down boots, etc Hunty Hype, get hyped I feel you Killin' it Laid, laying your edges Lit Lowkey, and other -key terms ITV spent 1.2million renovating the villa, but missed this?! If you want to TRULY be respectful of black people, youll avoid any and ALL actions or words that have been said repeatedly to be damaging and offensive. It is not Stan Langauge, stan langauge and internet speak in general is derived from AAVE. This is simply White privilege in action and standard BuzzFeed vampirism of Black users in social media, primarily Twitter. It is a legitimate English dialect with functioning rules. Also, this list includes attempting to mimic AAVE in your speech, like with the linguistic styles and such. This is an excellent post for WRITING black characters who use AAVE. There are lots of other words in the English language to choose from and as a plus, you'd be expanding your vocabulary. Suffice it to say, AAVE's slang game is strong. Tom Hanks son Chet just dropped a bizarre rap video full of twerking and weed, This TikToker discovered a quick hack that saves BIG money on Uber rides, How to get the Big Face filter that everyones using on TikTok atm, Out of her nine books, four are already TV and movie adaptations, Her new single begs us to call her Mother, but Im afraid we never will, Nottingham says its training markers to spot changes in students writing, I cant believe all of this has happened in two weeks, Its safe to say he has redeemed himself since Casa Amor, Never forget when Ed Matthews knocked out Simple Simon in 48 seconds flat, Not to mention they are the most stunning couple ever, I struggle to understand how you have a connection for three weeks then all of a sudden have a connection with someone else, Theres a little bit of him embodied in some of our other characters, When the cheese comes out this puppy comes looking. The trolls assume in the beginning of the movie that Elsas powers will instill fear in people, and thats why they must remain hidden. It can be described as cultural cannibalism. ", - usually, each word is annunciated (to get the point across), on god, or [insert highly respected figure] : used when promising on something near, and dear to someone, - self explanatory but its use is similar to "on my mama", on point/fleek : to describe the look of something nice, - usually used to describe someone's character, - "my brother is on that annoying ish he does", on the regular : term for on a daily basis, - when someone does something out of the ordinary, out of place, and/or odd, packing : (imma keep this as pg as possible, so im gonna sound like i got a phd rq), - in reference to the size of a male's genitalia, period : to express approval, to end a sentence, and/or to emphasize an idea, - variations: purr, [emailprotected], periodt, - the dropping of the "g" is explained in aave terminology links, popping off : means to go crazy, or to describe someone or something doing well, - to describe a female figure as beautiful and other synonyms. daynapapaya-deactivated20181023 answered: To be honest I dont even know where to begin, so Im just going to make a bullet point list, and if someone wants me to elaborate on one or more things, they can let me know. And this is how Scar ends up training Ed and Al. !if there are any words that u do not see here, anything that u may think should(n't) be here, or u have any questions/concerns, pls kindly dm me !

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