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prayer points against evil wind

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prayer points against evil wind

43:1-7; Jer. To him be glory forever and ever. Check, You can also prevent evil winds from blowing in your direction by having a good knowledge of the Word of God and confessing it regularly, To prevent evil winds, you must flee from everything representing unrighteousness 1, To prevent evil wind, you must be at peace with all men, Oh Lord I thank you for your mercies and your faithfulness upon my life and my family, Oh Lord I thank you for your power, your strength and your peace upon my life, thank you for not allowing the enemy have his way in my life and family, be thou exalted in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Oh Lord I ask for your mercy in all ways I have exposed myself and my family members to satanic sponsors of evil winds, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 24. It was a moment of great joy. What are your own storms of life? 4.5 Prayer to keep evil person away. 22. Holy Spirit, brood over me in Jesus great name. All evil and satanic arrows sent or fired at me in dreams from the time I was born, I render you powerless now and I return you back to the sender in Jesus name. 19. A storm big enough to force a man to divorce his wife and make the home suffer. I destroy such attacks by the fire of the Holy. Dear God, I ask that blot out anything in me that attracts the wrong people into my life. I confess all my sins to you today in accordance with 1 John 1:9; father, cleanse me from all unrighteousness, and purify me now in Jesus name. Every evil cage that has refused to let me go, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In the name of Jesus, I bind and break all evil affecting the sense of sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing; all evil against the emotions; and all evil against the seven points of body used by witchcraftthe base of the spine, spleen, navel, heart, throat, between the eyes, and top of the head. Prayer Points are from the works of Dr Olukoya Deliverance Prayers Against Evil Patterns Please visit the Fire Power Ministries Deliverance Bookstore. Every evil wind sponsored against my destiny helpers makes them unable to help me, I command such evil wind to cease now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. In the presence of those who are waiting to mock me, O God my Father, demonstrate your power that they may know that you are my God, in the name of Jesus Christ. 19. Today we are going to be engaging on prayer against evil pronouncement. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, I beseech you for compassion in all the ways I have exposed myself and my family members to satanic sponsors of bad winds. 30 Strong Prayer Points Against Evil Winds Have you had nightmares of being caught in a violent storm? 23. Every plantation of darkness in my life, be uprooted by fire. Every anti-success mark placed on my destiny by stubborn strongman, blood of Jesus, wipe them off, in the name of Jesus. My destiny, receive total freedom from problem expanders, in the name of Jesus. Make me pure and restore the right spirit within me. You environmental contrary wind against the work of my hand and home, scatter by fire in Jesus name. 5. Dear God, I also ask that you help to start appreciating the things you have blessed me with. 3. I reject every stagnation and I press forward toward progress and endless possibilities in my life. 1. Prayers for deliverance from evil for you to combat the powers, release of your fire on all enemies assigned to pull me backward. O Lord, empower me to have faith in you during my challenging season, in Jesus name. He will drive out your enemies before you, saying destroy them. We should stop glorifying the devil. It brings a helpless situation, It shattered the hope of a man to pieces. PRAYER POINTS 1. I thanked God for all answered prayers, and in Jesus name, all is right with my spirit. Every evil attack on my children, for the scripture, says my children are for signs and wonders. 8. 70 Prayer Point Against Evil Report (2021 Guide) I. receive the goodness of the Lord, in the land of the living, in the name of Jesus. Holy Ghost, coordinate my life for effective and efficient performance, in the name of Jesus. Do not let my heart be drawn toward evil. Anyone who holds on to my entitlement will be struck by Gods pestilence in Jesus name. In the Bible, Noah found favor before God, but he later planted a vineyard that produced wine and he got drunk and fell out with God. Prayers and scriptures were used to combat the adversary when Jesus was on earth, even when he met face to face with the devil in the desert and every other time the demon sought to entice him. We urge you to bookmark this site for more updates. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Every ill wind directed against my destiny helpers renders them unable to assist me; I demand such terrible wind to halt immediately, in the great name of Jesus Christ. Lagos State Nigeria CALL/SMS/WHATSAPP: +2348062686255 OFFICE (CALL/SMS): +2347025714791 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: prayingeagle@yahoo. James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Father please anoint my mouth that as I pray this day, evil winds shall cease in my life and family, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Or have you just discovered that your work or business is no longer providing you with the same level of profit and peace of mind that it once did? Contents on this website may not be copied, republished, redistributed either in whole or in part without due permission or acknowledgement. 31. John 8:47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. 6. Lord God our Heavenly Father above. 12. I withdrawn my life affairs from the bondage of storms in Jesus name. Failure, backwardness, demotion, your time is up, leave my life alone, in Jesus name. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I demand any evil altar financing bad winds against my business and career to be destroyed by the wind you have sponsored against me. The scripture says, declare a thing, and it shall be established. Any Contrary wind opposing increase and progress in my life, fade away by fire in Jesus name. 16. Always recognize Jesus as the storm destroyer and let your faith be strong Mark 4:41. Fill the following form: You have entered an incorrect email address! Oh Lord, in Jesus name, I beseech you to break every grasp and yoke of evil oppression and manipulation over my life. I paralyze every agent of shame and disgrace in any area of my life, in Jesus name. (Pray for Evangelist Joshua Orekhie, team and partners). Dear Heavenly Father, I plead the blood of Jesus upon my body, spirit, and soul. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for hearing my prayers. Powerful God, I thank you for being my mighty deliverer. To achieve power over the adversary and demons, one must surrender all emotions to the Holy Spirit so that he may guide you on the proper prayers to pray in response to such oppression. The Following Scriptures Gives You Assurance Of Your Victory: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Lord, you know how I often find it difficult to say no to the biding of the flesh; my strength fails me all the time even when I do not want to succumb. 15. You the glory of my legs in captivity, receive deliverance by the Blood of Jesus You the glory of my hands in the camp of darkness, receive deliverance of fire, by the blood of Jesus. Deliverance from any form of possession or attack is possible through fervent prayers. Destroy every ancestral spirit sent to stand in the way of my progress. 26. Prayer Request. Satanic bullets lodging in my body, what are you waiting for: backfire in the name of Jesus. 16. Every Contrary wind, sponsored by household witchcraft against my welfare, evaporate by fire in Jesus name 3 John 1:11 Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. 107:23-30; Deut 9:1-6; Gen. 39:45 (story of Joseph); Psa. Dust of the Earth reject all incense, candles and arrow fashioned against me in Jesus name. Drinking was his storm. 2. Thank God for His divine ability over contrary wind of life Prayer to Seal Your Victory Over the Enemies. The power in Jesus name has made us more than conquerors, as it is written that greater is HE that dwells in us than he(devil) that lives in the world (1 John 4:4-6). 2 Thessalonians 3:3; But the Lord is true, who will establish you and safeguard you from evil; Father, according to your word, I demand your supernatural protection from demonic machinations in Jesus name. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. 11. Spiritually, a storm represent a season of obstacles, difficulties, setbacks, poverty, struggle, a trial moment etc. This satanic verdict if not overturned, can lead to a total destruction of life and destiny. I fire back every arrow of contrary wind fired at me in Jesus name. Please help me and save me from the spirit of immorality. Jeremiah 15:21 I will save you from the hands of the wicked and deliver you from the grasp of the cruel. Every household witchcraft monitoring the success of my life, angels of the living God, smite them, in the name of Jesus. The bible instructs us to pray without stopping (1 Peter 5:16), so that we will not be victims of circumstances. The devil is always angry when he see the success or rising of the children of God, that is why he sent so many evil attacks our way, but thank God for christ who as given you and me the power to come out victorious, he says in the book of 2 corinthians 10: 4 that the weapons of our warfare is not carnal but mighty through God who pull down the strong hold meaning only God can give us victory over evil attacks. Every marine agent on assignment to harvest my glory from the land, die, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, as Abraham received favour from you, I also receive Your favour so that I can excel, in the name of Jesus. Woe unto the evil vessel that the enemy is using to do me harm, in Jesus name. O God, distribute sorrow to all covens assigned to me, in Jesus name. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Evil wind of darkness, I am not your candidate, release me by fire, in Jesus name Blood of Jesus destroy every witchcraft food in my blood in Jesus name. Make sure you deal with your foundation aggressively by going for deliverance. I ask that you uproot every implantation of darkness from my life. List Of 30 Strong Prayer Points Against Evil Winds: 1. Every witchcraft rage against my next level, cease in Jesus name. I break the ungodly tie I have with her (or him) be in the name of Jesus. 3. My angels of blessings, arise now and bring new supplies from heaven unto me in Jesus name. Any witchcraft meeting assigned against me in the water, scatter, in the name of Jesus. Thank you Lord for attacking my attackers and destroying destroyers in Jesus name. The third eye of witchcraft, observing my life, receive blindness, in the name of Jesus. Also, evil wind can be sent against a person through incantation, enchantment, and divination or spell from satanic personalities, however, we have a greater power that supersedes all powers of the earth: this is the power in the name of Jesus Christ. In the majestic name of Jesus, let the anointing of shame and disgrace dry up over me. 24. As you also call upon the name of Jesus Christ in these 30 Prayer Points Against Evil Wind, we decree that the overwhelming peace of God shall come into your life, business, career, family etc, and chase out every evil wind, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I thwart every plot of the adversary about my career and destiny. Contents within this website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual problems and registered with government. Father, expose every secret, responsible for delay of prosperity, in the name of Jesus. They includes: marital storm, financial storm, ministry storm, health storm, business storm, academic storm, etc. 21. However, ones preparedness to calm the storm places you in high advantage to overcome it. I refuse to be carried away by the storm of life, in the name of Jesus. Any Contrary wind scattering my goodness while I am gathering, loose your potency in Jesus name. O God my Father, in the presence of those who are waiting to see what you can do for me, demonstrate your power that they may know that you can do all things, in the name of Jesus Christ. These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. Any ancestral bondage presently operating in the lives of my family, break by fire, in the name of Jesus. When Jesus gave order to go to the other side Matthew 8:18, He knew the storm was coming John 2:25. The fight was won for the Israelites when David utilized the sword of the spirit against Goliaths demonic onslaught. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, I gain sufficient faith to put a stop to every storm raging in my life. 4. One prayer against all evil!! Holy Ghost fire, in Jesus name, sever every demonic occultic force in my life and generation. Every demonic animal that has been sent to inflict me with sufferings catch fire right now in the name of Jesus. THE WIND: The wind is one of the agents or forces of the supernatural. Power of God. Every attack on my success, every effort of the enemy to frustrate me at the point of success, every attack to distract me at the point of breakthrough. Holy Ghost fire dethrone all principalities and powers that have enthroned themselves over my life to enslave me. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. Today, I ask that you separate me from evil associations and deliver me from everything thats not from you. Prayer points against evil wind tags: prayer points on wind of change, prayer points against household enemies, mountain of fire prayer points for deliverance, 4 winds prayer, prayer points for deliverance from captivity, prayer points against collective captivity, prayer points against hindering spirits, prayer point against evil gathering, deliverance prayer points, prayer points against ancestral spirits, prayers against enemies of destiny, prayer points against ancestral powers mfm. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. Everything done against me to spoil my joy this year, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus. 14. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Powerful God, I thank you for your mighty hand thats upon my life. No right is given without my recognition. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I demand you to be destroyed immediately, every force of darkness that has been contracted to blow ill wind in my way this season. Every embargo upon my increase, be lifted by fire in Jesus name. 23. To prevent evil wind, you have to accept Christ as your personal Lord and savior, You can prevent evil winds from blowing in your direction by redeeming each day from evil through fervent prayers. I receive power to pursue the enemy that pursued my parents in the name of Jesus. I cover my prayers in the blood of Jesus Christ. 25. 36. Lord God, you granted us the gift of life and sent your son Jesus Christ to watch over us. 40:11 Without not thou thy tender mercies from me, O Lord; let thy loving kindness and truth continually preserve me. In the midst of every storms there are moments of calm and peace. All contents are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1996 (DMCA). Protection from the Evil One Prayer. Psalm 23:3-4 He refreshes my soul. Everything within me that causes me to err, allowing demonic domination to flourish, the Blood of Jesus consumes. Thank you, Lord, because I know you have a plan and purpose for my life. I command the storm in my ministry, be calm and give way for my supernatural breakthrough, in Jesus name. Any power thinking evil concerning me, die, in the name of Jesus.

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